You see, republicans aren't really capable of thought. They just repeat the fairy tales that have been fed to them by their programmers.
2007-01-15 14:26:10
answer #1
answered by The answer guy 3
What do you heat your house with???
What do you fuel your car with???
Their are no good alternatives on the market at affordable rates or ones that are completely alternative.
My car gets 35 mpg and it cost 12,000 new. I would not pay that much for a car again as I had to pay so much in interest. But I would not drive a car that got under 30 mpg.
They need alternative cars on the market that will hold a whole family and go 0 - 60 in a good time. There are not many that will hold 5 or 6 people and groceries.
Global warming and cooling has been occurring for millions of years.
Oh I forgot those way higher temps during the dinosaur days were because they were speeding around in Corvettes. Oh and I also forgot all those big hairy republican mammoths during the ice age.
Get real. Humans impact the earth, but earthquakes and volcanoes impact it a lot more. Solar radiation from increased sunspots has more of an affect on global warming than your suv does.
Oh, I forgot you think George turned up the dial on the sun.
If you want to spew facts have an IQ over temperature in AZ in the summer please. We just had two record cold days here in AZ by the way, thanks to global warming I'm sure.
2007-01-15 17:26:19
answer #2
answered by inzaratha 6
I do not think they deny international warming is going on. What I suppose they project is the notion that every one of that is the influence of artificial units. There isn't any denying that individuals on the earth have an impact on the local weather. But traditionally the Earth has cooled and heated up. Most of those scorching and bloodless intervals happened earlier than the onset of the Industrial Revolution and the air pollution brought on from it. So the query should be requested: why did international warming and cooling arise then whilst guy performed very little position in it?
2016-09-08 01:14:28
answer #3
answered by kearney 3
Global warming does not exist. Why don't you do a little research? Did you know that it is colder now than it was 200 years ago and that the glaciers are actually getting thicker? Before listening to people like Al Gore telling people that ciggarette smoke is a "huge contributor" to the global warming actually look at the data. Like for instance:
From 1986 to 2000 central Antarctic valleys cooled .7º C per decade with serious ecosystem damage from cold.(1)
Antarctic peninsula has warmed several degrees while interior has cooled somewhat. Ice shelves have retreated but sea ice has increased.(2)
Would you like me to show you more sources? Because I can.
P.S. anyone that puts a negative rating are just mad because I disproved global warming with 2 facts and resources.
2007-01-15 14:28:27
answer #4
answered by Greg M 3
Ford does not make the suburban. Cheverolet Makes a Suburban. Ford make an Excursion.
Snow melts in the Spring.
I guess democrats do not drive or use electricity.
One of the biggest problems in Colorado is the old wood or coal burning stoves.
2007-01-15 14:28:19
answer #5
answered by Ben R 5
Lead by example. Sell your vehicles. The planet is just going through a normal cycle. This is an la-Nina year and the weather tends to be a little more moderate in a la-Nina year. Go ask a climatologist or other scientist who studies this. Al Gore is not a scientist so he doesn't count. Besides, one volcanic eruption belches more crap into the atmosphere than mankind EVER will.
2007-01-15 15:13:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I wonder if worrying about global warming is what keeps me awake nights. It could also be from worrying about Y2K. Or the comet that is going to hit the earth.
Remember when we used to worry about atomic war? How about the "hole" in the ozone layer?
While we worry about all these imaginary catastrophes, our politicians are creating a police state to protect us from "terrorism", shipping our jobs overseas, failing to protect us from an invasion of illegal aliens, spending money like a drunken sailor on another un-declared war, and trying to create the North American Union, by merging us with Canada and Mexico.
Wake up! We got real problems!
2007-01-15 15:17:29
answer #7
answered by iraqisax 6
since all of you college grads with your Phds and other titles could a ignorant old fart ask , what happened in the 70s when we were headed for another ice age, because of all the pollutants in the atmosphere were blocking the suns rays from hitting earth , with the intensity as it is supposed to? so we had to clean up the atmosphere in a hurry, so now it is just the opposite, why? damn we must have cleaned it up to good and now we are going into a hot house atmosphere, we just can't seem to get it right do you smart a,,es think you could , we are depending on you .
2007-01-15 15:46:38
answer #8
answered by james w 3
It is not a fact.
1. There is a few hundred years of recorded temperature data and hundreds of millions of years of Earth. The sample is so small that the margin of error is much bigger than the supposed temperature increase. Ask any statistics teacher.
2. I look at who advocates man-caused global warming and all I see is anti-capitalism and anti-free markets.
3. The bigger problems in the world are in China, Russia, and lesser developed countries. The Kyoto treaty that liberals tout punishes America while not imposing the same standards on other countries.
