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The majority of Christians that I have met (I'm a buddhist), are loving, kind people. My friends that are Christian (none of them catholic surprisingly), have explained to me that the bible preaches love, kindness, and do not judge others.

I am confused, as I have seen many Christians (mostly Republicans for some reason), who judge others, for example gays, and things as simple as gay rights. I've seen some of these Christians bash gays, and judge them, or what it seems like converting them, or having them admit to sin or something to that effect.

My question is, I thought a core ideal from the bible was to love (not hate) and not judge others.

This is an honest question coming from a non-christian who is wanting to understand.

Is it okay as a Christian to judge others (for example gays and their lifestyle)? If not, it seems to put the wrong face on the Christian religion. If you do believe in love and non-judgement of others, how do you feel about these other Christians?

2007-01-16 07:04:29 · 29 answers · asked by Denny T 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

In some ways you are very correct. BUt, in another way, you are wrong, And I hope I can explain this to you about us Christians. I am a full gospel Christian, which means we believe in all of the Bible as the inspired word of God, not just the parts we want to hear, and we believe in Bible only. God tells us clearly what is sin, if we study and pray and really really read His word, enough to know it. He names what is sin, and says to leave it, repent of it and turn to Him. Because He does love us, He doesnt want to leave us in the same sick condition in which He finds us. Because sin leads to more sin and heartache, and a seperation from God. God clearly tells us we must speak up about sin, or we are held accountible ourselves. We cannot remain silent. But, tho we are to judge what is sin, clearly so... we arent to judge the sinnner. We can say Did you know thats sin? and speak truth. But we cant judge them and condemn them to hell. Only God can say who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. But, it is our place to live truth and speak it. WE are to love the sinner, but not to tolerate the sins, as we arent to be codependant with them in their sins. But, we speak truth boldly and in love, and leave it to the Holy Spirit to do the convicting. Still we love them, and pray. We are to hate noone, but we are called to hate sin, as it leads to ruination and destruction and eventual hell. So, yes, we are to go in love to someone when we see sin, and warm them, because God loves them and so do we, but we arent to judge them, or condemn them as a person. We condemn only the sin. This is why you will hear so many telling others about what is sin. But, God says if we cant do it in love, we arent to do it at all. Jesus preached boldly, and did not tiptoe. He named sin as sin, but He just spoke it, lived it, and let them deceide what they choose for their ownself. BUt, He just never ever ignored sin, because He loves us all so much. For example, we are to warn a gay person, but not to bash them and make fun of them. God says we are to love everyone and He creaeted us all equal. But, the lies of the devil say it is normal behavior, and it is not. WE are to continue to love them and pray for them, period. You are correct, the core of the Bible is love, as God is love, But He loves us too much to want us to continue to live in sin. A God that didnt love , wouldnt care what we did. If any faith does not preach accountiblity to God, its false religion. and if their faith does not include Jesus, it is false. God says, thru Jesus is the ONly way, and tells us to tell that to everyone. Just as I am now telling you. Whatever your beliefs are, God loves you and so do I. and He loves you enough to just forgive you , if you ask, and turn to Jesus and follow His teachings in obeidence > I ask God to bless you in truth NOW.

2007-01-16 10:11:23 · answer #1 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 0 1

I think that there is a difference between passing judgement and evaluating people's lifestyles. Should I hang out with gangbangers because I don't want to be judgemental? I'm liable to get shot that way.
I believe that homosexuality is a sin, but I don't think that I judge people for that sin. I have my own sins to worry about. I have had a few homosexual aquaintances, friends even. I don't think there is anything wrong with befriending a homosexual. I won't be attending any parades though.

Honestly I've seen just as many or more non-Christians talk trash about gays as Christians. I think it's a societal thing that a lot of young men in the U.S. do that because it makes them feel, well, like men. It's affirming their manhood or something, the same way having really loud car stereos does.

The Christians that picket funerals, and are outwardly hateful towards homosexuals are really disgusting to me. I have serious doubts about their salvation, (but then that's passing judgement).
They seem to hate more than they love.

However, I don't think that the Republican Christians who don't approve of homosexuality and gay marriage are in the same boat as the other.

2007-01-16 07:28:26 · answer #2 · answered by no mas 2 · 0 0

It would not be possible for a person to go through life without "judging". When you have are driving, you have to judge if you have time to make it through the yellow light or not. When you are working to have to judge how to treat a customer or to best perform your job. When dealing with people, you better be "judging" whether they are honest, or whether they are stalking you down a street waiting to kill you. So no one can go through life without "judging".

What most people are complaining about when they speaking of "judging" is "condemning". When a Christian says something or someone is good, nobody has a problem. It is only when they speak out against something that they believe is wrong that the problems begin.

There you have to separate the difference between judging an individual person, and judging an act. There are certain things in this world that are right and certain things that are wrong. As a religion faith, Christianity has to take a stand for what it believes is right, and against what it believes is wrong. As the only "messengers" the Christian faith has are its people, that means that Christians have to speak out for right and wrong.

As a Christian, I have been involved in fighting for tougher laws against rape and child abuse. Is that a "judgement" against rapist or abusers, or a stand for protecting the innocent? As a Christian I have run for and held public office because I felt that things the local government was doing was wrong. Is that a "judgement" of the government officials, are being "the light of the world" like Jesus called us to be?

There is an old saying in the Christian world that needs to be resurrected again. Christians are to "love the sinner", but to "hate the sin". We are to do whatever we can to help people around us, but at the same time to stop the spread of evil. Sometimes that is not easy to do. How do stop evil without confronting the person or people responsible?

