Sagittarius About Your Sign...
Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence.
Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. They sometimes pay lip service to religions and political parties in which they have ceased to believe because the outward forms satisfy them, yet they may not hesitate to switch allegiance in politics or change their system of belief if they see personal advantage to themselves in doing so.
They have both profound and widely ranging minds, equipped with foresight and good judgement, and they can be witty conversationalists. They love to initiate new projects (they make excellent researchers) and have an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them. they think rapidly, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing and are at their best when working with colleagues of other types of character that compliment their own. They are strong-willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives them the ability to bring any project they undertake to a successful conclusion. Their generosity can be balanced by their extreme care at handling their resources.
Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Yet if thwarted, they may easily allow their failure to embitter their whole lives or they may revenge themselves upon the opposite sex by becoming cynically promiscuous. They are more apt then the average to make an uncongenial alliance.
If their marriages are successful, they will be faithful spouses and indulgent parents; but their innate restlessness will inspire them to use even the most satisfying ménage as a base from which to set out on their travels. They need to fell free and are often faced with the choice of allowing their careers to take over their lives at the expense of the love of their spouse and family. Sagittarian women are the counterparts of their men; even if they have no career to rival their love, they find it difficult to express affection and may run the risk of being thought frigid.
In other personal relationships they are reliable, seldom betraying any trust given to them. They can, however, be impulsively angry and both male and female Sagittarians know how to be outspoken and exactly what expressions will hurt their adversaries most. On the other hand they are magnanimous in forgiving offenses and are responsible when looking after the elderly in the family.
Their gifts fit Sagittarians for a number of widely differing professions. They are natural teachers and philosophers with a talent for expounding the moral principles and laws which seem to explain the universe. This gift enables them to be successful churchmen on the one hand and scientists on the other. The law and politics also suit them, as does public service, social administration, public relations and advertising. Travel and exploration naturally appeal to such restless souls and, if their opportunities are limited, they may find something of travel and change of scene in the armed forces or through working as a travelling salesman. Others may make fine musicians and, in the days before automobiles, they were said to be successful at horse trading and all activities, including sporting ones, concerning horses. This has been translated in modern terms into an interest in cars and aircraft - and again with emphasis on the sporting side racing, rallying etc. They are said to make good sports coaches, but their tastes in this direction may lead them into imprudent gambling, though the gambling instinct may be sublimated by carrying it out professionally as a bookmaker.
The vices to which Sagittarians are prone are anger they tend to flare up over trifles; impatience - they want to rush every new project through immediately and demand too much of colleagues who cannot work at the pace they require; and scorn of the inadequacies of others while expecting fulsome recognition of their own efforts. They may in one sense deserve recognition, because in completing a major project they will sacrifice their health and family relationships; in their family's eyes they may merit condemnation.
They can be exacting, domineering and inconsiderate in the work place; and boastful, vulgar and extravagant in their private lives. Their restlessness, if excessive, can jeopardize more than their own stability. some Sagittarians risk becoming playboys, wasting their lives away in frivolous pursuits. Others can develop a moralizing, religious fanaticism or else turn into hypocrites, their inner prudishness disguised by an outward appearance of joviality. Another side of the religiosity which is a danger in Sagittarians is superstition.
Possible Health Concerns...
Sagittarius governs the hips, thighs and sacral area; subjects suffer from ailments of the hips and thighs and are liable to sciatica and rheumatism. An alleged deficiency of silicon in their physiques can give them poor skin, nails and hair.
As they are often sportsmen indulging in dangerous pursuits, they are prone to accidents which arise from these. The ancient astrologers mention falls from horses and hurts from them and other four-footed beasts. The taking of risks in other sports is a danger to the modern Sagittarian, and he is also liable to accidents with fire and heat.
getting to the heart of the matter
Laws and meanings
the general 'feel' of things
Off the wall theories
being tied down domestically
Being constrained
cooling your heels
bothered with details
As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Sagittarius you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
PROBLEM: Others have no time for you as you are apt to have too many irons in the fire at any given time.
SOLUTION: Be sure that you have a 'product' to match all the 'advertising' you do. Is it fact or is it fiction?
PROBLEM: Others cease to confide in you or to take you seriously.
SOLUTION: Try not to exaggerate or be contentious with others as this could be embarrassing if they feel you are not trustworthy.
