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That question can be answered by the day she observes. Does she observe the seventh-day Sabbath, which is the memorial of creation? Of course not. At the council of Laodicea in the mid-360s she actually outlawed obedience to the Fourth Commandment, and executed Sabbatarians during the Dark Ages! She declares her authority apart from Scripture to switch the day of rest and worship, to the first day of the week. That is just like human nature because God said to work six days and then rest; man wants to take his rest day first and then work!


2007-01-16 14:14:13 · 19 answers · asked by mornings_sunshine 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

YOU CAN'T SAY THEY DIDN'T, unless you did your research. The truth hurts.

2007-01-16 14:20:20 · update #1


The above website is reputable. Its an Encyclopeida. Read down to # 13.

2007-01-16 14:28:21 · update #2

To the person who said Jesus made the Sabbath into Suday. No where is that in the bible!!!!

Read your bible's people. The Catholic Church and other churches, use the reason for Changing the Sabbath day into the Sunday because Jesus Rose on Sunday. Doing so not honor Jesus. He promoted keeping God's Commandments, not changing or ending it.

2007-01-16 14:32:27 · update #3

I am amazed at the things I read from People. Quote scriptures from your bible. People who are new to the Bible don't believe Everything you read. Have them prove it.

I have read, Statements saying God didn't say rest on Saturday. Read Exodus 20:8-11, it says rest on the 7th Day. There are 7 days in a week. There is a First day of the week and a 7th Day. That is the last Day, Saturday.

2007-01-16 14:39:56 · update #4

19 answers

I agree. The 7th day (Saturday) WAS, IS, and always WILL BE the Sabbath, and God expects His' followers to keep it Holy.

No one quotes scripture supporting Sunday observance because there is no scipture supporting the observance of Sunday. It comes from paganism.

The Bible shows God's people observing the Sabbath over and over again. From Genesis all the way to Revelation.

The Bible says that God created the Sabbath PERFECT in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:1-3).
It saws that the nation of Israel kept the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11).
Jesus kept the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9,10, Mark 1:21, Mark 6:2, Luke 4:16, Luke 4:31, Luke 13:10)
Jesus expected His followers to keep the Sabbath after he went to Heaven (Matthew 24:20)
The Apostles kept the Sabbath. (Acts 13:14, Acts 13:42, Acts 13:44, Acts 16:13, Acts 17:2, Acts 18:4).
God says that we are going to keep the Sabbath in Heaven(Isaiah 66:22).

Yet not once does it ever say anything about keeping Sunday Holy.

Why should people keep the Sabbath
Revelation 14 says that 3 messages go out to the world right before the end comes. The first message says worship the creator and then it quotes the 4th commandment.

God is calling his people to return to the commandments and worship Him as He has described. He wants His people to leave man made traditions and come back to His word.

for the truth about the Sabbath check out this video

more topics here

2007-01-17 10:43:33 · answer #1 · answered by Conundrum 4 · 1 0

+ Creation and Evolution +

The Catholic Church does not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. Catholics believe the book of Genesis tells religious truth and not necessarily historical fact.

The religious truth is that God created everything and declared all was good.

The Church supports science in the discovery of God's creation. At this time, the theory of evolution is the most logical scientific explanation. However tomorrow someone may come up with a better idea.

As long as we believe that God started the whole thing, both the Bible and modern science can live in harmony.

+ Church on Sundays +

The Catholic Church follows the teaching and practice of the Apostles. In the 20th chapter of the Act of the Apostles, the church in Troas gathered on the first day of the week, Sunday.

Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses. Therefore Christians are not held to the ceremonial parts of the Mosaic Law concerning of dietary purity and temple worship.

Christians are held to the moral law of God, some of which is expressed in the Ten Commandments.

The first Christians were Jews. They went to temple or synagogue on the Sabbath (Saturday) with fellow Jews.

Then they gathered on the first day of the week, the day on which Jesus rose from the dead (Sunday), with fellow Christians to tell stories of Jesus and share Eucharist. See Acts 20:7.

Later Gentiles joined Christianity. The Apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, decided that the Gentiles did not have to covert to Judaism. Therefore, they only attended on Sundays and did not have to abide by Jewish dietary laws.

This has been the practice ever since.

+ With love in Christ.

