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Do you realise a lot of them dont really have a choice , they are all victims of circumstances ,do you lot think they want to be away from their families, they just want to sort themselves out and then go back !!!What would you do if you came from a war torn country, what would you do if you had kids or family to look after and couldnt afford it?
To all you lot who call immigrants all sorts of vile names under the sun,shame on you ! I have heard first hand about the situation these ppl were in, I am not saying all immigrants are good but calling all immigrants freeloaders is not fair.Do you realise most of them eventually go back home anyway?

2007-01-16 01:18:41 · 29 answers · asked by kitty 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

I am talking about the immigration situation in the U.K , I dont know much about Mexicans in America but from what I gather they are not like very much (for whatever reasons),but do a lot of people realise how hard it is for the immigrants to get documentation to enter legally?Take a minute to hear their side of the story..

2007-01-17 03:03:41 · update #1

29 answers

I know if I was shipped to a strange, cold country thousands of miles away from the country I grew up in I would be pretty homesick.

And to top it all off having ignorant, little scumbags calling me lazy if I didnt work and accusing me of taking their jobs if I worked hard - I think anyone who goes through that plus losing family and friends through war etc back home deserves a medal.

And I would rather have any amount of refugees, immigrants or gypsies living above me than the junkie whore who lives there now who neglects her son and has a revolving door policy on men coming in and out her flat.

2007-01-16 03:40:34 · answer #1 · answered by Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry 6 · 0 4

Its hard to say if your right or wrong about that. Ask yourself this. If you are making £250 a week in a country where no one is trying to kill or a government that isnt oppresing you, would you go back to a country that is doing all that. But why not go to the first neighbouring country that is political stable, why cross so many other countries to get to the uk? The question liberals hate!

Once upon a time i would have agreed with you. I knew a girl when i was younger whos family had all been shot in the balkans conflict and she came to britain. But she was the only one so people had no problem with it. But it is a case now that everyone is doing it. Africa has got the smell of european wealth in its nostrils and so is crossing the med into europe. Do we want some a mass volume of immigration and is it a good thing, i dont think so.

2007-01-16 20:08:50 · answer #2 · answered by jj26 5 · 0 0

Which war torn countries are you talking about?

Afghanistan for example? Well supossedly the taleban regime they were fleeing no longer exists, how many Afghanis do you think got repatriated? Very few I bet. When fleeing Afghanistan how many countries of asylum do you think they crossed to get to the UK? Quite a number is the answer to that. They are economic migrants. At present the UK has pledged 19% of the 1 billion euros to aid Afghanistan.

Likewise Iraq and Iran, both oil rich countries but we are pouring aid and resources into both to the detriment of the UK population.

Polish migrants, what are they fleeing?

The Balkan states, these are all now reasonably peaceful now, why arent those nationals repatriated? Again, how many countries did these nationals pass through to land on our island? Remember the rest of the countries in between are land locked so easier to get to also.

We are living in a country where our citizens are afraid to go out at night in some areas. We have a major drug problem. We have a transport infrastructure that is nearing breaking point. What most UK citizens are now wanting is our government to look after the UK first.

2007-01-16 01:37:10 · answer #3 · answered by Mark B 5 · 4 1

Personally, I'd rather see my tax money go to help the unfortunate than to subsidize wealthy churches, and believe in compassion for those that are less fortunate. I suspect that many of those crying about their poor tax dollars are already feeding at the public trough- if they send their kids to public schools, go to a tax-exempt church, use the public library, and go to the park chances are that I'M subsidizing their "lifestyle choice" because none of these are self-supporting and everyone contributes whether they use them or not. It costs ten grand a year to educate a single child, so I don't want to hear ANYONE with two or three kids whining about their tax dollars! Unless you're pulling down a six-figure salary and living in a half million dollar home- YOU'RE NOT PULLING YOUR OWN WEIGHT!

For all the Good Christians that support wholesale deportation of illegals (because it might cost you a few bucks), and closing the borders against legal immigration except those that can pay their fair share- ask yourself this question: If a starving homeless family were to show up at your door, would you invite them in, allow them to sit down with you at your table, and offer to help them until they get back on their feet? Or would you slam the door on them, call the cops, and press trespassing charges? Is this not precisely what you're doing- ship them back somewhere where I don't have to see them?

And btw- I'm getting really tired of hearing about how illegals don't pay taxes. Even if they're not paying income tax, and many do through payroll deductions, they still pay sales and property taxes since they have to live somewhere.

2007-01-16 02:01:40 · answer #4 · answered by kena2mi 4 · 1 1

Agreed. About 99 percent of immigrants and asylum seekers do not want to be here but we're their only hope. We in UK have a long history of taking people in.

Hardly any immigrants are 'freeloaders'. It is a complete myth that immigrants and asylum seekers get lots of handouts and benefits - in most cases they are denied any help at all.

