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I am 17 years old and my dentist told me that I should have all four of my wisdom teeth pulled, but only one is showing. Or at least I think only one, because there is only one that is giving me trouble. I'm extremely nervous. What am I to expect? Why do I need all four of them pulled? Are they going to cut open my gum?

2007-01-16 07:55:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Dental

20 answers

Talk to your parents about your concerns and possibly get a second opinion. It is more and more common that wisdom teeth don't bother and don't have to be pulled out.
The ones that aren't showing will probably be surgically removed.

Good Luck!

2007-01-16 07:59:49 · answer #1 · answered by Jo 6 · 0 2

At 20 years old I had only one wisdom tooth in, and the dentist recommended removing it because of space problems. I had it out. The other teeth did not come in until I was in my thirties, so I ended up with three, nice, big, brand, new, teeth (so contrary to what many people think, all wisdom teeth are not bad from the time they come in); and I had no problems with them.

I had my one wisdom tooth removed while I had novacaine and nitrous oxide. It was fine. You can feel (without pain) the breaking up of the tooth, though - but with nitrous oxide you don't really care about it.

I know a lot of people who have had all four out. Yes - if the teeth are not in the gums will be cut.

Usually people are given a pain-reliever in case they need it in the first day or so; and they may have gauze for any bleeding that may occur. They can have fierce bad breath, so you may not want to plan to go socializing that evening.

Being as young as you are, there is the chance you may want to buy some time with the decision about the other three teeth. If it were me, I think I'd have the one out (as I did) and see what happens with the others.

I had no signs of the others' coming in until they really started to come in. The dentist never mentioned "impacted". I don't know if when they say teeth are "impacted" all it means is they haven't yet come in or whether it means something more complicated than that.

You could - if you want to keep some options open - tell the dentist you just want the one out for now and will come back for the others later.

Regardless of what you decide, having them out isn't all that horrible at all. The biggest complaint most people have is the bad breath problem and maybe the hearing of the breaking of the teeth. That's gross. Maybe your dentist has some music you can listen to.

2007-01-16 16:10:36 · answer #2 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 0 1

If your dentist said the teeth should come out then he/she is probably correct. If you don't like your dentist visit another one and get a second opinion.
Most people that get wisdom teeth have them pulled (including me) because it is part of evolution. Years before researchers discovered oral health and flouride, people lost teeth as they got older because the teeth rotted. Now that people in general are taking better care of their teeth we are all retaining more teeth than decades ago. So now there is no room in your mouth for new teeth to come in, while you still have all your other teeth. You may need to see an oral surgeon to have your wisdom teeth removed. It isn't a big deal having your teeth pulled. Thousands of people get wisdom teeth pulled all the time. I had 5 wisdom teeth, by the way and they were all impacted (under the gum line). Don't be nervous. Wisdom teeth come in ages between 17 to 21, if they develop at all (some people never have wisdom teeth, evolution again).

2007-01-16 18:00:46 · answer #3 · answered by Educated 7 · 0 0

Relax! It's good to get it all over with at once because then you don't have to do it ever again! I had three taken out and only one of them was impacted, and I'm very glad I did so. Overall the experience was not bad, just annoying because I was so hungry without solid food for the first couple days. AND it's best to get them out before they cause problems b/c it is much less painful to get the "well behaved" ones out than the ones that have already moved/impacted/infected etc. You'll be in and out, when I was waiting a girl went in, and 20 minutes later the nurse came and said she was done, and she got all four out! You'll be fine the first day, once you wake up you go home and fall back asleep for hours and the novacaine numbness (which they injected after I was sedated) lasted until night time so there was no pain. The next day my jaw was sore and I had some discomfort, esp in the area where the impacted tooth was, but not so intense that I had to take the Vicadin they prescribed. I took ibuprofen and was fine. Everyone reacts differently however, this is just my personal experience but I know other people who were perfectly fine as well. I'm on day 6 of recovery right now and am back to eating normal stuff, I haven't needed painkillers since day 4.

Don't be nervous. I was terrified and when I was done I didn't think they had actually done anything. The sedation (which is injected via IV) part was fine. You feel a little prick and then 5 seconds later you feel tingling throughout your body and then you're out. Then you're waking up and on your merry way back home. I felt very happy from the sedation, it was funny because my mom said I would not stop smiling and kept petting my free Tshirt! Once I was home all I wanted to do was sleep. I slept for a good four hours and when woke up, at which point my fiance helped me change the gauze in my mouth, and then I dozed again. Once removing that gauze there was no more bleeding and I was still numb from novacaine so no pain. I had Carnation instant breakfast for dinner and yogurt and took my first dose of antibiotics and took 3 ibuprofen since i wasn't in a lot of pain, just minor discomfort. No major swelling either, at least I didn't have chipmunk cheeks. The next day same thing, I stuck with the ibuprofen and if I started getting discomfort I would nap and wake up feeling better. Today I feel great, and yesterday I had a normal dinner with ravioli, spinach, and bread.

