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There are some christians on this forum who are a marvel to debate issues with, despite not agreeing with them, They are embodiment of integrity and I sincerely thank them for sharing their knowledge and faith with me . Unfortunately the forum is littered with ultra-conservative christians- many can't even finish reading a question to understand its context. They just huff and puff, in most cases not even answering the question. If they are a mirror of christianity, then I'm prepared to become a barbecue in hell than share a bread with pretenders to the faith. I can't claim that racists, homophobics and reactionaries are my brothers and sisters in Christ. The world is plagued by so many ills, from poverty to wars, and for people who claim to be walking in the footsteps of christ to be such hypocrites is disheartening. I can differentiate between something said in jest and outright redicule (whether said to me or not). I think if Jesus can visit christians on this site, he will weep!

2007-01-16 03:02:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I would hate to think that you have become disheartened by the widespread "holier than thou" attitude that some people who respond to these questions possess. I can assure you that I am not a great debater, nor am I as well versed in the scriptures as I would like to be. I can however suggest to you to pray for the people whom you feel have overstepped the boundaries of faith. I know that I am personally willing to share by beliefs with you and for the most part back those up. I also know that because I believe in the words of God, written in the Bible, I have specific ideas of how God wants me to live.

I do not condemn other human beings because they do not believe what I do, nor do I eliminate them from my circle of friends.

Much like politics, if I were a democrat, I would not wholeheartedly condemn a republican.

Maybe (seeing you are able to communicate your thoughts and feelings into written word) you should concentrate on getting your word out there. A ministry maybe?

God bless and best of luck.

2007-01-16 03:14:29 · answer #1 · answered by NaturalMom 2 · 0 1

You know the saying "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck" right? The same applies for Christianity. The Bible tells us how to identify them

Matt 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

And what are the fruits?

Gal 5:22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

And what if they dont display such fruits?

Matt 7:9Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

So really, if it doesnt walk like a duck, look like a duck or quack like a duck, it's not a duck.

There will always be those claim to be Christian and just are not. But fortunately there are still quite a few who bear good fruit.

2007-01-16 03:16:05 · answer #2 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 1 0

You have hit the nail on the head there.

Now, whether you are a Christian or not will be judged by Jesus, no-one else. I personally think that you fit the profile MUCH more than any of the bigots who claim to be Christians.

If all Christians were like you, there would be no conflict between Christians and Atheists.

And that's the point. You are an atheist (I presume), and I am too. It is a shame that not all atheists are as open-minded as us. It is also a shame that not all Christians (or Muslims, or Jews, or Hindus or anyone of faith) are not as open-minded.

In the end, I don't think it is the religion at fault at all, it is the people.

2007-01-16 03:07:08 · answer #3 · answered by Mawkish 4 · 2 1

Very true, there is hope though, by getting to know about Jesus and his Father, we have the hope of the Resurrection, and the possibility of living on earth forever, just because Adam and Eve disobeyed, doesn't mean that God changed his mind, he would like for humans to be happy, and live in the paradise. It's just that a question was raised when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, does he have the right to rule humankind or can we rule ourselves? Sadly, history has proved that we are incapable of ruling ourselves, all we do is create suffering, and inequality. and hatred. But, God the Father and h is son will step in and stop all the craziness. It's just that we have to be patient and endure until they do.

2007-01-16 03:17:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I were reported for soliciting for prayer for human beings or maybe reported when I were given perfect answer. I reported 2 human beings adult men because they were very verbally abusive with my question and sexually perverted. i'm a married woman and can want to havenone of that. I also took the freedom of blocking off those human beings besides. I have discovered choose in common words the battles to wrestle that you're wiling to lose. %. and choose your battles intently. No even as to face up for your self or maybe as to lower back off. also I do provide thumbs right down to signify or sacrastic solutions, although the record button I in common words use even as the fellow is blanatnly abusive and that i have wrote my the reason why. it is a relgion and spirituality communicate board the position human beings come to income and strengthen and ask questions that they could no longer be in a position to ask or sense mushy asking absolutely everyone else. there is adequate damage, meanness and negativity interior the international without including to this to the R7S communicate board. convinced i'm a christian. yet that does no longer advise I have the right to be improved or act like i'm more effective perfect than absolutely everyone else. we are all called to love and motivate oneanother and that i remind that to my nephew and nieces even as they wrestle besides. all and diverse is reporting human beings convinced yet it truly is in common words a temeporary restoration revenge is sweet yet frogivness is even sweeter we want to wish for those on line who're adverse and reporting others because they did not like what they wrote. I say that is a temprary restoration because it supplies a experience of satifcation that the fellow were given lower back on the fellow who worte the question yet does no longer restoration the heart situation. Peace this became a stunning submit thanks e4g

2016-10-15 07:33:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think He's grieved right now. Christains are to mirror Christ. After reading about Christ's life if you can't see yoursefl in hardly any of it, maybe you're not a christian. I think everybody who claims to be christians should have a spiritual check up with God. We are sooooooooo far from God it's not funny. All I can tell you is let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven

2007-01-16 03:26:55 · answer #6 · answered by Nish 4 · 0 0

I'm trying to figure out why you would paint Christianity with a broad brush and assume the "ultra-conservative" ones are the mirror of Christianity (much as racists and homophobes love to do), when you've by your own admission had counter-examples of Christianity. Why would you choose to engage in stereotype application when one of your biggest problems with the group you are talking about is their choice to engage in stereotype application (ie judging others)?

Christianity is far more about your relationship with Jesus than it is in debating topics with people, so I really don't think hope should be based on your experience with other people. Just my opinion.

2007-01-16 03:11:03 · answer #7 · answered by btpage0630 5 · 0 0

Good point. And for all the answers telling you that you shouldn't take this to be the mirror image of Christianity as a whole, obviously do not watch TV. These are the people who show up in the News complaining about the rest of us, who show hatred for their fellow man but expect everyone else to treat them with the utmost respect.

I agree, if that is what Truth is... then I'll sit with ya in Hell. I'll bring the S'more's. :o)

2007-01-16 04:15:17 · answer #8 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 1

Yes, and insulting the deeply held faith of people of other religions is one of the first things he would weep about. Imagine telling a prayerful, moral Buddhist who prays several times a day that his religion is a cult, that God ignores his prayers, and that he and millions of other Buddhists are going to suffer for eternity in hell.

Only one-third of the world's people are Christians. Does anyone really believe that a just and loving God would allow two-thirds of the human beings on this planet to suffer in hell for all eternity?

2007-01-16 03:16:36 · answer #9 · answered by tychobrahe 3 · 0 1

I wouldn't take the Christians on this site as the gold standard for Christianity. I also do not worry about Jesus. He is aware of all evils that go on in this world. No one is hiding from him, nor can they. Trust in your belief and let it comfort you. Why sweat what other people believe or don't believe?

2007-01-16 03:09:08 · answer #10 · answered by Firespider 7 · 0 0

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