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Does anyone have any ideas on how to politely defend yourself against people trying to convert you?

I am one who is fine with what anyone wants to believe but do not think its cool when their beliefs get in my way. i.e. laws being made based on a certain religion, people trying to pass me flyers, people telling me I'm going to hell for sure no matter what I belief because their belief is definitely right.

How do you respond to people like that? They make me SO angry and frustrated, and I know I am started to judge them as a group, mainly Christians because so many of them are like this.

I feel like I'm being attacked spiritual from all sides. What can I do?

2007-01-16 14:15:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sorry for my less than correct grammer, there is no spell check on questions for some reason.

2007-01-16 14:17:03 · update #1

22 answers

"Does anyone have any ideas on how to politely defend yourself against people trying to convert you? "

Politely say "Thanks, but I'm [insert your reigion here]".

"I am one who is fine with what anyone wants to believe but do not think its cool when their beliefs get in my way. i.e. laws being made based on a certain religion.."

What laws exactly cramp your lifestyle? The fact murder is illegal? Theft? Believe me as someone who has traveled outside the USA, you have tons and tons of freedom here.

"people trying to pass me flyers, "

Just say, "No Thanks." It isn't hard.

"...people telling me I'm going to hell for sure no matter what I belief because their belief is definitely right. "

Then you're going to have to be sure you're right (because ALL religions think they're right and believe in some kind of spiritual retribution for not joining), If you think you're right then it won't bother you. Remember: This is the USA, no one can force you to join any religion!

"...mainly Christians because so many of them are like this. "

Not all of them. You pass by Christians everyday and you don't know it. It's just the more "frisky" ones get your attention, and so it seems like they all must be like that.

These sites might change what you think about Christians.



2007-01-16 14:27:47 · answer #1 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 1 1

Good question. Like you said, it's hard not to get angry and defensive with pushy religious types. I think the first part of a solution involves learning to be comfortable, grounded, and confident with what you believe. Even if you really don't have all the answers to religious questions, you can learn that this in itself is an acceptable postion. There is much about reality that nobody knows for sure, despite what some people preach.

Second, you have to learn how to stand your ground without necessarily having to engage or be on the attack. A mistake I often made in the past was to try and win religious arguments. You can't "win" against a true believer, no matter what the religion. They will always find another answer to justify the faith they have in what they believe. So, adjust your strategy. Instead of going for the win, be content with stating your beliefs and maintaining your ground. Always remember that you don't have to justify your beliefs to anyone. They can disagree all they want, but it is only their opinion, and why should someone elses opinion necessarily be superior to yours?

You have to practice remaining calm, not letting other people's opinions get to you, and honing your reasoning skills. People get emotional when they argue about religion. If you can keep your cool, and answer people with better, well thought out arguments, you'll have the advantage.

Study up on religions of the world and religious history. Religious people too often just accept what they believe without knowing much about it, where it came from, or what other people in the world believe. Studying the varieties of religious experience out there and throughout time will give you more perspective and more confidence when talking to someone with narrow beliefs and great ignorance.

Some of these things have worked for me. (Of course, sometimes I still like jumping into the frey on the attack, but while that can be fun, a lot of times it's useless.) Disarming your opponent through calm, spiritual self-defense sometimes is able to make hard-core fundamentalists stop and rethink their position and attitude.

2007-01-16 22:41:51 · answer #2 · answered by Underground Man 6 · 1 0

Why don't you just tell them NO THANK YOU.....or......NO THANK YOU, I AM PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH MY SPIRITUALITY. If they want to discuss it any further....just say..."No, I won't discuss this with you". Period....and then DON'T!

.....Do you mind if I ask you exactly which laws have been passed for a certain religion...and exactly which beliefs "get in your way"?
I don't know of any so you have me interested.

And if you don't want their flyers.....just shake your head "no"....or say..."no thanks" and keep walking.

You say that you're starting to judge ALL Christians by the few that you've encountered? Well that certainly doesn't make you sound too bright. Actually, it sounds like you just wanted a forum to bash Christians on.

Personally I think you're lucky that all you seem to enounter are Christians. In some Islamic countries...if you wrote what you did about Islam and Muslims....your head would be on a chopping block.

You're not being "attacked spiritual from all sides"..... Just say "No thank you", and walk away.


