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It is all based on hearsay and myths. We're better off debating the tooth fairy's existence...

2007-01-16 04:34:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

You are right concerning religion outside of what the Bible deems as true history and true religion, but if you are including discussions based on the Bible alone, and not the sham in most every religion,---you are incorrect!

But if not,---Why not stop any discussion on any aspect of history, if we are to follow your reasoning. Were you aware that there is no other book as well attested as the Bible. So should we stop referring to any history about Lincoln, Napolean, Alexander, Cyrus, etc.--because they do not come close to the caliber of the Bible---I guess we should according to your sense of worth--
--Maybe you could consider the following if indeed it is not too offensive to your intellectual thinking of what is myth & truth.

From "A Lawyer Examines the Bible"-- "While romances , legends, and false testimony are careful to place the events related in some distant place and some indefinite time, thereby violating the first rules we lawyers learn of good pleading , that the 'declaration must give time and place.' The Bible narratives give us the date and place of the things related with the utmost precision" p.38

*** it-1 p. 312 Bible ***

As the famous educator William Lyon Phelps once said: “I believe a knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without a Bible.” (The New Dictionary of Thoughts, p. 46)

John Adams said of the Bible :*** it-1 p. 312 Bible ***

Regarding the Bible, John Quincy Adams wrote: “It is of all books in the world, that which contributes most to make men good, wise, and happy.”—Letters of John Quincy Adams to His Son, 1849, p. 9.

Jerome the Roman historian gave credence to the Bible as the following states:

*** si p. 299 par. 4 Study Number 4—The Bible and Its Canon *
All together this collection of documents forms what Jerome well described in Latin as the Bibliotheca Divina, or the Divine Library. This library has a catalog, or official listing of publications, which is limited to those books pertaining to the scope and specialization of that library...

This is but a scratch on the surface of the earth, as to accurate proof of Biblical truth, that is if you are willing to see a difference in speculation and what faith is as defined in the Bible. You will note after reading this definition, that this is exactly how true science carries outs its exercise of scientific faith:
(Hebrews 11:1) “11 Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”

Realities like--Gravity, enertia, centrifical force, ionizations, oxogen and carbon dioxide exchange that goes on in our bodies----the list goes on forever.

2007-01-16 05:37:47 · answer #1 · answered by THA 5 · 0 0

Because they are seeking the truth, which is a good endeavor. Unfortunately though, they will not find it there, because both are based on a belief system. But the truth is within the teachings, but not the interpretations. That is why the Christ wrote in parables, to avoid the misinterpretations of the editors, who cannot understand the parables, therefor not change them.

And the truth is not a belief, it is a fact. There is only one truth, and when they get to the end of the road of seeking, they will stop searching and start looking within, which is the only place it can be found. It is quite difficult for most humans to turn their focussed awareness from OUT THERE to inward.

If it could be found outside of ourselves, someone would have found it and shared it with all. When you experience the truth, you will know that it is true, and you will no longer need to look for it "OUT THERE", or listen to or accept anyone's beliefs.

The truth is not lost, and that is the very reason why most humans cannot find it. You cannot find something that is not lost, can you? Try that...

The reason someone who knows does not describe it for you is because it cannot be described in words. Words come from the human ego, which is the great deceiver. It is the very thing, and it is not a thing, that keeps the illusion of the manifested world alive for them.

This is not a bad thing, because life can be quite enjoyable as it was intended, but humans do not realize that they can stop the illusion of life at will, whenever they choose. Kind of the like waking up at will and then falling asleep at will. That is the best that I can do with words.

2007-01-16 04:54:42 · answer #2 · answered by cosmicaware1 2 · 1 0

True, it's probably futile, but speculation about an afterlife is essentially the differentiating point between us and our primate cousins, and belief in some kind of continuation has been around since Paleolithic man. It's only natural that something as fundamental would be ingrained in our psyche.

It's that most basic of instincts, self-preservation. The day our ancestors realized what death was, the whole fight-or-flight mechanism kicked in, and since they couldn't fight it, they fled into myth and religion. I'm not saying myth/religion/spirituality isn't valid, I happen to think it is, but form a biological point of view there's no way we can't not debate it.

2007-01-16 04:42:39 · answer #3 · answered by dead_elves 3 · 0 0

What the heck can you debate except speculation? It wouldn't be a debate if you knew the answer. Anyway, people who have felt God's grace and His love just want everyone to experience it. They mean no harm. My question would be if there is nothing to it, then why so many atheists on a religion site arguing about it? Why do they even care?

2007-01-16 04:46:50 · answer #4 · answered by believer 3 · 0 0

i look on the "Nature vs. Nurture" debate in the same thanks to the line toll debate. the reason governments do not % out an answer to why human beings die on our roads is because they anticipate there's a lone one or 2 causes. yet the reality is, there's no individual or 2 causes, there are one of those aspects that make a contribution to the line toll. In different words % and alcohol isn't the total project. Homosexuality is the same. i position self belief each so often the upbringing contributes to someone's in basic terms right existence-type even as in others its in basic terms how they are. the in common words thanks to extremely understand might want to be to do a clinical learn on say one hundred households over a 30 3 hundred and sixty 5 days time span yet even then the top result will be determined by technique of the approaches used to interpret the date accrued.

2016-10-15 07:37:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The important elements are where no speculation exists (ie, where science and logic have supported or falsified some idea) and debating the influence religion should have on other areas of life (especially government).

2007-01-16 04:42:45 · answer #6 · answered by neil s 7 · 0 0

I do not think that faith and religion can be considered at par with speculations. Because religions are realities and not fairy tales. I have studied all the major religions of the world and have came to conclusion that teachings of religions leads the mankind to goodness and forbids sins and evils. No one can deny the facts that messengers of God came and conveyed the message of God.

2007-01-16 04:51:29 · answer #7 · answered by hm_pearl 3 · 1 0

Maybe they want to showed they are true and other people was wrong..
Some other positive people do not want to debate but want to create a more understanding about other religion...
They is no speculation if debate was not exist and vice verse

2007-01-16 04:47:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who cares what most find it unwise to debate on? Most people thought Henry Ford was extremely unwise to pursue the horseless carriage. Most people are not qualified to make any judgment about the merits of their own lovers let alone the merits of ideas.

2007-01-16 04:39:25 · answer #9 · answered by Immortal Cordova 6 · 0 0

I don't think it is bad to debate on speculation. I think it is bad to make real decisions on it. Especially if that is your only basis.

2007-01-16 04:44:45 · answer #10 · answered by Alex 6 · 0 0

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