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How can we not worship the One who has forgiven all our sins? I worship Him because Jesus died for me so that I wouldnt have to suffer an eternity seperated from Him.

2007-01-16 05:00:21 · answer #1 · answered by james p 3 · 1 4

A dictator is someone who gives you no choice. You don't have any free will or liberty to do what you like. But for Christian God at least, you are already making a choice of not believing him. You still are very much alive to do whatever you like even posting this question to say wrongly that God is a dictator. He doesn't send you to hell, he gives you a choice. We seem to say it is so out of ignorance. All those in hell are already there as soon as they die. I think we should rather say, the devil takes you there since the soul of the godless will have no place but hell to go. That is if the Christian faith you do not believe turns out to be one that is true.

2007-01-16 05:10:55 · answer #2 · answered by Ptuan 3 · 0 0

God does not say, worship me or burn in hell forever. He tells us that because of Adam and Eve's disobedience, mankind lost his relationship with God (Adam and Eve's doing). God's free gift of Jesus, is man's way back into this relationship. You are free to chose. Stay lost or choose Jesus. God will not make you choose salvation. So, what is the state that you are in now? There are two final destinations that you have the power to decide for yourself. Have you chosen?

2007-01-16 05:08:14 · answer #3 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 1 0

A god who doesn't set up the rules of how the Universe works: i.e. he doesn't threaten us with hell, he just tells us the inevitable consequences of our actions. Nope, most Christians, Jews, and Muslims won't like that idea. But it is a logical way to have both hell and a loving god exist at the same time.

2007-01-16 05:05:16 · answer #4 · answered by Faeldaz M 4 · 1 0

He does NOT. That is a false doctrine found nowhere in scripture. NOWHERE. One of the reasons God destroyed certain ancient nations is because they practiced child sacrifice, including making them pass through fire. Furthermore he condemned the nation of Israel at Jeremiah 32:35 by saying that they built "... the high places in order to make their sons and their daughters pass through the fire to Molech, a thing that I did not command them neither did it come up into my heart to do this DETESTABLE THING" Clearly hellfire would go against God's own way of doing things. Secondly, in a non-scriptural sense, the word "hell", when translated from the original greek and hebrew words (Sheol/Hades) means simply mankind's common grave. The concept of a punishment by hellfire demeans God and was intended to keep the people enslaved. That is why Jesus said that the truth would set people free. There is NO burning hell. That is the truth.

2007-01-16 05:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by Q&A Queen 7 · 0 1

All about free choice, isn't it. Why would a supreme being give us the right to choose then demand we choose to worship it/him/her/whatever or be condemned. Not sure if I would call it a dictator or a prankster were this the case.

That being said, this worship comes more from a fear of the unknown. That which we don't understand we fear and, as such, people blame or thank "God" for the unknown.

2007-01-16 05:00:26 · answer #6 · answered by Gwydyon 4 · 1 1

There is a Hell because of what happened in the heaven before us with Lucifer (satan). With Lucifer went 1/3 of the angels… now, we as humans are given free will to pick. Heaven or Hell. He merely tells us how to avoid going to Hell- he does not say WORSHIP me or else. At the same time satan is here trying to get you to not pick God. It is a battle.

2007-01-16 05:12:58 · answer #7 · answered by PantherWrestler 1 · 0 0

Your question does not make sense. It isn't about "dictating." And as far as God telling us, through his Word, the way it is- well, you can believe the Truth, or you can make up your own version of the truth. You can choose not to believe anything, or you can choose some candy coated religion that condones man doing what he wants to. It doesn't take away the fact that there is one Truth, there are consequences for the way you let yourself believe which leads to the way you operate in your daily life, and ultimately to your destruction. Don't make it so difficult.

2007-01-16 05:12:48 · answer #8 · answered by catarina 4 · 1 0

your question is reasonable and worth pondering, but I think your perspective is off.

Hell is our destiny owing to our sin nature... God has simply provided a way of escape if we choose His salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, the once and for all atonement for sin that we might be washed clean and able to enter into His holy presence.

As sinners, we can not enter into His perfection, we would burn up. We must be made holy first. This salvation plan is His GIFT. It is God's provision, should we choose, not a dictatorial.

If you know that a bridge is out, up ahead, and you yell to an approaching car, "CHOOSE TO STAY HERE WITH ME, OR CRASH AND BURN UP AHEAD!" ---Are you now a dictator? I think not.

2007-01-16 05:03:11 · answer #9 · answered by NONAME 4 · 1 0

its not the fact that we're worshiping a dictator its' more of that God gave every one free will and it is your choice to obey or not; God is a very jealous God

2007-01-16 05:09:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That's a Good Question, But God Could easily say why should I let U into Heaven, When U curse me and Hate me. All I asked Is love me, and Be righteous.

2007-01-16 05:08:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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