2007-01-16 17:07:15 · answer #2 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 1 1

The Catholic Church did not endorse evolution officially. JPII stated his opinion that evolution and creationism could be complimentary to each other. The most important part of both theories is that God is the First Action of all creation.

Jesus delegated All powers to His Apostles Mt 28:18-20.
Jesus delegated the power to forgive sins Jn 20:23
The Catholic Church authority is directly succeeded from Jesus Christ to the Apostles, the Bishops of Roman Catholicism. Historical Fact.

Sunday is the Sabbath because Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning. This is the fulfillment of creation, Jesus conquered death forever. It is why Sunday is the Sabbath under the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ.

4th commandment is still in place, Catholic Church can not outlaw things that Jesus established. Never happened, would never happen.

Catholic Church established Sacred Scriptures. Your bible is the product of the Catholic Church. Did Jesus teach through the written word or through His actions? Where in your bible did Jesus write anything down.

Many HATE what they perceive about Roman Catholicism, not the Truth of Roman Catholicism.

Investigate your Fear.

2007-01-16 14:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by Lives7 6 · 1 1

I taught Creationism and Evolution in my science classes - there are many ideas going around. Some people believe that there was a first earth age - that is before the Garden --- we know that we can't deny that there was prehistoric man and animals. The problem is that science facts must be repeatable but we can't do this. The fact is that both these are theories - one is based on The Bible and the other is based on findings. I believe that God does reveal things to us and the more He reveals, the more we "discover." The controversy goes on regardless of what the Catholic Church says. I am also Catholic.

2016-03-29 00:58:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A lovely sermon that falls flat on its face.

It's not a question, so I'll probably report it. Sermons aren't allowed here.

As to what you say, the church doesn't officially endorse evolution. It simply states that the church has no opinion on matters of pure science, and that only science can answer them The church speaks on matters of spirituality and morals. It doesn't define science. That has nothing to do with the sabbath.

The church neither outlawed the fourth commandment. It recognized that Christ was probably right when he did work on the sabbath, and rose from the dead on the sabbath.

Christ taught that legalism was wrong and that spirituality and love were right. Those who place the law above the lord are missing the essence of Christianity.

If you wish to trust in the commandments over Christ, go ahead. It doesn't matter to me because I'm not a Christian. I just like to see people talking about the Catholic church when they know less than nothing about it.

2007-01-16 14:21:49 · answer #5 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 3 2

Oh, Lordy.

Sunday is the day of Resurrection. Christians celebrate that. They don't observe the Jewish Sabbath anymore. Jesus fulfilled the commandments for Sabbath rest by resting in the tomb, just as he fulfilled all the rest of the Law.

But go ahead and go to church any day you want. Just stop being a strident little cultist about it.

2007-01-16 14:29:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The "day of rest" is Saturday....the "day of the Lord" is Sunday. God "said to work six days and then rest"....where did he say that it MUST be a Saturday? What if we worked Wednesday through Monday and then rested on Tuesday?

It couldn't be all that bad as you think....after all, ALL of Protestantism agreed with the decision of the Catholic Church.... even the anti-Catholics in my family adhere to Sunday!

To answer your original question before you got off track....of course there's evolution! YOU evolved as you developed and grew in the womb, didn't you? Isn't your generation taller than your ancestors of 3 generations ago? Don't you live longer? Is your generation more intelligent than your ancestors of 3-4 generations ago? Doe this generation have a higher capacity for learning? THAT'S evolution!!!!!

2007-01-16 14:26:04 · answer #7 · answered by The Carmelite 6 · 2 1

Well they have learned from past experience not to oppose science too much. They kinda looked silly on that whole flat-Earth thing.

And I read that position about a week ago. It wasn't really an endorsement, but it certainly wasn't a denial either. They basically said that they weren't opposed to that position and that they would wait to make up their minds.

2007-01-16 14:30:33 · answer #8 · answered by Alex 6 · 0 0

Actually your logic doesn't answer the Question... It answers a Sabbath Question... So to answer the one you originaly asked...
Because Science (which is regaurded very highly among every nation) is based on empirical and statistical fact... And as such it supports the bibles account of Creation to a T. read this and see. http://www.geocities.com/patrickmaloney26/How.html
There is room for both and Catholicism knows that... creo-evolutionism is here to stay.

2007-01-16 14:22:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Catholic Church accepts evolution because it is still connected to reality.

2007-01-16 15:45:27 · answer #10 · answered by novangelis 7 · 0 0

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