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2007-01-16 07:52:17 · 714 answers · asked by Keidi M 2 in Politics & Government Military

Have you ever noticed that history books are filled with wars? For as long as we know, people have been wagin wars on others. We are not the only ones however. Animals also fight over each other for things such as territory. Has fighting been part of our dna? Why has it been going on for so many years, when most people seem to disagree with the idea of having wars and is it really worth risking your life for?
Many people have just been willing to accept that there have always and there will always be wars on this planet, as long as there are humans.

Thanks to everyone who has took their time to answer or read this question.

2007-01-19 07:42:30 · update #1


2007-01-21 03:19:46 · update #2

714 answers

It's in mankind's nature that as long as there are evil men in the world who want to impose their will upon others, they will find ways to power and use war to enforce that will...

Consider this: if the police, security guards, and every other security agency lacked firearms or other weapons to subdue criminals, do you think banks would be safe? Of course not, people with the criminal mindset would find a way to get guns and rob banks... It's sadly just the way things are...

2007-01-16 07:58:52 · answer #1 · answered by C D 3 · 33 26

Be assured that if women ruled there wolrd there would also be much bloodshed.

There have been a fair share of bloodthirsty queens.

Further more, why do peple so easily just pass war off as "human nature". I guess that you probably don't understand what we are doing on this world.

War is very simple, it is a fight bewteen two polar opposites, good and evil, black and white, whatever.

Because there is always two sides, they fight, when oner side is more powerful, then the balance is broken and therre is chaos in the world, like nowdays.

All humans and animals respond to incentives.

If you get rid of the incentives that cause war

Religion. Inquisition.
Foreign Policy.

No land onership, this is our land, this lkand was made for you and me.
No religion, only spirituality and difernet paths to mastery,
This politics thing is gettign rellly old, we need an new system.

Oil, this is all jut greed and comercialism
we must abolish this selling and buying world that we live in. Everything should be free and all should work to better society, doing what they can. Consumerism creates greed in the buyers and more so in the sellers. Consumerism creates war.

The prices for oil go up?? then the states attack where it comes from, suspicious?? Yes. it has happened several times now.

This is what reallyt causes war.-

We do not need to try to be better than anyone else, but the system teaches us to do it, the whole world is geared up for greed and exploitation, we learn it in school, no wonder we are so good at it.

Anbd it was not always like this.

There have been many ages without war. But then again, the only history they teach us is the false ones about war. They teach us nothing of the truth, only the victors twisted truths about there bloody wars

2007-01-19 01:46:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

competitive, and NOTHING can be done to eliminate that. Just look at how popular watching sports games is and always has been (the ancient Romans and Greeks were sports fanatics just like modern people). BUT what CAN be eliminated is the regular use of deadly violence in the inevitable competition between humans. Consider the case of the United States. No state government has waged war against another state government or the federal government since 1865. Why? First, because the federal government has remained strong enough to intervene and stop or defeat any military action by any state government. Second, because the federal government has remained just and fair enough in its laws to retain the support of most of the people of the United States. Some day there may be a federal government for the entire planet which can play a similar role, and then war will cease. But fierce competion between humans will NEVER end. It simply won't involve regular deadly violence any more, as is found in wars. Many anti-war activists make the terrible mistake of promoting the idea that all humans can and should cooperate with each other rather than competing with each other. That is an impossible goal and ends up hurting efforts to end war. The idea that human beings could live in a purely cooperative society and economy was the dream of Marxist-Leninist Communism, and we all know what a nightmare that turned to be.

2015-11-08 05:43:26 · answer #3 · answered by Karhka 3 · 0 0

Religious differences have probably been one of the main reasons for war over the centuries. Territorial and/or world domination has also been a big one. People just being different, Cowboys and Indians, for example has led to a lot of hostilities as well. History can also distort the reasons for war. The U.S. Civil War, which was not a "civil war" at all (two sides fighting for the same territory), is commonly believed to have been about slavery. Abe Lincoln's first choice to command the Union Army did not believe in slavery at all, not surprising, but his name might be if you don't know the truth...his name? Robert Edward Lee! Lee opted to fight for his homeland (Virginia) and declined the President's offer. Slavery only became an issue of the war when Lincoln decided to make it one half way through the war. The war was primarily about the belief that the South was providing a great deal of this young nation's wealth, and that the North was controlling it. I see a slight similarity in the current war in Iraq; I wouldn't be surprised if history books 100 years from now left out the "weapons of mass destruction" and sold the war for what it should have been sold on in the first place, a continuation of the war on terror.

2007-01-17 13:55:34 · answer #4 · answered by Answer Master Dude 5 · 0 0

People always think that they are right. You do, I do, it is not only natural, it's unavoidable. If you thought that what you believed was wrong, you wouldn't believe it. The problem arises when two groups each believe that they are right and are unwilling to accept the other group's belief.
Sometimes, fighting for what's right is a worthwhile cause. But sometimes, too often, there is no "right" answer, and people die for nothing.

To end wars, we need education all around the world, where people learn what others believe and why. Finally, the idea that there isn't always a right answer MUST be taught to everyone. I, personally, think that this is the best answer to why there have always been wars. Others may disagree, but I respect that. This isn't a matter of right and wrong--it's a matter of understanding. If only people all over the world (including here) could learn that lesson, there would be a lot fewer wars.

