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1. there R no marriages in heaven, No sin in heaven.
2. a man has the sexual knowlage to have more them one lover.
do U belive God would Throw 7 men with knowlage of sex on a woman, Hes a holy God, Not a Orgey God. Or tell them to take turns on her throgh marrage.
3. when it comes to sex, we are more like the animals then to a God that Created sex. unless U believe God created sex to be like the animals,
4. U have to be married, before the lord ur God or U will be thrown into hell for the sin.
5. sex causes so much pain in the world, broken hearts, devoice, hell If U die, You well weep and weep, then go find another sexual compaion. animalizm, I call Froget ur lover, U need it.
6. were all slaves to It I can beraly keep my eyes off the ladies.
7. there fear when U first meet a Girl, The God of this world will say come man be a man, go for her. why is there fear, struggle between good and evil.
8. everyhing is Lust, lust is a sin. now the question to ask is, did God create sin

2007-01-16 10:46:24 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

or is there a Holyer Way with God to have sex. i

2007-01-16 10:47:31 · update #1

is the devil Not known to be God of this world, If he owns Sex, He is God of this world,

2007-01-16 10:55:13 · update #2

i don't Understand How U can mate knowing that U will not live Forever with her Ur love dies...I hurts me.

2007-01-16 10:56:51 · update #3

thats why Im wondering If were stuck in satans sinful subsitute

2007-01-16 11:23:36 · update #4

30 answers

Oy.... making sex a sin is a BIG problem. So much unnecessary guilt!

2007-01-16 10:50:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

First off, I would strongly suggest therapy, even a spiritual counselor, like your priest or minister. If you are referring to procreation, then every human being after Adam and Eve should technically never have been born. That includes Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and thousands of unnamed good people in this world that have worked to make it better for everyone, regardless of faith. If you are referring to pre-marital sex, then by many religious standings it is a sin.
1. Since you don't know what heaven is like, and the people who do aren't telling, we'll just throw that one out, shall we....
2. Everyone has the ability to know more than one lover. Whether you choose to or not is entirely up the individual, and not to be blamed on either particular sex. There are indiscreet people on both sides.
3. If you actually have sex like a dog or a parakeet, that is an entirely different problem. Since most mammals have similar organs for reproduction, including humans (and the same God made us that made the little critters), it makes sense that our procreation is similar in the organs and body parts involved. If this is still offensive to you, there are always surgeons that can remove the parts of your body you feel are sinful.
4. If you believe in a religion that requires you to be married prior to intercourse, then that statement would hold true for you.
5. Sex does not cause the pain. People's choices, their searching for emotional gratification and love in all the wrong ways, and the people that hurt them and set them on the road to these issues, are the cause. Suffering is just another part of life, that we may truly appreciate joy. We have no right to question when bad things happen to us, unless we also question when good things happen to us. Hearts are full of stories broken by love, but what really breaks a heart is taking away it's dream, whatever that dream may be. I have a hard time believing that someone's REAL dream is based on nothing but orgasms, unless they are just that superficial.
6-7. Your grammar is absurd, but I gathered that you have sexual tensions within you as well. You cannot blame other people for these feelings you have inside you. Sex drive is what promotes the species, be it man or animal. It is a chemical inside your body that is produced unconsciously, and if God made every little itty-bitty molecule on your blueprints, then he made that, too.
8. Ever heard of the phrase, "When all you have is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail"? If you think everything around you is lust, what is the main problem here? It's how you're viewing things. Why are you so bitter about sex and women? What was the experience or person that led you decide that sex was a horrible, disgusting thing? That's the real question you should be asking yourself, not why everyone around you is "sinnning". Let God worry about all the rest; I think that's his job or something.

2007-01-16 11:28:53 · answer #2 · answered by tmiller 3 · 0 0

1. Doesn't matter to those who don't believe in such a place.

2. Man has the knowledge to do almost anything he wants, good or bad.

3. Are you aware that people believe (or don't believe) in other Gods then the Christian God? Many people do consider humans animals after all.

4. Doesn't matter to those that don't follow that faith.

5. Sex causes so much enjoyment in the world. Hearts brought together, marriage, and Hell not mattering to those who don't believe it. Sex is a very powerful tool that can cause great happiness or harm. I'm not denying the harm it can cause, but there is good that can come out of it and this stuff can apply to almost anything.

