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I rent a room and live with a couple of crazy people. I am in the process of moving soon. I'm pretty sure the guy I live with suffers from some kind of mental illness. He has made moves on me but he is so disgusting he makes me want to puke. When he sees a girl on t.v. he'll say things like "that girl is hot i'd definately do her" or "would you have a threesome with me and her" He repeatively asks me if I have a boyfriend and when i say no he says "oh well thats good to know" When i say yes he says "are you going to be with him for a while. can i meet him?" He creeps me out sometimes but I always thought he was harmless. Anyways, getting to my point, today I washed my socks and underware and when I got them out of the dryer the door to the dryer was open and 2 pairs of my underware went missing. I know it was him because he's the only person here. He's a creep. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this guy? Should I confront him? Please help. Thanks.

2007-01-16 13:15:19 · 21 answers · asked by melissa908 1 in Health Mental Health

21 answers

you should not confront those guy because you never know what they will gonna do. those people with mental disorder will do things that are dangerous. I suggest you move away as soon as possible.

2007-01-16 13:20:11 · answer #1 · answered by msjerge 7 · 0 0

When someone is this bold, it means his judgment is definitely impaired. He has gone from making obscene comments to openly stealing your intimate property? You COULD confront him, but I agree with others that this is an uncertainty- like a crap shoot, anything could happen. The word for his behaviour is "escalating"- he is getting more confident that he can get away with harassing you and in your confusion you won't know how to act or will be too confused to act. When people escalate, they eventually spiral into physical abuse. He may have invaded your privacy in other ways that you don't know about.
Here's the bottom line: you do NOT sound like you feel safe in this environment with this person. You know those creepy feelings you feel? These are your inner instincts- your "gut reaction" so to speak- telling you that your subconscious is picking up signals that your conscious mind may not be aware of. The physical reaction of feeling creepy is actually your body's adrenalin level rising- and it's telling you "fight or flight".
I was a social worker in the projects for many years, and I learned that my instincts were seldom wrong- if I felt creepy about a home visit and put it off, invariable the house had been raided or some kind of violent event had happened in the area.

You are not safe if your body is giving you unconscious signals.

PLEASE please please, pack a bag NOW and go to a friend's and stay until you find a new place. This is an urgent situation. I fear that if you put it off it will be an emergency.

2007-01-16 21:39:48 · answer #2 · answered by CYP450 5 · 0 0

You really need to be more careful with these types of men. They can look very harmless but the only thing that is holding him back from jumping you bones is that he probably does not want you to move. He is watching you from afar. But this can change and often does. Once the get more and more used to you they will make a move. Or if he finds you are moving out he may go after you. Even mentally ill people can do bad things and commit crimes like rape or sexual abuse.
Do not live with this pervert. If he has your underwear that is bad news. The next step is sex and what if you cant stop him. Men like used underwear to smell and feel and touch. It is like foreplay to them.
You can be in danger even though he seems harmless. I say get out. Do not tell them you are moving just do it when they are not home. Dont take the chance of confrontation.
Many men like this use confrontation or anger as their ideal moment to pounce on you. You may not even see it coming.
If he was innocent he would not have stolen you underwear. Move out fast, but to his face stay calm, cool and collected.

Dont give him the chance to make you another statistic of rape.

2007-01-16 21:26:20 · answer #3 · answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6 · 1 0

IF I am you, I will do any job to enjoy myself and forget these problem

I want to read file, the file is a collection of bit in the hd, i do not understand about stream method, what I want is to read I do not require further need. I want to read not only foward but bnackward, also reading must provide some char which must be somewhere not in a stream but rather in a buffer. memory with structure of data, .
If the program read a big raman, then it must not store all in memory, it must do something like store in file. What I want is to write a program that help people to have idea by recording expression that could be copied later
a program that give the frequency of word
very good one here
a program that help you to chedule for tomorrow by giving you inspiration of what to do

2007-01-16 21:30:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i would not confront him. not unless you are some kind of great martial artist, if you do confront him, chances are he would go insane on you and hurt you..... for now just let things go and the day you move out take a friend with you and confront him that way you have less chance of getting hurt and a better chance to get your things back, Good luck and keep safe.

2007-01-16 21:21:27 · answer #5 · answered by Eddy 2 · 1 0

Yes, confront him. Let him know how weird and creepy he is and don't be nice about. Some people have to be put in their place. Tell him to leave you the F alone.

Even if he's creepy enough that he scares you. He needs to realize how weird and perverted he's acting. Seeing someone's response would really make him realize it. And if he's really that creepy, he needs to know that you're not scared of him.

2007-01-16 21:18:58 · answer #6 · answered by Lara Croft 3 · 0 0

I think you should ignore him. This guy doesn't deserve any respect, or even any recognition. Does he give you any? He asks you if you want to have a threesome with him, and then he steals your panties! Come on, this guy should get a life, because he definitely does not have one.
If you ignore him, and just show how meaningless he is to you, next time he might think twice before asking you to join him in an orgy.

2007-01-16 21:26:08 · answer #7 · answered by Muse 5 · 0 1

Ohhhhhhh no!!!!!!! DO NOT confront him...get out soon!!! This guy sounds like a pervert and may attempt something unwanted with you...go stay with a friend/family member/your own place..just make tracks from there and NEVER go back....for your own safety!!!!

2007-01-16 21:18:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Get out of there ASAP. Your life and health are more important than anything else. If you stay, you could be raped or worse. Move back in w/your parents if you have to.

2007-01-16 21:29:56 · answer #9 · answered by Nels 7 · 0 0

no if youre leaving soon i wouldnt bother...upsetting a crazy person over a pair of underwear isnt smart...just hurry up and get the heck out of there...lol

2007-01-16 21:19:14 · answer #10 · answered by guamtinkerbell 3 · 1 0

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