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19 answers

Pix,little brother,
Fantastic range of questions,i`m smilin so much because i`m proud that someone like you is part of th family,you`ve both woken people to a spiritual mystery and given your brothers and sisters an oppurtunity to show love,and recognising th earnestness of your appeal,i`d like to remind you of a promise Jesus made "..knock and th door will be opened,search and you will find "
You already display a fruit of th Holy Spirit in that you are seekin out th depth`s of God`s provision and goodness,and you know,th funny thing is,when he has satisfied you with th answers to these questions,they`ll not seem so important anymore because he is so much greater in person than th presents he gives.
Just to cover th original question a little,there is anotherpromise that "Gods gift`s are without repentance" (repentance means change of mind) in other words,he will not take back what he has freely given. And seein as your salvation is a gift,he won`t take that from you either,in fact th father gave YOU to th first son jesus and who could take you out of his hand,if angels can`t take you,and demons can`t steal you,(St.Paul,look it up) then you`d certainly never be able to wrestle your way out of his grip,of course you could just sit there in his hand with your back to him pickin your nose or any other dirty habit you`ve developed or each time you do sin you could face him,ask for all th gunk to get washed off and get back to being family.
Either way you`re still goin to heaven,havin slid back into old habits or new ones,because you`re family with all th same rights,priveleges and resposibilities as our older brother jesus,how you carry out th chores here just counts to how much ice-cream you`ll be given later,but you`ve already got heaven,what else do ya need gifts-wise wouldn`t it just be nicer to sit in his hand(or like Mary @ his feet) and listen to him,if there`s you wanna do for him and he thinks it important enough he`ll give you th tools(gifts)you need,th same goes when he asks you to do somethin for him.
p.s. Jesus had all th spiritual tools(gifts) didn`t he,and he said we`d do greater things than him
pps,There are two people in th last century that were documented by newspapers and written about a lot with frighteningly powerful gifts of healing and preachin,they were Smith Wigglesworth(crazy name,crazy guy) and Katherine Kullman(look these guys up).
Smith was a real grumpy git who performed miracles all over th place in christs power,and he only got nice to people after six years of illness drew him close to god and saw how kind th lord was,and catherine was so close to god she glowed @times and was witnessed by huge crowds healin in christ,but she had an affairwith married man lost her closeness with christ in relationship, but performed as many miracles because our father still loved th sick who needed healed,Catherine really regretted losin Gods closeness and would have given up th power to have it again,and maybe that closeness of relationship is what you really should be focusin on,never worry bout th trinkets
Our Da is a good Da,sometimes he feeds us broccoli ,sometimes he gives us ice-cream...

2007-01-16 09:07:31 · answer #1 · answered by St.Afleb 1 · 0 0

backsliding huh? Man, I haven't heard that term since my Pentecostal (brainwashing) days.

Here's my belief on religion. Take it for what it's worth.

I'm Agnostic and I don't really believe in 1 true religion. If you stop to think about it, it's impossible that 1 religion could have it right while all the others are wrong, correct? I mean, can you honestly say that Buddhists or 7th day adventists or Jehovah's Witnesses don't have some aspect of religion right? You can't because noone can say that.

So coming from a Pentecostal background, I was taught that virtually everything was a sin from looking at a girl lustfully or swimming or dancing with girls, etc. So, I pretty much grew up with the thought obtaining Heaven was a near impossibility and it soured me on religion greatly.

However, as I grew older and began to read historical publications regarding the bible and EVERYTHING that it DIDN'T contain (the gnostic gospels, the dead sea scrolls, etc.) it made me realize that the bible had been religiously and politically "slanted" to portray a certain view.

Long and short of it is this - don't believe everything you are told in regards to the bible and obtaining Heaven, backsliding, etc.

It is my belief that if you are a good hearted person and you treat people as you want to be treated, you will obtain Heaven despite the religious fanatics who tell you that you have to go to Church every Sunday, repent your sins, pay your dues and pray.

Again, this is just my opinion.

