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Couldn’t god get the value for pi right?

Doesn't god know that a bat is not a bird?

How could god think that plants could have preceded stars?

What is wrong with him?

2007-01-16 04:52:14 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

45 answers

Lol I love you Jack.. great question! I wish I could give you 10 pts for this one!

The bible isn't the word of an Almighty Creator.. it's the written accounts of a bunch of different people, then translated by people who didn't truly understand the nuances of a language or its people, and then translated again by others who didn't get it as well. The new testament itself is in complete contradiction to jewish belief and the "old testament".

the whole thing is a mess.

2007-01-16 04:56:18 · answer #1 · answered by Kallan 7 · 0 5

I've been raised a christian in a communist country where atheism was supposedly "the answer" and after seeing the not so wonderful things atheism does to societies (worse than religion) I won't be so quick to jump to the conclusion that atheism is the answer like one of the previous answerers.
I am in the process of reading the entire Bible and studying it in depth although I've read a lot of it, I haven't read it as a whole and studied every little part of it, so I won't really have an answer until I have read the whole book and studied the inconsistencies and apparent contradictions in depth for myself.
I'm about halfway through it and I've run into plenty of things that make me wonder, some things that don't make sense and a few things that seem outright bizare, mean, and it makes me angry to read them.
HOWEVER, even if I come to the conclusion that the book of the Bible is NOT the "innerrant word of God", at worst I will conclude that the Old testament is basically an imperfect chronicle of how messed up people can be and the New Testament is God's solution to that mess.
I've already experienced Atheism and NO THANK YOU. If you think all wars are caused by religion and Atheism somehow will solve that problem, you are fooling yourself.

2007-01-16 05:07:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Couldn’t god get the value for pi right?
I don't recall there being math in the bible.
Doesn't god know that a bat is not a bird?
The bible was written by men. Bats and birds have wings, they were classified as the same for a long time.

How could god think that plants could have preceded stars?
He just made it that way. How can you think we came from one single celled organism that just poofs out of no where?

What is wrong with him?
What is wrong with you?

2007-01-16 05:00:24 · answer #3 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 1

Perhaps the problem is with the reader and not the writer.

Couldn’t god get the value for pi right?
(1 Kings 7:23; 2 Chronicles 4:2)
Obviously the people back then would know the value of pi.
The circumference of 30 cubits is evidently a round figure, for more precisely it would be 31.4 cubits. In this regard, Christopher Wordsworth quotes a certain Rennie as making this interesting observation: “Up to the time of Archimedes [third century B.C.E.], the circumference of a circle was always measured in straight lines by the radius; and Hiram would naturally describe the sea as thirty cubits round, measuring it, as was then invariably the practice, by its radius, or semi-diameter, of five cubits, which being applied six times round the perimeter, or ‘brim,’ would give the thirty cubits stated. There was evidently no intention in the passage but to give the dimensions of the Sea, in the usual language that every one would understand, measuring the circumference in the way in which all skilled workers, like Hiram, did measure circles at that time. He, of course, must however have known perfectly well, that as the polygonal hexagon thus inscribed by the radius was thirty cubits, the actual curved circumference would be somewhat more.” (Notes on the King James Version, London, 1887) Thus, it appears that the ratio of three to one (that is, the circumference being three times the diameter) was a customary way of stating matters, intended to be understood as only approximate.

Doesn't god know that a bat is not a bird?
(Leviticus 11:13-20; Deuteronomy 14:11-20)
The ancient Hebrews would probably feel the same way about modern nomenclature. They had their own classification system for identifying animals, etc. To them, if it flew it was a bird. Simple enough? Why should they be required to submit to our modern terminology and nomenclature?

How could god think that plants could have preceded stars?
(Genesis 1:3 -Light created; Genesis 1:11-18 plant life created; lights become discernable.)
Obviously stars and other celestial phenomena were created first. However, Scripture was written as if from the view of a human on earth, which had there been any at the time would have not been able to see the stars until the atmosphere was sufficiantly cleared for it to be possible. This was done in part by the natural chemical action of plants, after which the stars became visible. They had already been created (one word) but on the fourth day the word is a different word, the word for make or made.

2007-01-16 04:56:24 · answer #4 · answered by Abdijah 7 · 4 3

I think that your questions are every serious weakness on the term of your "Biblical" point of view. I re comment you that, why don't you get yourself a Bible and read it yourself, both Old Testament and the New Testament.If you every want know, you can take a brief Scriptures. Start with Genesis Chapter 1,2.and there is a special scripture for you to put your though into it. Gen. 1: word 26 God said "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.
And Eph 4.24,Jms 3:9, Ps 104:18-23, Ps 8:6. And let's see what you think, but don't tell me that human came from the animal, that's not true. That why the whole world is fill of corruptions, because, such a though and behaved of human today.
May bless you

2007-01-16 06:18:12 · answer #5 · answered by susan h 1 · 0 0

God, as you call it, did not write your bible. Humans did.

