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Seriously, all of the atheists claim that Christians are judgemental and shove our faith down other's throats....but no one is forcing them to come into this forum and start insulting believers. They do that voluntarily.

Isn't that being hypocritical? Screaming to keep our faith to ourselves then going out and forcing atheism down everyone else's throats?

2007-01-16 01:18:31 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sho-nuff, you can question religion all you want, but the manner in which you all do it is insulting. Not that I care, I'm just curious to know why you all sit her in a "Religion forum" and make fun of everyone in it. Don't you find that immature? No one is forcing you to do anything. You are here on your own accord.

2007-01-16 01:25:57 · update #1

Qonox - I doubt that you have weekly visitors and your door. You are exaggerating and you know it. If you want to get away from religion so much, then why are you in a religion forum? Are one of the mean religious people who come to your door forcing you to sign on to yahoo and spend time in the Religion forum?

2007-01-16 01:27:42 · update #2

XAVIER M - No, I'm here to talk about God with other believers. But everytime one of us asks a question, we are bombarded with responses on how dumb we are and it's a fairy tale, etc.

2007-01-16 01:29:53 · update #3

Maureen P - That's exactly what you do!


If you hate religion, why are you in a religion forum?????

2007-01-16 01:34:04 · update #4

JP - You are a liar! You go read ANY question by a Christian or Muslim on this site and look at the responses. They have nothing to do with the question, but are a blatant attack on the person's faith. Go look.....

2007-01-16 01:41:02 · update #5

30 answers

Christian believer don't be over sensitive to all issues in this forum.i'm a believer,too.it doesn't surprised me at all when i read a provoking words from atheist.it's biblical.When Jesus was here on earth people were mocking Him,and even threw insult to Him and yet he did not react instead He pray for them..."Father forgive them for they not know what they are doing"
we have to do thesame as what Jesus did.please be understanding.We have Jesus in our heart..instead of retaliaton...why don't we pray wisdom and be patient to encourage them and by doing this we can win them for the Lord.they are human being like us and have a conscience.Our great commissioned is to plant seed in the heart of every individual.Jesus cares for them....
i have a friend.she is lesbian.i pray for her and told her that Jeusus loves her.Jesus hates our sins not sinners...
we are not perfect in the eyes of God.we have our own weaknesses...instead of biting each other's faith why don't we join hands in prayer.we should be the salt and the light of the world.we have to live what we teach so others will not stumble..
i feel sad because people are attacking each others beliefs.we have to respect every individual...God Bless!

2007-01-16 02:01:00 · answer #1 · answered by MACRENE PADASDAO 3 · 0 2

First, not all of us have a problem with religion. We only have a problem with people shoving their religions in our faces. Now, when we come here, we know we're going to face religious questions. Me personally, the ones that are asked respectfully, I'll dip into my years of theological studies and try to provide a relevant and straightforward answer. However, if they are asked disrespectfully, I'll make sure the asker knows in excruciating detail what an a.ss they've made of themselves.

As for the reason I'm here at all, the problem is, you have a large number of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims here who would love nothing more than to turn this forum into a launching board for other societal attacks and to spread their lies and half-truths. The universe is 13.5 billion years old or so, give or take. The planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old or so, give or take. Life on planet Earth is at least 3.5 billion years old or so, give or take. These are demonstratable FACTS... and yet not a day goes by someone tries to assert the universe is 6000 years old.

You want atheists to stay out of here? Keep the discussion religious and in fields where there aren't clear answers.

You don't see ... any ... atheists attacking the Buddhists, you don't see many attacking the pagans (and seriously, those of us atheists who are, give 'em a break, seriously... we all have our superstitions, they've just turned theirs into a surprisingly effective religion), you don't see many atheists bashing the Hindus.

So why do the Christians and Muslims catch the flak -- because they're the only ones trying to turn their religions into public policy, have proven historically and currently willing to use violence to do so, and are willing to propagate lies and half-truths to further their agendas.

Clean up your acts... and we won't be here doing it for you.

Don't like it -- don't come here yourself.


A liar huh? No sir, you are the liar -- I know because I personally have answered many Christian's questions with great respect. Does it offend you so greatly that an atheist can be a moral person that you must make a hypocrite of yourself?

