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Ok, I don't think I worded my question quite right earlier. My concept of original sin is this:

1. God creates the Universes
2. God creates us
3. We have tendencies to do certain things, either because of the way He made us, or because of the universe around us.
4. God gives us freewill so we sometimes act on those tendencies instilled in us by God
5. We need to feel bad that we do those things.

Many people brought up Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating of the Tree of Knowledge.

God made Adam and Eve. He instilled in them a thirst for knowledge. Combined with Freewill it seems natural they would eat of it.

If they disobeyed God, it was not simply a case of Freewill, it was Freewill plus the natural instincts God instilled in them.

If God knew how dangerous the Tree of Knowledge was,
1. Why would he have put it there?
2. Why would he have instilled a thirst for that knowledge in his children?

There can be total freewill without God making us want something and then (below

2007-01-16 07:47:29 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

dangling that dangerous thing in our faces.

People often say we are tempted by a devil. But God put that tree there, not Satan.

Any ideas?

2007-01-16 07:48:43 · update #1

You guys keep blaming it on the faults of humans, but God made us with those faults.

2007-01-16 08:09:44 · update #2

And you guys also say we wouldn't have freewill without that temptation. That's just not true. If God made us with the strength to do good, we would still have all kinds of choices to make in life. There just wouldn't be evil. Freewill does not have to equal temptation of evil if the creator doesn't want it to. Freewill could simply mean you are free to worship him or not worship him, free to marry or not, free to play sports or not, free to play or take a nap.

2007-01-16 08:12:54 · update #3

32 answers

The concept of Original Sin is, perhaps, tied for the top two reasons why I can't accept the bible. It is a story that tells us that we must not disobey and we must not be curious. Knowledge is a bad thing, it tells us.

More - the very idea that a parent would leave a dangerous object laying around where children could get to it and then leave and then blame the children for electrocuting or poisoning themselves is outrageous. No true parent would do something like that and not take full responsibility.

Finally, the very idea that all humankind for all ages would be made to suffer for the acts of their ancestors is the acts of an evil devil and not of a loving god.

How anybody could read the bible and not through the book down after reading this story is beyond me.

2007-01-16 07:54:31 · answer #1 · answered by Alan 7 · 0 4

Did God know that Adam & Eve would eat the fruit and thus death and sin would enter the world? Yes. Does God know everything that we will do wrong? Yes. Does that mean that God is responsible for it because he made us agents to act for ourselves? No. So why would God put this choice before them? Because he knew it was the only way they could learn and experience by their own choices and freewill, to learn consequences for actions, sorrow and joy, happiness and sadness, good and evil. It's like if God knew you were capable of going to college and getting a diploma, couldn't he just give you the diploma without having to go through all that hard work? Hardly, you wouldn't learn anything.

God knew all these things would happen, death and sin so he also provided a way back, a Saviour to redeem us from death (free to all) and from sin (if we repent). Cheers.

Additional: No, there is no way God could give us freewill if our only choice was good. That was Satans plan from the beginning and why he was cast out of heaven. If we have no way of choosing good or bad, only good, we would NEVER experience freewill and we would be FORCED to do things as someone else wills it. This would result in zero intelligence, no experience, no ability to learn for ourselves (can you imagine a world where whatever your choices there are NO consequences). Where there is a law given there is a punishment and a blessing, otherwise what's the point in having a law, whats the point in doing anything.

2007-01-16 07:58:06 · answer #2 · answered by Someone who cares 7 · 0 0

People menioned Adam and Eve because you asked about original sin. We do NOT know that God made man with a instinct for knowledge...knowledge of good and evil is what arose from original sin.

Satan's part was represented by the snake who tempted Eve. For lack of a better way to put it, I see this story as representational of showing the meaning and purpose of free will.

You would not make a product without testing it before putting it on the market. I suspect God had the same idea. cal

2007-01-16 07:58:52 · answer #3 · answered by Callie 2 · 0 0

5. We need to feel bad that we do those things.

We are called to rejoice and be glad that Christ forgives those things, not mope around depressed and defeated.

3. We have tendencies to do certain things, either because of the way He made us, or because of the universe around us.

The Devil tempted man, man accepted. God made men to glorify him, not to spread evil. Everything he creates is good.


