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My parents are trying to put my dog to sleep because he bit one person. They can't renew their homeowners insurance because of the dog. Now im 21 and live in another city but same state, and i want the dog. i don't know why my parents dont want me to take the dog, im old enough, i have a dog of my own and they both get along great. I think my parents just want the dog dead because of his size. My mom has always talked about "Oh in 10 more years that dog will be dead" Im thinking about just taking the dog in the middle of the night. I have a key to the house, so its not like im breaking/entering. I really think they wont be doing this if he was the size of a freaking chichuahua. My dog is a black lab/great dane mix and he is 5 years old I dont know what to do. My parents just called me and suggested that i come home and see him one last time! IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME! Please help, i really dont want to put him to sleep

2007-01-16 13:59:17 · 32 answers · asked by piggylover_850 4 in Pets Dogs

I want to thank everyone that supported my decision for taking my dog from my parents.... and everyone that told me to just put the dog down, you can kiss my a**!!

2007-01-16 18:37:42 · update #1

32 answers


2007-01-16 14:02:04 · answer #1 · answered by Matt W 2 · 6 1

You made me cry, (seriously) I dread the day I lose my boy. Has your dog been back to the vet for the dizziness? It could be a symptom of the ear infection -the antibiotics might not have been strong enough or long enough course. There are anti-inflammatories that could help with pains in his legs if you haven't looked at those. If he's in a lot of pain, and can't get around himself, then it would be kinder to put him to sleep. It's hard. All you can do is keep his toys or his collar to remember him, look out all the photos of him as a puppy and enjoying holidays, in a few months when you've healed a little you can look at the photos, make up a collage or something for your room. Be nice to yourself after he's been to the vet. I understand you not wanting to be there - my partner had to get his sister's cat put to sleep last year. I hated that cat! It bit, it scratched, it peed all over the house.... but I still cried in the car outside the vets! Canine friend is right - take him to the vet, discuss it when him/her and make sure there isn't anything else you could do for him to make him comfy, use the info you get and have faith in your decision. Don't doubt yourself later, you're doing what you truly believe will cause your old friend less pain and be best for him in the long run. If the wee soul can't enjoy his food, his walks, playing with you then what kind of life does he have? Good luck - don't ever think you've done the wrong thing. You're acting out of love, and you don't want to cause him any more pain. Make his last day a good one - give him his favourite dinner, let him sleep on your bed and sit beside you on the couch and remember how many good time and years of love he gave you.

2016-05-23 22:44:37 · answer #2 · answered by Karen 4 · 0 0

Jack the dog. I sincerely don't beleive that any dog bites without reason, weather or not anyone sees that reason. He can be rehabilitated if need be, and it may not be needed.

I heard today about a pit that killed a ten year old girl that was helping it untangle itself. Most people's first thought is "She was trying to help him, that's horrible." My first thought is, "He was scared and confused, and considering that all the pit owners I know around here, was prolly wearing either a choke chain or a prong collar, so he was probably in pain and then saw the child as a threat."

Dogs are like three year olds, and haven't you ever been smacked by a three year old who was ticked and just didn't want to be touched? Yeah, let's put them all down because they're sure to not only do it again, but grow up to be serial killers.

Get your dog and run with him. There's nothing that can make temporary pain of one idividual worth more than cutting off half of a dog's life.

2007-01-16 14:12:41 · answer #3 · answered by mandy 3 · 2 0

"My parents are trying to put my dog to sleep because he bit one person"...

Okay, yes he may have only bit ONE person but if it was an unprovoked bite then that can lead to more serious incidences. I am the biggest animal lover around but I strongly believe that if the dog isn't "people friendly" then it either needs to be put down for safety reason or taken somewhere where it will not have the ability to bite people like as a farm dog or something. I mean, I don't know what led up to him biting someone but I can tell you for damn sure that if I was bit or my child was bit by a dog unprovoked then I would want it put down and if I had a dog that bit someone unprovoked then I would most defiantly have her put down. But...like I said...I don't know the situation....I mean sure if the dogs was in your yard and a stranger came in thats a different story but even then you should have signs warning trespassers.

2007-01-16 14:13:34 · answer #4 · answered by bjd72003 3 · 1 1

I have learned that when dogs bite it is for a reason. Great Danes are known to be cross at times because I have been bitten by them when working for a vet. Most Ins Co. wont cover certain types of dogs. You should think about this before you take on a liable situation . You don't mention the age of the dog. Believe me , you don't want a dog that bites off command.

2007-01-16 14:07:31 · answer #5 · answered by ₦âħí»€G 6 · 1 2

Rescue the dog. You can post ads on th Internet advertising a great, free dog with shots, ect. If your dog really did bite someone, you should investigate why--was he defending himself? Did he attack a child? Did he protect his home against a stranger that he thought was intruding? Also, tell your parents to first look into giving the dog away, death shouldn't be the first option--it's not like the dog is a fighting dog, trained to kill.

2007-01-16 14:04:44 · answer #6 · answered by tharr23 2 · 2 0

So what's stopping you from getting the dog and high tailing it out of there.

That's what I would do and nobody could stop me.

And don't listen to Jakob, he's a liar and a cajun coon.

BTW if death is the only alternative for making a mistake then none of us would be left, yet the pooch is an animal and someone wants to snuff him for being an animal. Get the Dog outta there.

2007-01-16 14:02:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

that's a hard one.. if they want him dead cause he bit someone and they can;t get there home insureance'then they shouldn;t mind if he goes somewhere else;;;there probably worried if you take him ;and he bites again...if you take the dog out of the house;then you'll have problems with the parents...do you know why and when the bite happened,,,it;s hard to keep 2 dogs ;but only you know how special the pet is to you..do you know someone with a big yard and lots of love that would adopt him....my heart goes out to you and i;m praying that you'll find a solution as dogs will be dogs ,,,good-luck and god bless you and bless your big dog too.....

2007-01-16 14:09:33 · answer #8 · answered by Cami lives 6 · 2 0

Oh hon,

I suggest you go get the dog right now!!!!!! If you can take care of him, and obviously your parents don't want him then they should just give him to you. If they're your parents and you have a key to the place, go on over and take him. Just tell them that you're going to take him off their hands since they don't want to put up with him anymore or just go over without saying a word! I hope you get there in time. Best of luck!!! SAVE THE DOGGIE!!!

2007-01-16 14:03:26 · answer #9 · answered by BabeeOreo 3 · 4 0

Tell them you'll do anything to keep them from putting it to sleep, pay them for it and tell them you're not letting them put the dog to sleep and that you really want the dog. Tell them that it's better with you then dead and it should still be able to live its life and not be killed just because they don't want it to live, it's not right! get the dog! Hope you get it, i would hate for anything to happen to my snisket that I didnt wany or agree with, get that poor dog and take it home with you!

2007-01-16 14:10:00 · answer #10 · answered by ♫♪music dreamer♪♫ 2 · 2 0

Every dog makes mistakes. Them killing the dog will not turn things around. That is cruel. Take the dog with you ASAP. Dont waste any time.

2007-01-16 14:18:44 · answer #11 · answered by Haddie B 1 · 2 0

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