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Where will you find peace?
Is the Bible a place to find peace?
How do you get through your day?
Serious answers please. Honest answers please.

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world". John 16:33

2007-01-16 04:28:46 · 30 answers · asked by lindakflowers 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thank you everyone for all your well-thought out answers. They are encouraging, respectful, honest and genuine answers from your heart. How will I ever pick a Best Answer. Please don't think your answer didn't hit the mark if it is not chosen. God spoke to me in almost all of them.

2007-01-16 07:16:58 · update #1

30 answers

There are two types of peace when it comes to God. There is peace WITH God and the peace OF God.

Peace WITH God happens when you are forgiven of your sins. God's wrath no longer rests on you and you are at peace with Him. This forgiveness and peace happens when people trust in Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

There is also the peace OF God that you can experience. This occurs through a daily surrendering of your life's problems to God. (i.e. Trusting God to help you through your problems. God is your Sustainer. It is different than being "happy." Happiness is more an emotion, whereas joy is knowing that God is looking out for your best and finding peace with knowing that He is accomplishing the best for your life, despite difficult circumstances). It is what the Bible calls, "...the peace that transcends (surpasses) all understanding." (Philippians 4:7)

Hope this helps! Blessings on you :)

2007-01-16 04:37:04 · answer #1 · answered by LaPrincesse 3 · 2 0

Always Remember God is inside you. What your're is god.
Always be satisfied with what you have, see the people below you who have nothing and compare yourself with then, never compare your life with the rich people.
Never give up hope, keep on going. It is said "what happened;happened for good ----what is happening is happening for good, and what will happen will happen for good; but always do your work" . Always respect yourself for who you're and love yourself, and love what you do. Whatever you do; always do those things that you're happy with. Never do those things which doesnt satisfy yourself within.
Bible might give you the defination of peace; but you should make your own potrait for peace and work for it.

Whenever you're day is over think about all the good things you did and analyse how you could have done even better.

Always try to speak the truth (it is almost impossible but try to tell as much as you can).
Maybe these things could help you.

2007-01-16 12:42:11 · answer #2 · answered by Pat 2 · 1 0

Peace comes from the soul and the holy spirit. The scripture you quote though was not to us but spoken to Jesus' disciples.

Some people feel peace when praying, some when reading the Bible, some outside in nature, some in expression through art...its very individualized to each believer.

2007-01-16 12:34:25 · answer #3 · answered by Shes a maniac 2 · 0 0

Being at peace with God is having a clear mind and a clear soul. You can never be totally at peace with God unless you have begged for forgiveness from any sins and you have no worries in the world.

Being at peace with God includes being quiet, and being alone with yourself and God. This could include meditation or reading the Holy Book (Bible) in a quiet place with no distractions.

Getting through the day is doing your work properly, knowing you have done and doing activities to please God.

Good luck.

2007-01-16 12:34:55 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Yes, I think so. The Bible can help you find peace if you follow Jesus' example. I don't worry about the rest of it, really, it's very contradictory in places and I think a great deal of it is outdated or irrelevant to modern life. But Jesus was a great teacher, and if I ask what would he do I have a good day.

2007-01-16 12:34:55 · answer #5 · answered by Res Ipsa Loquitor 2 · 1 0

Of course it is possible when you submit to everything that happens to you the good and the bad and know that everything happens for a reason and wisdom behing it one that you might not understand on the spot and years later. When you accept all fate and whatever it brings and keep remembering the blessings God has sent to you in comparison to thers you will feel at peace. Prayers and doing thnigs for theless fortunate will help

2007-01-16 14:22:08 · answer #6 · answered by samah a 2 · 1 0

yes it is possible. reading the Bible is not going to give you a magical answer to acquiring peace with God, but that together with praying can help you to be a peace with God. just remember that everything happens for a reason and it is all part of a bigger plan.

2007-01-16 12:32:31 · answer #7 · answered by Coolltw2003 3 · 1 0

I think that when people talk about being at peace with god, they are really just talking about being at peace with themselves. I really don’t believe a god exists, but by seeking peace with god, you are going through the same psychological motion of someone who is working at accepting themselves.

2007-01-16 12:33:34 · answer #8 · answered by A 6 · 0 0

TO BE at peace with GOD you have to have a relationship with his SON JESUS see john 3:16,17 the peace you speak of is in your heart the world could be on fire around you destroying it'self and if you have the LORD IN YOUR LIFE you can walk around with a smile on your face knowing that some day you will ee his face and the tears of joy from him when he opens his arms and says well do my child welcome to you reward that is real peace the peace of knowing that JESUS DIED on the CROSS to save you from hell death and the grave that if you call upon the name of the LORD you will be saved not by works or understanding but by knowing that GOD gave us a free gift the GIFT OF SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!!! that is the peace he is speaking of not world peace or flowers or none of that fake peace butr the peace in your heart that you know beyond a shadow of a dought that you are a CHILD OF THE LIVING GOD THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!

2007-01-16 12:42:37 · answer #9 · answered by THE WAR WRENCH 4 · 1 0

These are great questions. I believe you are on the right track, and if you want the answers ask Him your self. Then listen for the answers. The peace you seek may already be with you. Sometimes when we stop looking sooo hard for what is right in front of us, we find it.

2007-01-16 12:38:51 · answer #10 · answered by photogbob2003 2 · 2 0

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