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1, I consider myself Chistian, I believe in the Lord, I gave my heart to Him when I ws 16 but I havnt been living the "official" godly life..Honstly, its sex that I feel strays me away..lying, cheating, all that stuff I can cntrol, but sex..its very difficult for me and I feel like thats the sin that is cming between me and God. Its really hard for me to explain..I pray and evrything for the Lord to help me..I just dont knw what to do.2.This brings me to another question and I feel like Im going crazy, but anyhow, I need some answers..last year in December/January I felt that I was visited by some "shadow" that looked like a man who would seduce me every nite and I couldnt do anything...I would feel like my body would freeze up and basically get "raped" becuz I couldnt move.I even began liking it but eventually got scared n didnt want it so anyhow.I prayd evry nite for the Lord to protct me and it stoped happnin.last night it hapened again ..it held me down..I felt helples and scared.

2007-01-16 03:24:27 · 17 answers · asked by lOvInG mOmMiE 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Just to clear some things up..i can control everything else but the sex part..and I dont think that I am a nympo..I just havent been with someone for a while because I dont want to be with just anyone..I use to go to a baptist church..

2007-01-16 04:38:51 · update #1

Oh, and I live alone, I feel fine when I go to bed, its afterward, like 4 in the morning (last nite it happened) I felt a hand over my body..like I was having sex with someone...when I awoke I thought it might had been a dream, but I dont think it was..I checked (dont ask)..Afterwards before my alarm went off, I woke up crying...because I couldnt move...

2007-01-16 04:46:43 · update #2

17 answers

Please let me share this with my wife,who just happens to be a "Spiritual evil Fighter" if I may call her that,I love this lady a lot.We will pray about it today and share what God has laid on our hearts.One thing that appears clear to me is that you have a strong desire to do what God wants and He will make you whole as long as you keep that in your heart.Will be praying for you today.

Hello, my husband shared your story with me and I have to admit I really felt sad for you. One thing that I do before I answer a question, is pray, I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in all my direction in doing His will. I then look at the picture of the person asking the question. You would be amazed at the resemblance of the profile picture to the persons profile. I noted how sad your picture looked it almost looks as if the eyes are downcast, almost as if you feel ashamed to look up. I felt that you were hiding something.
Needless to say, I then look into the persons questions that have been asked in the past. I read the answers and check the best answers as well. I do this because that is how the Holy Spirit would have me check things out. I try not to leave any stone unturned. God reveals so much to me this way.
I pray that you will recieve what has been told to me to tell you.
You are in a mighty struggle with the enemy. The spirit of lust and adultery, the spirit of death and torment are reeking havoc in your life. You have openend the gate to these spirits with the lifestyle that you have lead. The Spirit of conviction over these things has come to take you from this, however the evil spirits have such a hold on you they fight over you. They do want to let you go!! The force that you feel at night are the evil spirits trying to hold you down, they will not surrender until you do. You have got to do what your heart is telling you to do. The reason that you are having such a hard time with the sex thing is because that has always been the doorway to letting these demons into your life. When you have sex with a person that is not a christian and has a lifestyle that befits the world, then you allow their demons to monopolize themselves in you. It is not hard to believe that you may be a christian although you do have some pretty wordly habits, (there are alot of christians who do) this does not make you a bad person. It's when you continue to strive in these sins that you can become totally lost. That is why the spirit of death is lurking around you also. he wants to control you so deeply that you will give up altogether on God and end up in hell. I feel that God is calling you to come back to the fold and you know this, but your fear is to great. Don't be afraid! God has always had a purpose for you. Repent of your sins and ask God to loose these strongholds that are holding you down. Did these "night visits" happen after meeting "your friend"? if so then you need to break that bondage and fast!! satan does not want to let you go, but guess what? Neither does God!! hang in there, and pray as if you were going to die tonite, you never know. Pray a sorrowful repentitive prayer for your soul. God is a Mighty God, He can and will do all things in the name of Jesus, His Precious Son.
I feel a sense of freedom right now, I know that God is ready to free you of these things, seek Him now while you still can.
I and my husband will continue to pray for you, but remember you need to pray as well. Give it all to God, go to Him and seek his face, tell Him everything that is on your mind, He is a good listener and an excellent answerer as well. Ask Him to give you direction on what to do next, He will lead you on the right path and to the right people. Just listen and be obediant to His Word.

Heavenly Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, and my Holy Savior. I ask Lord that you will send to this child of yours the right person(s) to keep her strong and to pray with her through this time of ordeal that she is facing. I know that this is not the life you have in mind for her, and I thank you Father for sending the Spirit of Conviction to her. I pray that you will be merciful to her and keep your hand upon her. In Jesus' name. Amen
please let us know how things work out for you. email us when you can. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Paula Steele, Servant of Christ. +

2007-01-16 03:53:29 · answer #1 · answered by don_steele54 6 · 0 1

The question here answers itself. To say that someone is Muslim or Christian is to understand what they believe about God, even if what we are talking about is the same God. For example, the Jewish faith is generally focused on the Old Testament, which of coarse is also used in most Christian faiths, although the New Testament is also added and so... the religious status is changed based not only on that factor but many others. If a person believed in Allah, then it is not to say that they believe in a different God, but they worship in a different way and likely believe a different history to what a Christian believes. So, to answer your question, no. A person cannot be Muslim and Christian at the same time, or of any other two religions for that matter, as the faiths will have contradictory beliefs (e.g, a Christian will believe that Jesus is the prophet, whereas a Muslim would believe that Muhammad is the prophet; along with many other factions, perhaps that is a bad example) Of coarse, there is nothing stopping a person believing a pic and mix of separate religious views. As for your quotations; one could argue that the Bible is contradictory within itself, with many conflicting areas and inaccuracies. However, the meaning of "A Christian" or "A Muslim" would be lost, as it is used to describe someone with a specific view on God.

