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Do you think that porn only effects (and affects) the person that uses it negatively? Or that it's no harm to anyone?

If not...

Can you explain the recent (and extreme) increase in the world of rape and murder, pedophiles, and illegal child pornagraphy?

Do you think it has any relation to religion (specifically, Christianity?)

Did you know that pornography is latin for 'against the will of God'- pornaeo?

Do you think the media indirectly supports it?

Do you find it coincedental that TV shows/movies/video games/entertainment are becoming more and more corrupt and lustful...

Do you think it's OK?

Do you think the morals of our world (America especially) are going down the tubes?

Do you think it's a result of a lack of faith or a desire for 'freedom'?

Freedom is not doing what you want, when you want to.

The Bible does not condemn sex, it says it's a gift from God... for married couples. If God made it, it's designed to be good.

2007-01-16 08:20:34 · 29 answers · asked by Doug 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Lots of questions... but i'm curious about what you guys think

2007-01-16 08:20:56 · update #1

I know some of you aren't Christian, but please forgive me for my typos... lol

2007-01-16 08:21:52 · update #2

29 answers

I was watching a talk show the other day and I found it ironic that the show's topic was about rape and sexual abuse, yet many of the commercials showed women scantily clad and posing provocatively.
Granted, there is no excuse for sexual abuse under any circumstance but when the media flaunts it the way they do, is there any question as to what we are promoting to our young people?

2007-01-16 08:32:52 · answer #1 · answered by paulsamuel33 4 · 5 0

1. I think pornography affects all individuals negatively.
2. Recent and "extreme" increase of these crimes? I do not believe much has changed. Just more of these crimes are being covered by the media and are being reported.
3. No relation to Religion
4. I did not know what
5. The media does support, DIRECTLY. Sex and the promiscuous sells big time, and they would be stupid not to promote it. (from a business stand point)
6. TV Shows and video games are becoming more and more lustful, as they always have since their inception. However, I believe that movies are becoming less and less. In the 80's, every rated 'R' show had a sex scene and nudity. Now days, you don't see it in every show and it is rare that the main actress with be on camera nude. When there is nudity, it is usually a side character.
7. It is not OK
8. The World's morals, including America's, have been going down the tubes since the beginning of time. Much has changed, but the level of which the morals have been sliding is constant.
9. I believe it is due to an increase in self-centered thought. People are more concerned with what they are going to do with their lives than what they can do for others. Also, due to the degeneration of the family. Faith can improve on those areas.

2007-01-16 08:47:14 · answer #2 · answered by Presagio 4 · 0 0


2016-07-17 07:02:53 · answer #3 · answered by Rodolfo 3 · 0 0

I think pornography CAN have a negative impact on the individual, and on a relationship, in which case it could emotionally harm someone. This can typically be solved it the person viewing the porn is open about what they do, especially if they are married. Depite what people may say, there is no doubt in my mind the non-viewing spouse will be offended in one way or another (e.g., my wife says she doesn't have a problem with it, but then says I would rather look at porn than her). Pornography can be addictive (proven) and is a person giving into the flesh. I think we would all be better people if we were completely free of "self", but that's just my opinion (also what Buddhist believe).

I don't think anyone can dispute the fact the media has gotten more liberal in showing sex and violence. In just a handful of years I have been amazed by what gets played on the radio. This definitely has an impact on younger people; e.g. sex becomes an issue at a much younger age and has become a casual and unsacred matter. (That is not to say "nudity" is bad, because that is different than pornography). In the name of freedome and political correctness, morality has began to be purged from society.

I agree sex is a sacred matter in terms of religion and God, but he also intended for it to be very enjoyable, to get us to do it. Because it is the closest thing to godliness we can engage in (creating life), we should take it seriously.

Lastly, if a couple wants to watch some pornography, and both are comfortable with it, the all power to them (realizing that someone will be thinking of someone or something else when they are having sex with their partner, and if this isn't bothersome, then so beit).

2007-01-16 09:55:12 · answer #4 · answered by straightup 5 · 0 0

I feel that porn is harm to people who use it harmfully.

There is not an extreem increase in the world of rape and murder. You should get your facts right before you extend false statments as fact.

The premise of the question is wrong, so it has no relation to religion. But I do think that religion is the cause of too much murder.

Pornography is not Latin. Your Latin has poor gramer and shows that you read that somewhere and did not take the time to find out for your self. Study more before you speak.

I do not think the media supports it. I think that it supports it self just fine. According to a study done by Kellog, (NWU business school) it is now a 13 billion dollar a year business. That is just the money that is taxed. They are doing fine on their own.

I find that we have less close minded biggots controling what we do, and this allows more people to have freedom to express them selves as they want to. And if lustful games are how they want to, then that is the end result of more freedom. Are you against peoples freedom? Do you want to have the authority of telling people you never will meet what they can and cannot do in the safty and comfort of their own homes.

I think that people doing what they want, at the cost of nobody else is ok.

I think that our morals are changing. Relaize that people have been talkign about the decline or morality since the Greeks. If you don't believe me, read Plato.