I worked ten years as a cleaner and worked alongside people from all over the place - including Africans, Poles and other East Euro types. We all worked very hard for the small revenues we were paid. The Africans sent most of their money home, likewise the Poles. One Polish worker I knew had been a teacher back home - the crazy economics means that a cleaner in UK earns more than a teacher back in Poland. Little wonder then that Poles and other E.Europeans want to get out. They're strickly speaking, not immigrants, they're EU Citizens with the right of travel, work and abode anywhere in EU.

The Africans I worked with were from Commonwealth countries and their status here is not strictly speaking, 'immigrant'. As Commonweatlh citizens they hve the same rights in UK as do Canadians, Australians and New Zealander's etc.

We have a big big problem here in that the sons and daughters of the Indian pioneers who came to UK in the 1960, 70s & 80s are moving to India and taking much of their business with them. The Indian economy is booming and growing very fast indeed. Of the Indian population, 200 million are middle class with cash to spend - big time. We had better do something about that and soon.

2007-01-16 01:52:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Why Does The White Man Think That Our Mexican Brothers Are The Illegals?

It baffles me that the white man the one that came here and pushed our people off of our land and cheated ,killed and wiped out my people and never kept one treaty now says that they are trying to keep the illegals from our borders.Who is the illegal.. Are you not the ones that came like the stars in the heavens and broke treaty after treaty with us?Are you not the ones that are from long lines of illegals..After all who asked you to come here.We greeted you and then were betrayed .Why do you insist that others are illegals when you should not even be here to start with.Your forefathers had a wonderful idea before they became greedy and would not share our land with us.Are you afraid now that others would do the same to you that has been done to us?Speak your mind I am anxious to hear your thoughts and your lies ..Why should it be different now than it was with my ancestors..
Additional Details

26 minutes ago
The racism flies here.The person that spoke of English not being the dominant language .I tell you the truth when i tell you this it never has been the dominant language ..you are under and illusion.The Mexican brothers I speak of are the ones that descended from our native brothers the Astec and Inca and many other tribes to our south.,not the ones that came to conquer ,we dealt with them,but some lingered and became mixed with our ancestors to the south so they are more of a brother than you can imagine so you go back and read history .Our culture is thousands of years older than yours..It reaches over 20000 years.. Read a book before you reply and find the truth..

The Aztec and THE INCA .I stand corrected my laughter made me forget my thoughts..

2007-01-16 16:42:07 · answer #6 · answered by N C 1 · 0 1

Anyone leaving their homeland to live in another,is an immigrant! Whoever they are,wherever they come from, they CHOOSE to go there. So therefore,yes, they want to be an immigrant. Freeloaders come from all walks of life,including immigrants. Immigration into the UK has soared, causing problems all round.Not ALL immigrants are coming from war torn countries!!!! Many are coming for work/housing/benefits!!! Our Government is very generous to immigrants!!! Britons are being forced to give up their culture, and traditions,to accommodate others. We have effectively been gagged,by this Government and the PC brigade. Should we have a voice over something, we are racists.!! Is THAT fair ??????? We are made to feel that our culture and traditions are wrong!!! Is THAT fair??? Many indigenous people of the UK are being ignored in housing/schools/NHS, because immigrants ALSO have access to these services. Is THAT fair??????????
You get my point? Its unfair all round!!!!!

2007-01-16 01:58:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Its not the point of wanting to be or not wanting to be immigrants, me, an American can be an immigrant or illegal immigrant to another country. Yes, many are trying to get to the US due to the way we live and the rights and benefits we have, but they need to do it legally. Its not my fault people are born in other countries, and I Thank God every day for my life and my children and my family, but I was lucky to be born here. Yea, I might see charity commericals for other countries and see how bad people live, but that is not my fault, and every person out there has the ability to try and do the process legally. Yea, I frown (not hate) on the illegals here from any country, becasue they have not "earned" the right to anything here.

2007-01-16 02:41:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The principle of accepting immigrants is not the issue. When they have something to offer the country they are welcome. What is the issue though is that most of them pass through other countries to get to a country like the UK where they know they can get something for nothing.

When they are here they then become a source of cheap labour for companies which suppresses the income of the indigenous population. Those companies do not need then to raise their pay levels to a level that would attract the idle Brits who are unemployed and prefer to be 'earning' their income from the rest of us.

So on balance the principle of immigration in the terms you describle is bad for Britain as a whole.

2007-01-16 02:01:39 · answer #9 · answered by frank S 5 · 2 1

I agree that calling people vile names is shameful.

(I'm also too arrogant to do it myself because it makes the name caller look like a cretin.)

However, whether they are better off here or not, we are worse off with them here above our limits of immigration on poor people who drain our education and service funds and will never make enough money to pay those funds back in taxes. Every country in the world regulates how many can come and who, based on what is good for the host country and its citizens. We have every right to do that, and our government has an obligation to enforce those laws.

2007-01-16 04:01:29 · answer #10 · answered by DAR 7 · 2 0

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