PROBLEM: Feeling lost and disillusioned.
SOLUTION: Focus upon one thing that will satisfy you and work toward that point.
PROBLEM: You seem anchored in one spot, unable to move forward.
SOLUTION: You should try to think more positive thoughts and set some short term goals that you can reach, then set more. In this way you will move ahead in your endeavors.
Your ruling planet is JUPITER
Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 5.202
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 11.86
Equatorial radius (km) 71,492
Polar radius (km) 66,854
Body rotation period (hours) 9.92
Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 3.08
Number of observed satellites 16
Some more interesting facts about your sign:
The animal associated with you sign is the centaur.
The Greek love for the horse led to the ennoblement of the centaur in myth and legend. The Centaur Chiron was known for his wisdom and healing abilities. Nessus was killed by Hercules for trying to rape a woman under his charge, and other centaurs were renowned for their weakness for drink. The centaur symbolizes mankinds dual nature as an intellectual creature (the human half) which was also a physical animal (the horse half).
The color of choice for Sagittarius is RICH PURPLE
Your Starstone is the TOPAZ
Topaz, the gem comes in many different colors and is a member of the quartz group. It aids in bringing forth your leadership qualities and enables you to grasp control of any situation you confront in life. Topaz makes you feel more in control of yourself or the situations you encounter and helps you deal with them in a competent fashion. It helps you take the lead and handle things in a competent fashion. Tradition has it that Topaz helped foretell the future, enhance sexual energy, and promote harmony.
There is, and always have been, a controversy over "starstones". Starstones are NOT birthstones. I give you here in these pages the stones that are called your starstones, (planet stones), which viberates the strongest to your planet or sign, NOT to the month that you were born. I would also like it if those who think they know precisely what their stone is to go to the library and reference some good Astrology books such as 'Parkers Astrology'. Sorry for the confusion, but confusion over this topic has raged for hundreds of years.
2007-01-15 14:46:09
answer #1
answered by ashleighshea1982 3
Monthly Love for January, 2007
Provided by Yearly Love
On the 1st, you get your romantic year off to a pretty chit-chatty start. Yes, you could very well find yourself talking it up in the corner next to the organic punchbowl with a fellow lover of art, or animals, or modern dance or even rutabagas. The important thing is that you're having a jolly old time all around! Don't, don't, don't neglect to exchange contact information! On the 5th and 6th, spend some time analyzing yourself and your romantic activities over the course of, say, your adult life. What conclusions can you draw? Heck, it's too early to draw conclusions, but you might find a few hints as to what you've been looking for and how you've been going about it if you think carefully. On the 10th, get out there and socialize, and you could be pretty darned thrilled about whom you meet! On the 14th, spend the evening feeling fabulous. You keep feeling that way from the 15th and through all day on the 16th. Heck, you deserve it, you romance muffin! On the 21st and 22nd, you've got a romantic impulse (a spur-of-the-moment rutabaga cookout for two?). Act on it! You'll be glad you did. On the 28th, take the whole day off -- you need a romantic rest after a month like this!
2007-01-16 12:37:28
answer #2
answered by whymewhynow 5
love for february for saggtarius is as follows/ you will be attuned to emotional undercurrents in the first half of the month. If you get the feeling that not all is well with your nearest and dearest, now is the time to make a sympathetic approach. Exsisting tensions within a relationship may turn out to be rooted in something quite insignificant, perhaps a complete misunderstanding. The fact is that feelings change, so if a romantic attachment has been going downhill lately this is something that needs to be addressed. The main thing is not to take too much for granted. Events taking shape late month will come as a breath of frsh air to those seeking a kindred spirit. Lucky dates 2nd, 12th, 17th, 20th.. Did this help ?
2007-01-16 14:01:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
"centaurs were renowned for their weakness for drink." from ashleigh's answer
yep, that about sums up my ex-husband, the saggitarius-along with being irresponsible, a dreamer, a liar, a cheater, and a con artist but I am not trying to slam all Sags. I have known some really good ones, too.
2007-01-16 00:31:03
answer #4
answered by Wild Honey 4
You were born under the ninth sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter. As such, you are positive and spontaneous in whatever you do. You certainly don’t mind the idea of taking risks. People are attracted to your upbeat nature and you make them feel good in your company. Your enthusiasm and optimism is contagious and people just love to be with you. Because of this high level of energy, which seems to be continually on tap, you’re able to utilise it in achieving your ambitions, which are sometimes much larger than you can actually handle. This seems to be because your philosophy is to bite off more than you can chew and then chew as hard and fast as you can. One of your primary lessons in life will be to learn your limits and not exceed your capabilities.