6. Not everyone is super horny. Also, asexual people likely don't have such problems at all.

7. There's fear for many things when you do it, regardless of the good and evil factor. There's many reasons for fear, but evil isn't one of them. Rejection is one likely source of fear. How is that related to evil on your part? Don't you even do things that sometimes bring fear, but has nothing to do with evil?

8. Like I said before, this doesn't apply to those who don't follow that faith.

2007-01-16 11:01:59 · answer #3 · answered by Ievianty 5 · 0 0

There have been people through history who have chosen celibacy, in order to make God the total center of their lives.
These people are few and far between, but they do seem to be happy.
Paul seemed to think that celibacy could be a good thing for some people, but it is definitely not for everyone.
God did not create sin, He created sex for a man and a woman in a committed marriage relationship...it is when we twist this purpose that sex becomes something sordid, nasty, and sinful.
Remember that for every good gift God gives to mankind, Satan has a sinful substitute.

Makes you think, doesn't it??

2007-01-16 11:04:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. then you were created because of sin.
2. God says to be fruitful and multiply, how without sex? test tube babies would be the rage.
3. when did sex cause so much pain? It is the selfishness of mankind that produces hurt, not sex.
4. Lust is compareable to covetousness. If you lust after another, you covet them physically. Sex inside marriage is bliss. Your spouse and you are one. It would be difficult to lust after yourself.
5. Sex outside marriage is lust. This brings out the selfishness, "do what thou will," that brings chaos and anarchy.

By you numerical deductions makes no sense. Sounds like you will find anything to discredit God, whose wisdom far reaches the universe, while yours is dwarfed by His.
You feel guilty and trying to justify your feelings.

2007-01-16 10:55:06 · answer #5 · answered by n9wff 6 · 0 0

there's only one good way to produce children and gods words were for woman to be child baring he gave us commandments and said that sex was only good in the union of marriage and this is not heaven this is earth this is where he gave us the right to choose what we do or say or think or believe but gave us guideline's to follow and no where does it say sex is a sin only when its without marriage is it considered wrong as we grew in knowledge we changed as people there fore rules needed to be changed sex doesn't cause pain hate greed deceit lies these cause pain you cant have sex with your neighbor then say later sex has rules in it self something a lot of people have forgot so no sex isn't a sin when it is with love and respect but yes its a sin if its all to just have a release

2007-01-16 10:59:16 · answer #6 · answered by rageingbliss 2 · 0 0

Sex is good, God created it.

Did He not tell Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the face of the earth?

Ever read Song of Solomon?

Heb 13:4
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

2007-01-16 10:54:39 · answer #7 · answered by Sirius 3 · 0 0

Billy Joel said it best... "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints..."

I'd rather have a good old romp in the hay than sit back and wag a finger at all the 'sinners' LOL.

The Creator has more important things to worry about than the sex lives of humans.

2007-01-16 12:29:54 · answer #8 · answered by Rapunzel XVIII 5 · 0 0

Everything is not lust.
Sex is not a sin, it is a gift from God. The human sex act either reflects the image of God, or it distorts it.
When this gift is abused, people get hurt. Fidelity and chastity are words we don't see much of these days.



2007-01-16 11:02:20 · answer #9 · answered by Br. Dymphna S.F.O 4 · 0 0

God created humans as sexual beings.

God blessed our sexuality in Genesis 1:28 when He said, "Be fruitful and multiply."

God is also the author of marriage.

The combination of marriage and sex is part of God's plan for humans.

The spouses of a marriage:
• Create a bond, which by its very nature is perpetual and exclusive.
• Are strengthened and consecrated for the duties and the dignity of their state.
• Are sealed by God himself in their consent to mutually give and receive one another.
• Form a covenant that is integrated into God's covenant with man: "Authentic married love is caught up into divine love."
• Have their own special grace that:
. • Perfects the couple's love.
. • Strengthens their unity.
. • Helps one another to attain holiness in their married life.
. • Helps in welcoming and educating their children.

With love in Christ.

2007-01-19 18:10:50 · answer #10 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

I think random sex with many different people helps lead you to sin. It distracts you from God's teachings. Now making Love is a beautiful thing.

2007-01-16 10:50:42 · answer #11 · answered by Darktania 5 · 0 0

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