I do not accept the question. But I do think that people want freedom from other people telling them what to think, what to enjoy, what to want.

The bible is a joke of a book. Writen by over 300 people over 400 years. So consider that when you base how you act, on an old dusty book.

Good luck to you. I hope I have answered your questions. Please forgive my spelling mistakes. The spell check did not work at my posting of this.


2007-01-16 08:42:03 · answer #5 · answered by Bacchus 5 · 0 1

Pornography is a mixed blessing. It can actually prevent people from doing sexually-related crimes by giving them an outlet of release. At the same time, it does affect some people negatively. It's quite unfair to judge pornography by itself because it has different effects on different people.

"Can you explain the recent (and extreme) increase in the world of rape and murder, pedophiles, and illegal child pornagraphy?"
It has nothing to do with pornography. In fact, there is not really an increase--it is just that people are more open now. Before the Information Age, it was easy to suppress "embarrassing" information; it seems that life was morally superior back then, but in reality, it hasn't changed. The change is illusion.

I could answer the other questions, but I think what I've said so far reveals my stance pretty well, lol.

2007-01-16 08:27:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Pornography is NOT Latin for Against the will of God. Where do you get that stuff from? Pornography is from Late Greek pornographos, writing about prostitutes : porn, prostitute; + graphein, to write

At any rate, I find pornography to be a personal choice. As long as the sex is between two consenting adults, who cares? People have differing morals. Sex is not immoral to me so I have no problem with people having or watching sex. The idea that sex is only for procreation is not a part of my religion.

2007-01-16 08:42:12 · answer #7 · answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7 · 0 1

I think that pornography is dangerous not only to the individual but to society. it is just one more chip out of our morality. I think that America especially, but the WEst as a whole is over sexed. I hate when there is a good movie that I want to see but have to think twice about because there is always that one stupid sex scene (and half the time it has nothing to do with the real plot of the movie and make me think that both characters are less than moral). I think it can also har the person's family break the heart of the spouse and really hurt the children.

2007-01-16 08:29:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I don't think there's necessarily that big an increase in the numbers of rape and cases of pedophilia, as much as more openess to it and a greater awareness of the fact.
In traditional societies, women often get blamed of causing rapes, of provoking the men that rape them. So they are strongly discouraged from coming forward. In many Islamic countries today, it takes four women to accuse one man of rape, otherwise it just gets thrown out of court.
Many scandals today relating to pedophile priests in the Catholic church are surfacing. These men apparently sought refuge for their perversion in the fold of the Church. Victims come out decades later with stories of abuse, not just from priests, but from teachers and relatives as well. So I don't think it's that pedophiles didn't exist before, but simply that these things (as above) were seldom reported.
Furthermore, the media does play a role in making people more aware of what's going on. The mediatic interest in child pornography is recent - and has to do with the appearance of the Internet.
The vast majority of people who use pornography never become criminals as a result. I agree there's a probably a negative effect of pornography on our psychology in general, because in any case, pornography does not stem, and does not teach, a healthy attitude to sex - but I don't think there's necessarily a correlation between pornography and sex crimes.
However, you will find violent sexual predators having more of an interest in violent pornography, but it's hard to say there's a correlation - i.e. does the person consume violent pornography because they have a taste for violent sexuality, or does the person have a taste for violent sexuality because they consume violent pornography?
I have to agree I find this stuff distasteful too and don't think there's any reason to indulge such fantasies, but I'm not sure there's a causal link.

2007-01-16 08:32:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

God states that the sins of the flesh is punished by death. It will decay the world. Sex is for married couples to have children and to show their love to one another. Any other type of sex is sin and preverted. That's not God's design, it's man design. Our flesh can tempt us and lead us to sin. We need self control. Not only porn but Tv shows like Sex in the City, Desperate Housewives, Soap Operas, Viagara commericals, etc. are all promoting sex and it's not loving married procreating sex. And it's not for others to see and think about. We can dream that stuff on our own without seeing it on the screen. I liked the days of "I Love Lucy" where they slept in separate beds and you'd ratherly see them kiss, only a sweet hug. You knew they loved each other. We didn't need to know they sex life to be entertained. Lucy's schemes were the entertainment. Same as Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore. I have an 11 yr old son & there is very little on TV or in movies that I can let him watch. 30 minute sitcoms today all have sexual material in them. Where is the funny, rib laughing entertainment?????

And I agree that all this promoting sex and seeing breasts and butts and such gets into the sickos minds and fuels them for months or years and they eventually go out and kidnap kids or adults and rape and kill. It's a cycle and no one is stepping up to stop it. Yes, people raped women in the years that "I Love Lucy" was on TV and killings happened then. But was it due to them seeing Lucy having sex with Desi? Or Lucy breasts hanging out all the time? And how many rapes were there then compared to now? And back then it was grown men raping college women or older. Nowadays it's 14 yr boys raping 12 yr girls and 60 yr men raping 8 yr girls and boys. This crap has to stop!!!

2007-01-16 08:37:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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