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For all you psychology / spirituality experts:
Recently I've been having some pretty wierd experiences.

I've begun to find out about my spirituality , meditating and opening my chakras etc, on a bit of a quest for self improvement.

One day whilst meditating i entered a very strange place. I heard voices of people i knew mocking me. i overheard conversations as though i wasnt there. waves of what felt like sharp pins and needles + numbness went from my feet to my head, accompanied bubbles of numb pressure rising to my head, gathering there without any release. I saw and felt 'visions' of really bad situations that were going to happen unless i took measur.

Ever since (5 month) i have reoccurances every otherday. I go into panic when it comes on, see flashing lights and shapes moving n think i'm goin to die there and then, + uncontrollably shake for sometimes hours. its turned me to a paranoid silent recluse as some things the voices have said have come true.

2007-01-16 13:33:53 · 9 answers · asked by heshmaster_hookah 2 in Health Mental Health

I dont always hear voices when this happens sometimes its extremely loud noise like tv static or an extremely high pitched ringing.

i've been to the doctors 4 or 5 times about this but the medication he gave aint working. he told me to cut all the stress out of my life, which i have done.

Everything i try fails.

unfortunately through all this i've forgotten how to socialise and now get extremely anxious and clam up when i'm with anyone, including family. my "friends" have made matters worse by avoiding me!!!

Please someone tell me theres an answer to this!!!

i'm going insane!!!

2007-01-16 13:44:29 · update #1

9 answers

sounds like a possible kundalini rise. I suggest you go to www.saltcube.com and check out the forum there. Lots of people who have similer experiances write about them there and you may find advice on how to control this experiance. I have visions too, but fortunately only when I choose to.

2007-01-16 14:02:04 · answer #1 · answered by tjcsonofallnations 3 · 0 0

If you are hearing voices and seeing things then you should see a Doctor and tell him about them. You are not on any kind of drugs other than prescription drugs I hope. From your description the events you are experiencing are disrupting your life.

A Dr. might recommend a cat scan to see if it is a brain tumor or some other brain damage..I would discontinue the meditations as they are not giving you the "self improvement" you were looking for.I am a schizophrenic and these do not sound like "normal" hallucinations.

2007-01-16 14:27:25 · answer #2 · answered by Mad Mac 7 · 0 0

Back then, much of the technology heading in that direction did have flashing lights and a lot of weird noises. Walking through a tunnel in a linear accelerator, or a lineup of switchgear was a sight to see, lights of all colors flashing, and weird noises around every corner. It was anticipated that the future would have even more of the same.

2016-05-23 22:40:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been studying spirituality for the last four years for improving my life and destiny.
I have learned that before you do any spiritual work you need to do a prayer of protection straight from God. Suround yourself in the white light of God and ask only the true and best spirits to come to you. Ask God to keep all evil away.
If you do not do this, evil can come in a maskerade as good and turn your world upside down. This may be the case or maybe not.

It also could be that your spirit guides are talking to you during this quiet time. Now that they know you are open to the unseen world they will sometime bombard you with information. They are so happy you are open to all the spiritual realm and them. This happened to me but not as badly as you. I just kept getting more and more information of things to happen and of the past and meeting up with new spirit guides. But they usually will not put too much on your plate unless they know you can handle it and you are ready to handle it. I was not. They give me information much slower.
Any time you are working with the Spirit World thing get shaken up. You never know what to expect and weird things can happen. But all should be for the benefit of you and God. If not it is evil.

My suggestions:
Stop meditation. Instead sit still in a quiet safe room one that you love with a tablet and pencil. After your prayer of protection ask for your spirt guides to come throught to make themselves known. If you get bombed with information ask for them to talk one and a time. They hear you. Ask for only one to be present at a time. Ask what message they have for you and write it down.
Many times they will talk to you (your brain) in verses, poetry, or ryhmes. But later it will all make sense to you. Ask what they need for you to know. Dont read into things just start writing. That is how they can communicate.

As far as the panic and attacks you are having you can stop them, evil or not evil. Ask God to protect you. Circle yourself in Gods white light of protection and surround yourself with a shield of armour (steel) and take this globe with you in it and imagina rope from the globe to the center of the Earth and to the Heavens.
Keep doing this when you need it.
You may also want to take the time to speak with a Notable Psychic Medium. It is amazing but they can help. Check them out first and make sure they believe in God (ask them). It will be well worth the money you spend and they can help you.

2007-01-16 13:50:07 · answer #4 · answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6 · 0 0

I think you are experiencing symptoms of psychosis. It is urgent to see a psychiatrist before you loose touch with reality. You need something like Haldol etc...Your mind is playing tricks on you. Good Luck!

2007-01-16 14:04:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

this is more then just a meditation carry over. you have decided that you needed to address a self esteem issue in that you do not feel people around you are being truthfull to you to your face.

first thing to do is confront those "friends" that you are having problems with...Seek Professional help if needed to decifer whom it might be. the feeling of death is anxiety from this issue... GOOD LUCK and look in the mirror. I hope you see a friend there.

2007-01-16 13:46:29 · answer #6 · answered by canned_stuff 1 · 1 1

see other psychiatrist until a dr can help you. there is medicine that can make your brain become normal again. at one time i felt like it was sin to take these meds. but if i have any other illness-like diabetes, heart troubl, high blood pressure i would take medicine--so why not take meds to get the chemicals right in your brain. read your BIblE --ASK GOD TO HELP YOU.

2007-01-16 16:05:41 · answer #7 · answered by smiley 3 · 0 0

See a doctor and have a CT. rule out physical symptoms first and then look for other reasons.

2007-01-16 13:46:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2007-01-16 13:52:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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