Everyone has a different experience, but chances are you'll be just fine since all my friends were fine too :) You're young and will be just fine, I'm 21 and was fine.

2007-01-16 16:13:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at about the same age. My mouth was so small that it couldn't fit anymore teeth and my orthodontist said that if my wisdom teeth tried to come in...they would push my other teeth around and make them crooked. Yes, they will have to cut your gum open and probably drill the tooth out of your jaw. That's what happened to me. They knock you out...so you don't feel anything. You'll be a little sore for a few days and your cheeks might get a little chubby and have some bruising from them removing the teeth, but you'll be fine. The pain after the surgery isn't that bad. They'll give you some good meds!! Ice cream, jello and pudding come in very handy too!!! Good luck and don't worry about anything...you'll be fine!!

2007-01-16 16:01:25 · answer #5 · answered by geminiqtpie22 5 · 1 0

you will be knocked out cold, they will cut your gums and remove all 4 teeth, you won't feel or know a thing.

after wards you will be laid up on the couch and bed for about a week on pain killers and drinking milk shakes and jello. solid foods will be about a week after the process and nothing extremely hot or cold for about 2 weeks.

you will be given a funny looking syringe to use to squirt water and scope into the holes where the teeth were to keep them clean during healing so you don't develop "dry socket". this is not a pleasant thing to have.

after a short time the sockets will heal over and a few months you'll never even realize anything happened.

they remove wisdom teeth due to how the human face has formed over time. there is no need for this last main molar tooth and since it still exists, when it comes in, it normally pushes all the other teeth forward, messing up the smile or any other dentist work that has been done. Majority of people have them removed.

2007-01-16 16:01:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I had all four of them pulled at the same time! I would not recommend doing it all at once like I did. They will cut the gum open and extract the tooth even before it appears. You will have stitches that should dissolve. I have extremely over-crowded teeth. If I had kept my Wisdom teeth, the over-crowding would have been much worse. Even if you have straight teeth, you may not have space in your gums for the new teeth. This could cause over-crowding or one of your front teeth to shift. I would definitely trust your dentist. You will need some pain meds and a full day's rest after wards. Good luck.

2007-01-16 16:01:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

the process of it sounds painful, but its really not that bad if youre on the gas and then get painkillers afterward. what they do is cut your gums where the teeth are and then use a laser to cut the teeth into small pieces, which makes it easier to extract them. then they take out all the teeth and cleanse the area and stitch you up. if you are on the gas you literally feel nothing, although it is a little weird to know that theyre doing all that stuff in your mouth. i got all 4 removed and was able to go back to work 2 days later, and i didnt really even need the painkillers. the reason they take all 4 even if theyre not showing is because they might be positioned oddly inside your gums, which could eventually lead to a lot of discomfort or shifting of your other teeth. if you have the option of taking out all 4 at once i strongly suggest you do so. ask for the gas...it was really cool.

2007-01-16 16:03:35 · answer #8 · answered by kalrissian23 2 · 0 0

There shouldn't be a reason to remove healthy teeth. Check with your dentist as to the reason for the extractions. Usually the top 2 wisdom teeth are no problem when being extracted but the bottom two are a lot different. There can be many problems with them as in my own case where one of them was fused to my jaw bone. There is a lot of after pain involved and a real risk of infection. Make certain that you need to have them removed before you allow your dentist to take them. Look for a second opinion if necessary. You are very young to have wisdom teeth showing at all as they usually don't show until your early thirties!!!!

2007-01-16 16:06:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wisdom teeth can sometimes be quite tricky to take out - so in my opinion if your dentist is recommending that you have all 4 of them out there is usually some sort of reason - he wouldnt want to make more work for himself that is not necessary.

Sometimes - if they are growing at some sort of weird angle - bacteria and food can get trapped between it and the tooth next door - this can cause swelling and decay in the teeth. this may cause some discomfort to you.

Sometimes by taking the lower wisdom teeth out - the upper ones overerupt because there is nothing opposing it - and may need removal at some later date in the future - so you may as well have them out when having the lower wisdoms out - saves you another visit in the future! this is just one reason of many - so its probably better that you ask your dentist.

Reckon your better off without them - and its not that bad a procedure cos you shouldnt be able to feel a thing if the anaesthetic is working properly! may be a tiny bit sore after though.

2007-01-16 16:18:32 · answer #10 · answered by Blinky 1 · 0 0

If your teeth are straight and you don't have enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in they will push your teeth out of alignment. They can also just make you feel bad. They generally will not pull them until they are visible. I had all four of mine done by a Oral Surgeon ( which I recommend) after my braces came off, and three of them were abscessed. They take you in give you a pill to relax, gas you a little and before you know it you are on your way out the door to lay around with your feet up the rest of the day. I had absolutely no swelling and no pain. Now the pain may be different for you depends on how you take pain.

2007-01-16 16:15:44 · answer #11 · answered by britches 2 · 0 1

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