I never said no one answers questions disrespectfully. I gave reasons why it happens. And saying your God is a false myth isn't disrespectful, it's voicing an opinion.

Or would you silence us, and the Buddhists, and the Hindus, and the Muslims, and the Jews, and the Shintoists, and the Shiks, and the Jainists, etc... just so no one would ever question your views?

I've been respectful to you in answering this very question, so who is the liar?

2007-01-16 01:35:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I generally agree with you. I believe that all opinions are welcome if you are here with a sincere interest in... if not having a change of heart, at least educating yourself and understanding the other point of view. That's a GOOD thing. However, many not all, atheists that visit this space come here for the SOLE purpose of insulting, berating and demeaning those that believe in someone higher than themselves. There is no need for that. i keep going back to one question because it just burned me. Recently one poster asked "How can I prove that the bible is full of crap?" What is wrong with asking "Is the Bible really the word of God?" Or simply "How can I prove the Bible to be false"? That insult was completely uncalled for. All I'm saying is that if you don't have something enlightening to say ON EITHER SIDE of the fence, then maybe you should reconsider your visit.

Qonox?: Maybe one day you'll ask those annoying people knocking at your door, otherwise known as Jehovah's Witnesses, why they bother with you. Why they keep knocking. You might come to appreciate their purpose.

Snow Angel?: You're right. I have seen many an atheist come down on other atheists who's sole purpose is to insult. I do notice. You come in with the right attitude.

Let Me Think?: There's a difference between listening to opinions different from your own and insulting those who HAVE opinions different from your own. Don't you think?

2007-01-16 01:54:57 · answer #3 · answered by Q&A Queen 7 · 0 1

Sorry if you got rude answers, but don't be offended by the drinking game. It just feels that sometimes, no one listens to our answers. The same questions get asked over and over again, and it seems like instead of them being questions, its more of a statement made. So for instance, your question can be interpreted as "Get out of here, atheists" not because of the way you asked it, but because it's as if no one listened to us the million other times we've answered. Granted it was a simple question, but please use the search feature where you can read our answers, not use up 5 points, and still learn some things. And please, don't just an entire group based on one question you asked. It's not very polite or fair.

2016-05-24 23:04:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

DEAR Sho-Nuff:

Question: If I e-mailed my wife and asked her to walk to a neighbor’s house and pick up his truck so that I could use it to haul an old furnace to the junkyard, would someone who read this same e-mail (perhaps finding a hard copy of it crumpled up in the trash) be justified in concluding that I asked my wife to steal the truck? Certainly not. Since the e-mail had no other information in it than the request to my wife concerning a neighbor’s truck, a person reading the note would have to have to have access to additional information in order to come to the conclusion that my wife and I were guilty of theft. This person may be ignorant of the fact that I had prearranged such a pick-up with my neighbor the previous day. Or, perhaps my neighbor had told me at some earlier time that I could use his truck whenever I needed it.

What skeptics never seem to take into consideration in their interpretation of Scripture is that the Bible does not record every single detail of every event it mentions (cf. John 21:25). The Bible was not intended to be a chronological timeline citing every detail about the lives of all of the men and women mentioned within it. The New Testament book of Acts covers a period of about 30 years, but it actually is only about some of the acts of some of the early Christians. There were many more things that Paul, Peter, Silas, Luke, and other first-century Christians did that are not recorded therein. For example, Paul spent three years in Arabia and Damascus after his conversion (Galatians 1:16-18), yet Luke did not mention this detail, nor the many things Paul accomplished during these three years.

The case of Jesus telling His disciples to go locate the donkey and colt does not prove thievery, any more than Jesus’ disciples inquiring about and occupying an “upper room” makes them trespassers (cf. Mark 14:13-15). When sending His two disciples to get the requested animals, Jesus told them exactly where to go and what to say, as if He already knew the circumstances under which the donkey and colt were available. Jesus may very well have prearranged for the use of the donkeys. Skeptic cannot prove otherwise. Similar to how I am not obligated to go home from work every night and rehearse to my wife everything I did each hour at work, the Bible is not obligated to fill in every detail of every event, including the one regarding the attainment of two donkeys. No contradiction or charge of wrong is legitimate if unrelated circumstantial details may be postulated that account for explicit information that is given.