2007-01-22 16:48:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One simple reason: sin. Something EVERY human on the planet was born with. Sadly, there's no such thing as a perfect human being. If your not a Christian you might find this weird, but every seed (seed meaning offspring) since Adam and Eve has been sinful, no matter how near perfect they got. We all have selfish ambitions if you think about it, although some make the excuse that their plans involve the welfare of humankind. Others really mean it. Anyway that's off the point, in answer to your question, there have always been wars because we all have a built in, unerasable urge to be selfish. Naturally sinful. It's so natural, we don't know we're controlled (don't mean to scare you there) by these urgencies in our mind and soul called, you guessed it, sin. Sin, sin, sin, sin, sin. In answer to your other question, is there a way to stop wars? Well, yes and no, you usually have to be 'on the top' to have that kind of control over war. But, I will tell you this, there will come a day when all wars will cease forever. I know this to be true.

But you know the old saying, "it's gonna get worse before it gets better." That one's sadly very true.

But I so look forward to that day when there is no more war. Gosh! That'd be great, wouldn't it?!

2007-01-22 09:06:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


I adhere to the idea that wars originated when humans (or even what became humans) were living in small, isolated family groups. One person within that group would be in charge and the rest would follow thier lead. Every once in a while however a new, younger person would feel he or she was more worthy of control and the two leaders and thier respective supporters would argue and fight. This would lead to one of the two groups splitting away and taking the new family elsewhere. This not only reduced the chances of too many people taking up the same resources, but also spread the population across the globe.

The same in-built need to dominate and subdue one another continued to the present day, only now the world is so full of human that we cannot break away and therefore the wars become more bloody as everyone tries to hold onto what they have.

I dont think its in human nature not to have wars.

2007-01-18 03:51:32 · answer #7 · answered by jademonkey 5 · 0 0

HERE IS THE BEST ANSWER! Human beings are naturally competitive, and NOTHING can be done to eliminate that. Just look at how popular watching sports games is and always has been (the ancient Romans and Greeks were sports fanatics just like modern people). BUT what CAN be eliminated is the regular use of deadly violence in the inevitable competition between humans. Consider the case of the United States. No state government has waged war against another state government or the federal government since 1865. Why? First, because the federal government has remained strong enough to intervene and stop or defeat any military action by any state government. Second, because the federal government has remained just and fair enough in its laws to retain the support of most of the people of the United States. Some day there may be a federal government for the entire planet which can play a similar role, and then war will cease. But fierce competion between humans will NEVER end. It simply won't involve regular deadly violence any more, as is found in wars. Many anti-war activists make the terrible mistake of promoting the idea that all humans can and should cooperate with each other rather than competing with each other. That is an impossible goal and ends up hurting efforts to end war. The idea that human beings could live in a purely cooperative society and economy was the dream of Marxist-Leninist Communism, and we all know what a nightmare that turned to be.

2007-01-17 08:01:51 · answer #8 · answered by Dr. SC1ence 5 · 1 3

WArs defined as conflicts among countries. Desire, hatred, revenge and disatisfaction AMONGST POLITICIANS lead to war. Powerful leaders are like the key operators of war. Wars occur when there is inbalance in the human emotions and rash thinking or can be called 'closed eye and only go go go'. They think about whats best of their interest and think that it might some how benifit the others. BUT the whole entire thing war benifits no one! NO! Not even a small part! no part of it can ever replace the loss of human lifes and the damge it does to the climate, to the only planet we know that is habitable. So what the hell do u want start a war over a fight for 'toy'? If u have a freaking problem with another country, talk and discuss peacefully like how humans should. do u see a pincer or sharp meat eating teeth in the human body? Do u think we we are out met to be predators and cannibals? can we easily kill each other without weapons? EXACTLY!!! we cant. we created the weapons to kill ourselves????? There will soon be no more wars but only mass sucides.

2007-01-17 01:17:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What are you talking about? For one, there's no evidence that there has always been A war going on in the world, that's an assumption, and whether it's true or not still doesn't effect that most the time any given people are not at war.

Basic sociology can explain why we have war and the purposes, and many of the negitive reasons we have war are very positive reasons in other lights, like the natural desire to join a group and strengthen the group- which leads to clearly define who's part of the group and who's not- which leads to war. But there are a lot of seperate groups on this earth, and it can be expected that at any one moment, someone is fighting with someone else. It's more a matter of oddes than a matter of philosophy.

2007-01-16 13:11:01 · answer #10 · answered by locusfire 5 · 0 0

I read all the answers and they represent the common understanding that at all levels of the society , individually or at high levles of social groups, just like what the Bible says you can give ADAM and EVE the best of everything and anything, the basic dark instincts, envy as the first, then the rests such as hate, anger, greed are just the different expressions of envy. History of a person, or a group will always be based on this ENVY that one person or one group would have more than another.

Solution for wars--can be discussed on the premise that everyone on the table are intelligent, intellectually and most inportant morally and ethically honest with the authority to implement the basic principles such as justice, fairness, equality in their family, society and the whole country. This is also premised that the person, the most important single unit of the society can control himself and live according to moral and ethical principles anot live by their basic instincts.

Pretty hard to do. Remember that the world is not perfect and therefore there would be less advantaged people , mentally challenged people and morally disabled peole that would prevent the perfecting of a eutopic world.

Religion is a collective word for one's whish for the goodness and perfection not phsycially but spiritually of everyone of us, the single unit. Even religion could not achieve this.

However if each and everyone of us, would live by the principles that jesus promulgated, love thy neighbors as yourself, then maybe there would be hope for the world.

Rosita D

2007-01-21 07:41:11 · answer #11 · answered by Rosita D 2 · 0 0

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