2007-01-16 22:33:02 · answer #3 · answered by Joey Bagadonuts 6 · 1 0

I don't know if there is a polite way. When I was an Atheist these people turned me off and made me very angry too. Now that I am a Christian (not a fundamentalist!) they still p!ss me off. No group does more to turn people away from Christ that some of his so called followers. Treat them as you would any pushy salesman. Either tell them "thanks I already have one", or "NOT INTERESTED" and walk away. Don't make eye contact. Pretend not to hear them. If you want to be really nasty say "I will pray for you" and walk away. Do not under any circumstances get into a discussion with them. In order to have an intelligent discussion both people have to be "intelligent", so do not waste your time and energy. I know this is a bit harsh, but it is true.

2007-01-16 22:45:39 · answer #4 · answered by tonks_op 7 · 0 0

Its ok to feel that you're being attacked. You could probably reply with a 'no thanks', or a 'I'm happy the way I am, thank you'

But please don't let this disturb you! The best way to respond to these people is to ignore them. Whether positive or negative, any reaction is still a reaction and you're giving them your attention.

And then, you never know, maybe there are some who want to forcibly convert you, and there may be others who genuinely feel that this is the only way to bliss and want to convert you 'for your good' (so they think ;-) )

Don't get irritated, just look at everyone with love - that is the greatest religion of all

2007-01-16 22:46:51 · answer #5 · answered by Reiki 3 · 0 0

Any true born again Christian like myself knows that they cannot convert anyone. They merely do what is required of them as a Christian according to God's word, that we spread the gospel. It also says in the bible that, if a person doesn't want to hear it or they refuse to listen, then we're to brush the dust off and walk away, meaning that we say no more and move on. Any Christian knows that they can't convert anyone. It is a big misconception by those who don't understand Christianity, not having an understanding of what we're required to do by God. Every born again Christian like myself knows that only God can do the converting - not the Chrisitan giving witness of God's word. Christians merely try to bring others closer to Christ through giving witness to others of God's word - that's all - we know full well that we can't convert - only God can. You, among many others, are under a misconception and take it the wrong way. If I were to approach you and start up a conversation with you and we wound up talking about religion, but you tell me you don't want to listen or don't want to discuss the bible, I would just say to you 'ok' and leave it at that - nothing more said. Some may take it too far as to try to cram it down your throat, but that's wrong - can't force the bible on anyone if they don't want to listen. I hope this clears things up for you.

2007-01-16 22:25:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You have several options. You sound like you do not subscribe to the "mind virus" of religion and are a free thinker. You can of course say that you, as an american, have a right to believe whatever you want to believe. If they start laying some mumbo-jumbo say that they have no more proof that god exists than you have that god doesn't exist.

It is scary because this country is slowly turning into a theocracy. Forcing religious views in government goes against the whole seperation of church and state. Something I think the founding fathers were very keen on. I don't know what you personal beliefs are, but if you are like me, use science and logic as a weapon to religion. It's impossible to argue with logic and reason with an ancient book wrtten by humans.

2007-01-16 22:34:19 · answer #7 · answered by skunkgrease 5 · 0 2

I would get together a case to prove your religion. I have done that with Christianity and as i study it helps me to defend myself. If someone says, " Hey you there, your going to hell because you don't go to mass". Just reply, " I won't and here's why; or, "Your confident in your belief eh? Well how about this". You could even learn more about other beliefs to stop them at their own game. "Your a Muslim right? Well what does the Muslim religion say about this?

2007-01-16 22:20:59 · answer #8 · answered by Droppinshock 3 · 1 0

There really isn't a polite way to do it most of the time. If they're right in your face, that's not very polite either. I give it right back, even if it is a little rude.

But...if I'm trying to be nice, usually I say, I'm Spiritual...and that I don't connect myself with any one religion because religion is man telling other men how to believe...look at all the GROUPS of Christians! They're all 'Christians' none of them agree!

I also say...that in the name of EVERY religion, terrible things have been done...by terrible people. I can't trust you...or the other guy down the street to be the one truth, because you could just be another one of those people that are trying to do something 'In the name of your faith' but are really just doing it because you can and you have the power to! I don't know! And there is NO way you can prove it to me. None...because they all proved it to their followers...and then look what happened!

You could also just walk away and ignore them, or pretend you're deaf and don't understand them.

2007-01-16 22:38:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am a Christian and do understand where you are coming from,I do not believe in religion and that is what I tell them religion is carnel(man-made) and God is spirit two different things ask them to show you where it says in the bible where Jesus had a specific religion I am a staunch christian that loves God with all my heart but religion can and does in some cases cause barriers between people and I know Jesus did not want that

2007-01-18 18:57:35 · answer #10 · answered by loveChrist 6 · 0 0

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