Jupiter rules knowledge, wisdom and spirituality, and so you’re constantly seeking to grow and discover things in life. You’ll go to great lengths to find what you are searching for and your totem, the Centaur, adequately describes your life-long vision. Your desire in life emulates its arrow aimed at the blue yonder. For you, the horizon and all of life’s possibilities are endless. This will lead you to travel and to seek out the thrill of adventure. Travelling to different countries and experiencing diverse cultures will add to your all-round development. This is associated with some restlessness, but always with a genuine curiosity to get the truth and to be part of the environment you find yourself in.
As you have a flexible and buoyant nature, you have the distinct ability to adapt to any person or surroundings you need to deal with. Your communication is very straight to the point and always honest—at times, brutally so. You must learn to sweeten the truth because though this is a part of your personality, others will not be able to deal with your directness.
Independence and freedom are your most prized keywords and you demand them in everything you do. In your relationships others must understand that this is absolutely a basic requirement. Your professional circumstances must also provide you with the freedom in which to function. Relying on your self-determination, you can do your best work and express the most excellent side of your personality.
As Jupiter is psychic and spiritual in nature, you do possess foresight. This sixth sense is often behind many of the decisions you make and to the extent that you trust it, to that degree will your life be more rewarding. Overall you see life as a challenge, but also a grand adventure in which you must play your part fearlessly. Nothing much can hold you back and even when the odd adversity arises, you see it all as part of your learning curve and alternate growth process.
2007-01-16 23:16:34
answer #5
answered by sweet_leaf 7
Assuming you believe in Astrology, let's see what we can see from you sun sign only:
Pluto and Jupiter in your first house: be careful not to gain too much weight, optimism flowing from Jupiter is there for the taking, but Pluto is completing its 12-year transit of your 1st house of appearance and identity. This is the time to remake yourself: join a gym, start taking those long walks, get out get moving and maybe buy new threads. Be image concious and let your exhuberance and good feelings flow.
Venus and Mercury are in your 3rd house of neigbors, local travel, siblings and communications right now (short transit), so get out, talk to siblings, wave to your neigbors and spread some cheer. Next month they'll be spending time in your 4th house of home, family, and roots (where Uranus has been since 2003) meaning the sudden changes to your home or within your family are likely to be pleasant next month (there will be sudden changes to your house, family, etc that suprise you until 2011--sometimes good, sometimes challenging, or you may want to break free from family members).
Until Saturn enters your 10th house of career, there may be tests in long-distance travel, or it may be time to toss out philosphical ideas that are holding you back and refine your personal philosohy/spirituality to concentrate on learning about foreign cultures (until Sept 3 2007).
When Saturn enters your 10th house of career, formal education and reputation, it's time to take these matters seriously.
In late Feb/early March, Venus transits your 5th house of romance, travel for pleasure, recreation: time to go out on dates, plan a vacation, etc. In late April and part of May, Venus enters your 7th house of partnerships, so you're in a mood conducive to meeting somebody then.
2007-01-16 01:15:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
mine says to look out for the 10 and 22 of january
the only other important thing i know about sagitarius that isof any importance is that i am like the COOLEST one there is. srry if that sounds just a wee bit too cocky. but im oober bored.
2007-01-15 23:30:31
answer #7
answered by gwmice 2
Why worry about tomorrow when you have today to deal with...............By the way, doesn't every sign have a bad rep for something?? No, not ALL Saggs are irresponsible, self-absorbed, cheaters and liars.
2007-01-16 00:48:35
answer #8
answered by artutina 4
welp, im a sag and for me love comes not too often.
mainly because im shy, once i know you ill open up.
and also just hate rejection and have a very soft heart.
2007-01-15 23:21:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, from the Sag I know, they're quite contented in their life with or without love. They only care about themselves.
2007-01-15 22:42:26
answer #10
answered by broadwayaprilandtiffany 3
my husband is a Sag, it's going to be a truly amazing month for you.
2007-01-15 22:44:22
answer #11
answered by glasgow girl 6