2016-05-25 00:02:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can understand how sex can be a deterrent to having the complete relationship you want to have with God; I have the same problem, and I fight it every day.

How do you figure that someone (a shadow) is visiting you? Do you live alone, or with someone else? If you live alone, and someone is breaking into your house, you should check the doors and windows before you go to bed, and maybe install an alarm system that will wake you up if someone tries to get in.

If you live with someone, and they are coming into your room at night, then you should tell someone that this is happening, and that you want it stopped. Rig up some kind of alarm system that will wake you if someone tries to get into your room, like a stack of big, heavy books on the other side of the door, attached to a loud bell by a strong string. That should deter anyone from your room, and surely wake up someone else in the house. Good luck.

2007-01-16 03:41:57 · answer #3 · answered by kellygirlaj 4 · 0 0

I suspect (it isn't clear, but this is my interpretation) that this question is a Christian virgin who is "troubled" by lustful thoughts and the need to masturbate. She might be clearer. In that case it's important she is told honestly that the drive for sex at the age she is at is perfectly natural and is the body's way of ensuring the healthy survival of the species. Imposing ideas of guilt onto this is preposterous. You might as well tell someone to try to stop eating. It won't kill anyone to go without sex, which is why it's always been a good way for churches to control people, but it's just as hard. Go for it girl, your god gave you what he gave you for your pleasure.

If I'm wrong and you are not a virgin, and are having sex with a man - and indeed even if you are only masturbating - you might want to question whether or not what you've been told by your church is right. They are wicked on many things, and destroying the pleasure of being a living, breathing, flesh and blood human being is among the vilest of crimes they have perpetuated across the centuries. Consider whether they are worth your devotion.

2007-01-16 03:39:44 · answer #4 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 0 1

That's happened to my parents & my sister before, It's like a evil spirt type thing. I'm not really sure why it happens but you can just about ask anybody if its happened to them. Even Christians lose their way sometime, Trust me I've lost mine before but I've gained it back. As for doing things like Lying, & Cheating and Having Sex. It's not a good thing too do. Just tell the truth. I'm not saying you want ever lie in your life but When it's between a life & death situation tell the truth. If your parents or someone ask you a question don't lie about it just tell them the truth. As far as cheating it could be cheating on a test or it could be cheating on your lover. How would you feel if your lover cheated on you? Or if you've cheated on a test. Is it really worth cheating over? Take the grade that you should have don't cheat your way to victory. And as for the sex part, it can become addictive at times but hold yourself back and before you make the choice to do it, ask yourself Will God approve of this or Would God do this?. I hope I helped. And when that spirt comes back and trys to hold you down, you say "God help me" three times and it'll go away. You should also try praying. It's impossible for there to be a "perfect" christian. nor am I perfect nor is anyone in this world. Try to be the best you can be and that is all you can be.

2007-01-16 03:31:29 · answer #5 · answered by Miah 3 · 0 2

1. Maybe addicted to sex - it is a condition - see a doctor

symptoms of Narcolepsy are:

Temporary paralysis on falling asleep or awakening (sleep paralysis).

Hallucinations - vivid images or sounds - on falling asleep or awakening (Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations respectively).

Moments (but sometimes extended periods) of trance-like behaviour in which routine activities are continued on "auto-pilot" (Automatic behaviour).

Interruption of night-time sleep by frequent waking periods, marked by quickening of the heart rate, over-alertness, hot flushes, agitation, and an intense craving for sweets.

2007-01-16 03:33:40 · answer #6 · answered by Gezza D 2 · 1 0

The power has been placed in your mind, you have summed this fear with the fear of sexual contact before marriage.1st nobody in the bible stood in front of a priest and proclaim their vows thats something new to christians. So if thats the case based on todays thought no body was actually married in the bible. God blesses unions with happy things and says that we are to procreate but with people that are evenly yoked with us. Makes sure that your not giving power to the mystery of your mind and try to deal with the reality at hand. You must address the marriage/sex issues in your life before you uncreate your demon. Good luck and I will pray for you.

2007-01-16 03:36:05 · answer #7 · answered by razual2003 4 · 0 1

If you 'give place to the enemy' he can stay but if you 'resist him' HE MUST FLEE. Since you have already let him become familiar you should ask for prayer partners at your church or through an Internet prayer group. Explain in full the issue and that will give you strength along with your effort. God bless.

2007-01-16 03:34:07 · answer #8 · answered by spareo1 4 · 0 1

You "consider yourself a Christian". I don't know what that means. Are you Baptized? I'm just guessing here, but I'd be willing to bet that you are not.

Get Baptized. I guarantee the attacks will stop.

As for the sex thing - that's just plain old fashioned lust and you will have to learn to control it. With God, all things are possible.

2007-01-16 03:32:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1. God has nothing to do with you making the decision to not have sex. All you have to do is not do it. This isn't hard. You are making excuses.
2. You were experiencing sleep paralysis and night terrors. Your doctor may be able to prescribe meds to help you sleep normally.

2007-01-16 03:32:42 · answer #10 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 1 1

you can't do it alone without the help of God.why don't you tell to a pastor what is happening to you so that they can help you to pray for deliverance....we are not perfect and we sometimes experience thesame problem.ask God's forgiveness(we are all sinners)confess it.Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you,guide you.read the bible.quote and memorize God's promises.pray for Jesus blood covering and protection.

2007-01-16 03:37:21 · answer #11 · answered by MACRENE PADASDAO 3 · 0 1

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