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17 answers

The Army is often low-brow, scraping the bottom of the barrel for enough troops, but also the most diverse with a wide variety of career options. The Marines is the most proud of all, once a Marine, always a Marine, and they often take the brunt of most major combat. The Navy... ... do we still have a Navy? Oh yeah, the Chinese sub snuck up on them the other day.... I don't know why anybody would want to be in the Navy unless they love boats and being out to sea. The Air Force is a very political nearly civilian organization, except for security forces who are practically in the Army...

So it depends on what you want to do, and what you like. Air Force is most corporation-like, while Army's most blue-collar... If you have any specific questions, write me...

2007-01-16 07:48:09 · answer #1 · answered by C D 3 · 2 2

all the services pay the same based on rank. You need to decide what other things you want. If you want to see the world, the Navy is best. Ships travel all over the world and stop in many different countries, but you are stationed on a ship. The Marines give you the added pride and notariety of being a Marine, but they usually have the worst facilities, and few overseas locations that don't involve deployment. Then there is the Air Force, nice easy duty many nice overseas locations, and a low chance of seeing combat up close. The Army is not overly special in any way. You have better and more bases than the Marines, here and over seas. You will not see as much of the world as fast as the Navy if your on a ship. And you risk seeing combat. Think about these and other side benefits of each service before you join.

2007-01-16 08:45:09 · answer #2 · answered by John B 4 · 0 0

I retired from the Navy , so I am going to have to say the Navy. The travel opportunities are better in the Navy, yes, you are onboard ship for months at a time, but the port calls are well worth it and being at sea is in some strange way rewarding too. In combat you will not see much action, but are an integral part of the team. The advancement opportunities in the Navy rely about 90% on yourself to make it to E-6 *(the other services require a review by superiors for advancement, the Navy doesn't do that until E-7). The training the Navy has is pretty good too. Overall The Navy is the best choice.....Unless you just want to shoot and get shot at...then go marines (still part of the Navy)

2007-01-16 07:24:28 · answer #3 · answered by kerfitz 6 · 2 1

there is no one best military to join, it depends on what you are looking for and what you are willing to put into it. The Marines have the highest esprit de corps, and the longest and many would argue toughest basic training, and are often used in early engagements of military action, other than combat, though don't expect to go too many interesting places unless you land embassy duty. The army is the largest and most versitile branch of the service, with operations around the world, and some units that are just as hard core as the Marines. You get a wider area of job specialties that are not open to the Marines, but are in the other branches (read medical)-the basic training isn't easy, but isn't that hard. You will see a good portion of the world if you get lucky and take advantage of every opportunity you get. The Navy has a long rich tradition, and has a good blending of jobs and opportunity to see the world-if you want to go to unusual places, join the navy and get onto as many sea tours as you can. The airforce is the most relaxed branch and treats their airmen the best of the branches, you get to travel, but there isn't quite as much pride in the airmen of the airforce as there is in the other branches (From personal experiance working with and around them, I know I'm going to get flamed for this!). You get the most civilian compatable skills, and some of the best living conditions.
I've spent 13 years in the army, as an active duty soldier and a reservist, and am very happy with what I have done and how my career is going.

2007-01-16 07:22:18 · answer #4 · answered by paul_p_25 3 · 3 1

There is no correct answer; it depends on your needs and desires.
Do you want to be a front line ground pounder?
Do you want to sleep in a tent?
Do you want to be in top shape?
Earn and possible lose rank fast?

If so the army and marines are a good bet.

Do you want more technical training?
Being away for long periods of time?
See many places around the world?
Navy may work for you

Do you want the best technical training?
Sleep in hotels?
Slow promotions compared to other services?
Harder to lose rank also.
Air Force may be the best bet
The USAF is more like a regular job, compared with the rest of the services

They main thing I received from the military (USAF)
was a skill I could use on the outside.
I was a computer operator, now I work as a pre sales engineer
for the 4th largest software company in the world.

2007-01-16 07:20:12 · answer #5 · answered by David P 3 · 3 1

The Marines have the best looking dress uniform. The Army's uniform looks good but also looks uncomfortable. The Air Force uniform looks relaxed and the Navy uniform is comfortable but 13 buttons on the dress uniform is a pain when you have to go to the head really bad. What I'm tiring to say is all the services have their pluses and minuses. You should check them all out to see which fits YOU best.