Unfortunately, that often means that the leaders of the Christian faith have to take a hard stand against evil. It means they have to speak out when wrong things are happening. They have to shout when bad laws are proposed, or evil is permitted. Often that does not look particularly "loving". But to stand for what is right is - well - the right thing to do. What is the alternative? Deny their faith, deny their morals, and just let evil win?

So Christianity is a balance between loving the indiviual, but hating the sin. The same Jesus who said the word "judge not that you be not judged" also in the same sermon said "You will know them by their fruit (meaning actions)". So even He acknowledged that there are two parts to the Chrisitan faith.

2007-01-16 07:34:05 · answer #3 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

You are right in saying that most of them are Republicans, I had to laugh when I read that. These are the fundamentalist and they have been taught that only people who confess their sins and ask Jesus to come into their hearts are saved and all others go to hell. They take the bible literally. And they are very judgmental. This is wrong and against the teachings of Christ. It is this group of people who give Christianity a bad name. The teaching of the Christian church follow the teaching of Jesus. "Judge not lest you be judged". Christianity is a religion of Love. Some Protestant groups have gotten far from the teaching and the members of those branches no not understand it and will not listen to those of us who try to teach them the truth.

2007-01-16 07:27:01 · answer #4 · answered by tonks_op 7 · 1 0

James 4:11-12 KJV
Speak not evil one of another, breathern. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law. thou art not a dower of the law, but a judge. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Christians are not suppose to judge another human at all, the Bible makes it clear that one and only ONE had the power to judge. What a Christian is suppose to do is stand for the Word of God which we believe to be the Bible, and to act on the Word. I've seen "Christians" holding signs up that would say things like "God hates gays" this is by far wrong and should not be done. Although the Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is forbidden among "His" people and is Biblically wrong in every way, it does not give a Christian a right to hunt down a homosexual and condemn them in any way. The Bible tell us to love all people and to love sinners, it is clear that Christians are not to judge or condemn another person for any reason. A Christian can be against homosexuality or any thing else the Bible says is morally wrong without judging or using hate speech. A Church's job and responsibly is to their own Church and to the community by telling the Good News also know as the gospel, and not by going door to door telling people their going to hell. A Christian first and foremost responsibility is to Love God and then their neighbor...not to hat and condemn or judge. A Christian that does judge does so simply because they have not read the Bible. We can be against sin and hate SIN but we cannot hate sinners....we love them. We preach against sin not people, we are against evil, not the one who does the evil. God changes the hearts of people not people. I hope I've said what I wanted to well, to the outcome that someone might better understand what Christianity is suppose to be, and that Christians would read the Bible.

2007-01-21 11:17:03 · answer #5 · answered by Guru 2 · 0 0

It is not correct for Christians to judge non-believers....only sin committed by believers within the Church. This does not mean that Christians should condone sin.
I often see non-believers ask a question concerning a Christian's stand on issues relating to sin. If a Christian speaks out against that sin, they are considered to be judgmental or hypocritical. (a non-believer judging a believer)
I see this as stating the platform of your faith, not judging an individual. The difference of opinion between non-believers and believers should be respected and not ridiculed but considered just that.....a difference of opinion

2007-01-16 07:18:47 · answer #6 · answered by paulsamuel33 4 · 0 0

I am a Christian that feels judged, by the general population, based on people who scream the loudest. Who shout the things that you wrote about. I may not agree with the lifestyle. (And that extends beyond the gay lifestyle.) But, that does not mean I get to bash them. I do believe if you are not a Christian you will go to hell---but not based on my judgement. Based on what the bible says. It is up to me to show Jesus by my actions not my words. That happens through love. Jesus style.

2007-01-16 07:13:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible says judge not lest ye shall be judged. I know alot of Christians are Hippocrates but as far as judging gays the bible speaks against those things all over the place and we are commanded to love everbody but not condone what they do if it goes against God's word. I believe we were put on this earth for the Glory of God and to lead others to Christ so that is why alot of Christians (myself included) speak against gays because it is written they will not enter the kingdom and if we follow the bible and love them despite their gayness than we would do whatever it takes to get them to heaven.
That is the Word and I believe it I will pray the Lord touches your life personally.

2007-01-24 06:29:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus said, "he who is without, cast the first stone" meaning that some people came to him wanting permission to stone a prostitute to death and he told them that whichever person doesn't have or has never sinned to go ahead and throw the first stone at her.

Somewhere in Romans it states that there is not one human that is without sin. I think it's horrible that these hypocrits judge others. Although you're trying to work on not judging, it's one thing to have an opinion and it's quite another to voice it hypocritically. Being a Christian should be about following everything and trying to do what Jesus did and taught. That mostly consisted of loving, forgiving and having faith.

2007-01-16 07:16:56 · answer #9 · answered by Lara Croft 3 · 0 0

If you are overly critical and judgmental then I don't think you are a christian. If you hate then you are not worshiping God. You are just worshiping an extension of your self and calling it God.

God gives love. That does not mean that anything goes. But if the love of God is in your heart you will approach everything from a place of love. Instead of having an "I'm better than you!! Your going to hell, HA HA" attitude. People like that are usually in as much danger of hell as the ones they are accusing.

Also, if you have the love of God then you will actually help the people if they want it (if they ask for it). An example would be the free post abortion grief counseling provided by the Catholic church. That exists mostly in large town because their is usually not enough demand in small towns, but at least it is their. And that's just one example.

2007-01-16 07:23:55 · answer #10 · answered by Buttercup Rocks! 3 · 1 0

It's not right for Christians to judge others. I grew up in a Christian church and was taught to "love the sinner, hate the sin."
So you see, even if someone is doing something you don't agree with, it's not okay to judge them.

2007-01-16 07:16:55 · answer #11 · answered by flutterby5738 2 · 0 0

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