Furthermore, the innocence of Jesus and His disciples is reinforced by the fact that the disciples were able to leave with the donkeys. Had the disciples really been stealing the animals, one would think that the owners would not have allowed such to happen. Also, nothing is said in the text about what happened to the animals after Jesus road them into Jerusalem. For all we know, Jesus’ disciples could have immediately taken the animals back to their owners.

2007-01-16 01:46:29 · answer #5 · answered by D.W. 6 · 0 2


IMO, there may be several reasons. Some may be serious and feel the need to do so. Some may be serious and may like watching how Christians react. Some may not be serious and enjoy watching how Christians react.

I cannot in good conscience group all atheists in one group, just as I cannot group all Christians in one group, i.e., relating to behavior. I have known many atheists/agnostics in my life and a large majority have been extremely civil and have never attacked me personally.

One might also consider, communications between people via the internet allows for some to behave in ways they would not in face to face or personal social encounters.


May I suggest that not all atheists make such a claim about all Christians. As a Christian, I would have to agree there are some Christians who do behave in a judgemental manner and do attempt to shove their faith down other's throats.

Now, allow me to remind all of us.....myself included; First Peter tells us that we are blessed when we suffer for righteousness.

Peter also tells us all to be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit. We should not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead.....

I think maybe we as Christians would be well served to remember we should not return insult for insult.......isn't this appropriate for this forum.

I will close with one final teaching from Matthew 7:6; "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." It seems to me, Jesus is teaching there should be some judicious decisions concerning how we respond to those who reject the invitation of Himself.........if they enter into discourse only for the sake of soiling what is beautiful, defiling what is pure or treating precious things as worthless, then discernment is called for regarding our conversations with them.

2007-01-16 03:07:59 · answer #6 · answered by clwkcmo 5 · 0 0

You know on most of the questions I've seen that were seriously (not jokingly) insulting to believers I've seen a bunch of us (Atheists) jumping in and telling the questioner that they were either being stupid, stereotyping, making us look bad, etc..

I guess you don't notice. Typical

Edited to add: I don't personally hate religion or religious people. Going to places like R&S on the net is interresting distraction. ;-) (Besides, it's not just for Christians)

2007-01-16 01:36:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

“Not that I care, I'm just curious to know why you all sit her in a "Religion forum" and make fun of everyone in it”

It seems obvious to me that you DO care VERY MUCH.

Now, maybe I get frustrated with religion, but I don’t have a hatred for it like some. I study and I find it fascinating, but if you say something that makes not sense, I’m going to call you on it. You may not like it, but I’m going to do it. I don’t quite understand what purpose it serves in today’s culture.

Perhaps there is a part of me that likes getting riled up (like you). Gets a little righteous indignation bubbling up inside me? I also can learn about how people think.


Oh yeah! And get over it. There is nothing you can do about it. It's just a Y!Q forum, there is more to life. ;-)


If you're really serious about talking with other Christians, there are plenty of christian chat lines out there on the internet. This is the "Religious Forum" not the "Christians Only (no others are welcome) Forum"

2007-01-16 01:33:54 · answer #8 · answered by A 6 · 2 1

It's called debate,perhaps you have heard of it. And as for Atheists forcing things down your throat the fact is that most just want you to keep your silly superstitions out of the running of the society at large. Unfortunately at the moment Christians are one of the most powerful voting blocks in America so often we are forced to deal with the detrimental decisions you make in the voting booth,like electing that lunatic GW Bush to run our country just because of his supposed religious beliefs. That worked out real good didn't it. Thankfully many things in society have changed despite the best efforts of Fundamentalists,though mostly the changes have had to be done piece by piece,and through long fights with religious fanatics.


2007-01-16 01:33:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

This is not a Christian forum. This is the religion and spirituality section. That includes all religions and all forms of spirituality. Atheists merely offer no nonsense answers guided by common sense . I see no hatred from them, but do sense hatred from Christians at times, No not all Christians.Why are the Christians so afraid of the atheists. I am a very religious person and understand atheists feel all religions are silly, but I am not afraid of them and I respect their opinions and comments.

2007-01-16 01:30:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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