2007-01-16 07:17:02 · answer #6 · answered by Joseph P 3 · 4 1

woah woah woah!! don't listen to the people that say the marines are the best. those are the guys that like to shoot people in the face at point blank range, ok? people that enjoy battle in iraq or anywhere for that matter are crazy no matter what way you slice it.

now, that said, the air force is the best, without a doubt. it's the easiest by far, including a 5 week bootcamp lol. the girls that go to air force bootcamp and told to bring a nail kit with them and the worst physical training you'll get there is a long bike ride. and the air force stationed in the US is a regular 9-5 job, which is the best part.

now the navy, which i was in, has its ups and downs. it's really awesome to see different parts of the world on deployment, and i met some really cool people and saw places i'd never see if i hadn't joined, but something recruiters don't tell you about is Duty! that's the worst part about it, bar none. it goes like this, duty is done by sections, it varies how many sections depending on where you're stationed and what the captain wants. say if your base or ship is on 6 section duty, you'll have duty every 6 days. they don't do it every 7 days because some people would always have weekend duty and that would suck even worse. during your duty day you can't leave the ship if you're on a ship and if you're stationed on shore then you'll be on call 24 hours, until the next section takes over. and on your duty day you'll most likely be assigned a watch, which consists of various things depending on what kind of watch it is. say if you get a quarterdeck watch, you'll stand there saluting everyone that comes aboard and goes ashore and granting or denying them permission to do so. typically, those watches last at LEAST 4 hours, but it's possible and definitely not unheard of to have 2 of those watches in one day. and you're not allowed to sit at all during them either. another kind of watch is apparently even worse (i never had to do it, luckily), it's called SSDF (ships self defense force), and you basically walk around with a vest, radio, and either a shotgun or 9 mm pistol on various areas of the ship of near the entrances. those are also 4 hours usually and it's very likely that you'll get 2 watches in one duty day. recruiters don't tell you this crap, i wish mine had.

but i'd still say that the navy is better than the army or the marines. getting shot at sucks ***, or at least that's what a lot of marines have told me. one time i was working with a marine of the same rank as me on my ship, when i was assigned to cranking duty (working with the cooks, serving food, washing dishes and cleaning up the galley), there were so many marines aboard that they had to help us. well, the staff sergeant that was in charge of him told him that he wouldn't be allowed to go ashore in thailand that day for some reason or other and he looked at me and said "man, this SUCKS!", and i laughed, i was thinking the same thing for him though. and in his position, i would've said the same thing. but the staff sergeant ordered him to say "hoorah, staff sergeant!" to correct himself. to me, that's just ridiculous, he knew he wasn't allowed to leave and wasn't going to anyways, but the guy HAD to rub it in. if it was me in his position and some 1st class petty officer had told me i couldn't leave, i would've said more than "this sucks" and the guy wouldn't have gave 2 craps. to me, that's just a minor, but perfect example of how the marines sucks. want a better example? watch the movie "Jarhead". it's just like that, guaranteed.

and i don't imagine the army being much better, the difference between the 2 branches is the marine corp is better trained.

2007-01-16 07:52:01 · answer #7 · answered by c4n7_b3_ur_5up3rm4n 2 · 0 0

US Military is the best period. Why else do all the other nations call us to fight their wars, save their butts, free them from tyrants, help in all matters (even though they care less if we were dead, help those who are responsible for 9-11 and all terrorist acts)? Be proud to serve any branch. They each have positives and negatives.
USAF!!!!!!!!!! Airmen Rock. Shooting while flying at high speeds, what a rush! My dad's Rt. Lt. Col. I have friends in the AF. They are treated the best. I love airplanes, lots of job positions available to suit you.
Marines, they take care of business, and never leave a man behind, at the risk of their own life!
Do NOT listen to a recruiter. They just want numbers. Do research on the various branches yourself. The internet's full of free info on the individual branch sites. Try to obtain a mentor, if possible.

2007-01-16 12:55:47 · answer #8 · answered by Heather Rae 2 · 0 2

Marines its hardest to finish bootcamp, and the very best training you can get for enlisted. Dress Blues own.

2007-01-16 10:48:34 · answer #9 · answered by Patches 3 · 0 1

Marines.....Why, well becuase they take care of your whole extended family and actually want to bring you back home safely....They teach shoot first and then ask questions! I'd rather have that then a sensitivity training session, and besides the Marines want to keep you they only have a limited few.

2007-01-16 07:18:43 · answer #10 · answered by chapman_red 2 · 2 4

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