As Christ's teachings were handed down, the religious leaders who wanted to maintain control over their people, made changes. Isn't it interesting that Christ was a Jew, verbally beratted the religious leaders about straying from the Old Testament, told us not to worship idols, and then we turned around and made a religion out of what he said and called it Christianity and began to worship him, as though he was a (the) God.

Inaccurancies as you call them, may be better described as inconsistencies. It is kind of like what investigators find when interviewing. As more and more information is acquired, eventually things do not add up.

When the truth is described, which cannot be accomplished with words, everything adds up, leaving no doubt, regardless what someone else might say or believe. The TRUTH is an experience.

But what is so wonderful about your creators love for you is, even these inaccuracies cause you to seek and head toward the truth, if you cannot find them within the writings. When you can EXPERIENCE THE TRUTH within the parables, you will be closer.

The writings are like "Signpost", at least the ones that were not twisted around. They are not the truth, they just point you to the way.

Here is one that got twisted horribly, and I am quoting Christ.
"Behold, Heaven is at hand." Somehow that got twisted into sometime after death, and only if you were good. Do you think he meant that literally? If not, why?

2007-01-16 05:13:42 · answer #6 · answered by cosmicaware1 2 · 1 1

inaccuracies? or, sorry, but maybe is it more your ignorance of the context (cultural/historical)?

God knows the value of pi, he just rounded it for people of 2,000, 3,000 and more years ago, otherwise they wouldn't understand (it was a common practice then, anyway)

A bat flies, if people from the time classified them as "birds", the point of the passage was not to classify, but other, then, to use the definition of that time (bird= a flying animal) was enough.

And God created the light in day one...

etc, etc.... so, we could dismiss all the supposed inaccuracies, anyway, which is your point? If you want to know God, there is enough information there, then you can go deeper, but first look for the saving message!

2007-01-16 18:58:25 · answer #7 · answered by Joshua 5 · 0 0

well, I will prove YOU WRONG!!!! god created every thing he made it when he wanted and kept it alive how ever long he wanted. just because we say that a bat isn't a bird doesn't mean that it is not a bird it means that we think its not! but what ever God says goes buddy. do you really think you know more than God? I don't think you do I think you have a self inflated ego that makes you think you are better than your creater. God knew what the value for pi was just cause he didn't tell you doesn't mean that he doesn't know he just wants you to figure out for your self what the answer is. what the bible says goes, if you think its inacuracies it is because you think your right about your logical interpretations of the bible, which your not because god made thing the way they were and if he changed them to see who would remain faithful is what he wnated and it proved that you do not have the ability to stay faithful. I am sorry for being rude to you but when I saw your quesrtion satan used that moment to take my anger and use it against me. I am not perfect, no christian is. this is proof. I will pray for you that god will help you see the truth because you deserve to be saved . god loves you and wants you, you just have to accept him in to your life. trust me you will enjoy life so much more when you know that god loves you and you feel it.

2007-01-16 06:03:44 · answer #8 · answered by a_word_of_praise 2 · 0 0

I contains mistakes because it is NOT the exact words of god verbatum for verbatum but rather those of what man put in, altered, left out. Do research on the Convention of Nicea 325 AD and you will see this. The Quran on the other hand is the book of God, his words untouched. The Quran has not been altered...not even ONE letter let alone passages. This is from the time of Prophet Muhammad (seal of the prophets) to now. MILLIONS of muslims know this book BY HEART. This is one of the ways it has been protected from man tampering with it. Not ONE MISTAKE or CONTRADICTION is in the Quran and best of all....one of the central themes is the ONENESS of God....it is the ONLY PURELY monotheistic religions (others ie Christianity claim to be but in practice are not). So therefore if the bible contains weird mistakes it is not the mistake of god for surely the Creator of all thats in the heavens and earth does not make mistakes, but rather man does.

Peace be upon you.

2007-01-16 05:31:58 · answer #9 · answered by ummeamanah 2 · 0 0

Maybe Gods presence warped space to make pi (In 1 Kings and Chronicles) equal 3. Or maybe, since physics says the universe is expanding from every point, and it is only 6000 years old, the value of pi then was 3.

An when genetic science is complete, maybe bats will be recategorized as birds.

I'm sorry, trying to think this deluded and laughing this hard makes it difficult to keep typing. The Bible is only believable through self delusion or intellectual failure.

2007-01-16 04:59:07 · answer #10 · answered by neil s 7 · 0 2

Good question.
The Bible is a collection of accounts written by different people.
It's like - if there were eight people at a crime scene and they were asked to give their accounts of what happened, you'd get eight different points of view from the exact same crime scene. It's because each person sees things that happen through their own eyes and interprets these actions differently. It doesn't change the fact that the crime took place, it just gives eight different perspectives of the same event.
Hope this analogy helped!!
God Bless.

2007-01-16 04:57:19 · answer #11 · answered by Cyndi 3 · 1 0

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