1. Why don't you ask him? I'm not God.
2. He instilled a thirst for wisdom and discernment from God, not trees.

A good father knows that his son will disobey him sometimes but loves him inspite of his faults and wants him to succeed in life.

How much better is God, the perfect father?


I guess he's just proving his love for us just like he did on the cross.

2007-01-16 08:00:50 · answer #4 · answered by Doug 5 · 0 0

To start with, there is nothing like the original sin. There is nothing like that in the Bible. It was coined by those who would like to give the Bible a meaning of their own.

By creation, the freewill is there for use independent of GOD. Where have you read it in your Bible that GOD instilled the thirst for knowledge in Adam and Eve? Through the serpent, the Devil whetted the desire of Adam and Eve to have knowledge like GOD. Genesis 3:5&22. Consequently, man has the knowledge of good and evil like GOD. He is quite free to exercise his freewill to choose good or evil. This has nothing to do with GOD. Note however, that GOD has the monopoly of righteousness and the judgement of all unrighteousness. He is our Creator.

The LORD GOD gave Adam a commandment. If Adam had obeyed, things would have been different from what they are now. Of course GOD knew that Adam would disobey, Rather than amend His creation, He brought in Jesus Christ for the salvation of the soul that died in Paradise in the Garden of Eden. By the way, are you aware that the Mission of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the flesh? His words are spirit. John 6:63. Worshp the Father in spirit. John 4:24.

The two trees gave Adam the choice of either living with GOD forever in the spiritual or living with Satan. The LORD GOD made His prefrence known by that commandment. Only if Adam had obeyed!

2007-01-16 08:56:02 · answer #5 · answered by Cab302 2 · 0 1

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a symbolic way to say evil, meaning satan. The sin in the garden was a sexual sin, and had nothing to do with eating. And if you ask me original sin did not happen in the garden, but before that. Satan's pride in wanting to be God preceeded the sins of the garden.

2007-01-16 07:54:43 · answer #6 · answered by isiseamenhotep 3 · 1 0

Actually it was satan who put that tree there.

Because of Lucifer's original revolt, satan and his works are entangled in the matrix of creation.

Even God has trouble distangling it.

It will require until the end of the world for Him to do so, and in the meantime, much to God's sorrow, many souls end up in eternal hell.

It was not a thirst for knowledge itself that was bad in Adam but a disordered thirst that was a form of greed.

He did not have the right discipline and sobriety (by his own free-will) so took the bait that the devil offered him.


2007-01-16 07:54:37 · answer #7 · answered by Catholic Philosopher 6 · 0 1

Your assumptions are a bit off. God created the universe, and us. Our tendencies are due TO our free will. God gave us the opportunity to choose between trust and knowledge. We CHOSE knowledge. Our feelings are irrelevant. We showed that we improving ourselves was more important to us than fellowship with God. It was, in God's opinion, a bad choice. He's giving us the chance to agree with Him and change our ways. It all depends on where you want to end up. With God, or on your own.

2007-01-16 08:01:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, it was not 'tree of knowledge', it was 'tree of knowledge of good and evil'. There is a huge difference. As you stated, God made humans with a huge curiosity.

Original sin was not necessarily the product of 'the tree of knowledge of good and evil', it was the _act_ of disobedience to God's instruction and the wish (instilled/promoted by the adversary) to be as God is.
Humans...go figure. Only one rule to obey and they break it.

2007-01-16 07:56:53 · answer #9 · answered by credo quia est absurdum 7 · 1 0

there is not any such element as entire depravity. That replace into invented by John Calvin. regardless of unique sin, there is sufficient grace left interior the soul of human beings to elect to do sturdy, and choose to have confidence in God. If we are completely wicked, we could not try this. Matrimony replace into instituted earlier the autumn, and it has continuously been holy, and did not go through the end results of the autumn, making it a different sacrament, and disproving Calvins invention. there is likewise the organic regulation that's written on each and every persons coronary heart. human beings instinctivly know that express issues are incorrect and specific issues are sturdy. Killing is misguided no count number what faith (or no faith) you carry on with. human beings elect to harden their experience of right and incorrect to commit evil acts. because of the fact evil exists does not propose that God willed it.

2016-10-07 06:19:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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