2007-01-16 04:39:24 · answer #2 · answered by degendave99 3 · 0 1

The experience of the Holy Ghost(Spirit) nonetheless exist I spoken in Tongues assorted cases, in case you fairly % to be attentive to approximately it, you detect a Pentecostal church, we are actually not snake coping with church homes, (there are some obtainable) discover you a UPC ( United Pentecostal church), i might actually help detect one I belong to a minimum of one, indexed under are some greater verses in this undertaking. ok now those are purely some on the undertaking. now we could communicate approximately previous testomony Prophecy on the subject of the Holy Ghost. a million.Joel 2:28-29 2.Ezekiel 11:19-20 3.Isaiah 28:10-12 Now Holy Ghost interior the hot testomony a million.John 4:23-24 2.John 7:37-39 3.John15:26 4.John sixteen:7 5.Acts a million:a million-5,8 6.Acts 2:a million-4,17 7.Acts 2:38-39 ok now approximately why u ought to repent right here some verses for it a million.Luke13:3 2.Acts3:19 3.Acts 17:30 Now indexed under are some on Baptism purely some a million.Acts 8:sixteen 2.Acts 10:40 8 3.Acts 19:5 4.Romans 6:3-5 5.Galations 3:27 6.Colossians 2:12 7.Acts4:12 GOD BLESS

2016-10-31 06:34:40 · answer #3 · answered by speth 4 · 0 0

You cannot lose your Salvation as some say, if you were truly saved; I'm just curious as to WHY you are so focused on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit? The FRUIT of the Spirit (Galatians 5) is what a Christian should strive for.

To answer your question, you will lose some rewards in Heaven, and don't forget that the Father will chastise His TRUE children.

2007-01-16 04:40:42 · answer #4 · answered by lookn2cjc 6 · 0 0

We should always be conscious to the fact that our life is meant to be used in great and powerful ways by God Almighty. We are the vessel in which God can work through to touch others and minister His Word of encouragement that all will be well. To be used of God, we must be available to the Holy Spirit and be sensitive to the still small voice of His leading. The Lord can do extraordinary things through each of our lives if we only surrender our will and allow the Lord to work through us. Be encouraged to be the vessel in which the Lord can work through to minister His grace and encouragement towards all those in need. (Ephesians 4:29-32) (Isaiah 30:21)

2007-01-16 04:41:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The danger is giving in to temptation. You will be tempted,
daily. But it is a struggle, being a Christian, especially, in
a modern day world. You can overcome it, though. And
coming back to the Cross, is possible. If you are willing
to live in Holiness, or else you will get punished.

2007-01-16 04:33:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

What do you think? Do you suddenly become a saint? I don't think so, so yes, you will backslide, even if you really received anything at all.

2007-01-16 05:45:35 · answer #7 · answered by PSAF 3 · 0 0

My honest opinion is that often what is called gifts of the spirit is often hyped up and gives people unrealistic expectations. When they later have questions about the reality of it that can lead to turning away from faith altogether.

2007-01-16 04:33:45 · answer #8 · answered by The Mad cyclist 4 · 2 0

The backslider is in danger of losing salvation.

2007-01-16 04:32:13 · answer #9 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 2

your at danger from falling from the grace of GOD, and becoming empty inside... danger from not feeling the presence of GOD, and the greatest danger is losing your salvation.... BUT GODS faithfulness, mercy, and compassion is upon thoughs who are truly sorry for their sins and want to be renewed in CHRIST JESUS.... GOD can renew and transform the person who onced walked with HIM, who onced knew of HIM, BUT backslided from HIM.... and HE also can restore to the BACKSLIDER what the devil wanted to take away from him, which is the anointing upon our lives, the authority we have through JESUS, the presence of GOD that flows through our lives, and most importantly our salvation through JESUS.... GOD CAN RETURN TO THE BACKSLIDER WITH A GREATER ANOINTING, all the person has to do is repent and truly give himself to the LORD!

2007-01-16 04:49:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ego, temptation, self rightousness, smugness etc. etc.

It is highly likely all will be tested, the worthy recipient will honour the gifts and not abuse them. Cause and Effect will always win out - do unto others etc.etc.

2007-01-16 05:12:34 · answer #11 · answered by Jewel 6 · 0 0

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