You CO comment is anecdotal
It is not your place to tell other people what they can drive. In a free country, you are entitled to drive whatever you want. So shut your arrogant mouth and stop telling me what I can drive. I do not want to hear it.
2007-01-15 14:36:47
answer #9
answered by Chainsaw 6
1. Chevrolet makes the Suburban not Ford
2. 98% of Antarctica is colder now than 50 years ago.
3. A recent NASA study of satellite imaging concluded that in the past two decades the global temperature has been declining despite increasing human CO2 pollution (Robinson).
4.At times in the earths' history, it has been hotter and more concentrated with CO2, yet it still exists as an inhabitable place. The earth has natural balance factors that many scientists believe would take place instead of unavoidable doom. Scientists predict the earth would be slightly warmer and greener if CO2 concentration increases. Because of the increase in temperature water would evaporate and precipitate more frequently. Plants and trees would thrive on the increased CO2 levels, warmth and increased water supply. Because of the increase in plant life the CO2 levels would gradually decrease and the cycle would continue (Robinson).
5. Accurate satellite, balloon and mountain top observations made over the last three decades have not shown any significant change in the long term rate of increase in global temperatures. Average ground station readings do show a mild warming of 0.6 to 0.8Cover the last 100 years, which is well within the natural variations recorded in the last millennium. The ground station network suffers from an uneven distribution across the globe; the stations are preferentially located in growing urban and industrial areas ("heat islands"), which show substantially higher readings.
6. Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic time. For instance, the Medieval Warm Period, from around 1000 to1200 AD (when the Vikings farmed on Greenland) was followed by a period known as the Little Ice Age. Since the end of the 17th Century the "average global temperature" has been rising at the low steady rate mentioned above; although from 1940 – 1970 temperatures actually dropped, leading to a Global Cooling scare.
7.Carbon dioxide levels have indeed changed for various reasons, human and otherwise, just as they have throughout geologic time. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the CO2 content of the atmosphere has increased. In addition, the rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere during this period has also increased from about 0.2% per year to the present rate of about 0.4% per year,which has been constant for the past 25 years. However, there is no proof that CO2 is the main driver of global warming. As measured in ice cores dated over many thousands of years, CO2 levels move up and down AFTER the temperature has done so, and thus are the RESULT OF, NOT THE CAUSE of warming. Geological field work in recent sediments confirms this causal relationship. There is solid evidence that, as temperatures move up and down naturally and cyclically through solar radiation, orbital and galactic influences, the warming surface layers of the earth's oceans expel more CO2 as a result.
8.Greenhouse gases form about 3 % of the atmosphere by volume. They consist of varying amounts, (about 97%) of water vapour and clouds, with the remainder being gases like CO2, CH4, Ozone and N2O, of which carbon dioxide is the largest amount. Hence, CO2 constitutes about 0.037% of the atmosphere. While the minor gases are more effective as "greenhouse agents" than water vapour and clouds, the latter are overwhelming the effect by their sheer volume and – in the end – are thought to be responsible for 60% of the "Greenhouse effect".
Those attributing climate change to CO2 rarely mention this important fact.
9.In a 1996 report by the UN on global warming, two statements were deleted from the final draft. Here they are:
1) “None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.”
2) “No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to man–made causes”
To the present day there is still no scientific proof that man-made CO2 causes significant global warming.
10.Glaciers have been receding and growing cyclically for hundreds of years. Recent glacier melting is a consequence of coming out of the very cool period of the Little Ice Age. Ice shelves have been breaking off for centuries. Scientists know of at least 33 periods of glaciers growing and then retreating. It’s normal. Besides, glacier's health is dependent as much on precipitation as on temperature.
11.The earth is variable. The western Arctic may be getting somewhat warmer, due to unrelated cyclic events in the Pacific Ocean, but the Eastern Arctic and Greenland are getting colder. The small Palmer Peninsula of Antarctica is getting warmer, while the main Antarctic continent is actually cooling. Ice thicknesses are increasing both on Greenland and in Antarctica.
Sea level monitoring in the Pacific (Tuvalu) and Indian Oceans (Maldives) has shown no sign of any sea level rise.
2007-01-19 13:30:10
answer #10
answered by mferunden 2
The true answer is that they listen to the party faithful mouthpieces only. They are bombarded daily by those whose loyalty is party first, the country and the world second.
Brazil went oil free automobiles. This means that Brazil can do something we cannot?
I find interesting the "fuzzy math" above. According to core samples the earth has increased in GrnHsGas exponentially since the industrial age. 200 years ago is like two minutes ago in "Earth" years. You have to study trend analysis to see the big picture. Also, Bush has declared the polar bear a threatened species due in direct result of the ice caps melting away.
Some don't care about the truth. They just spew what their party favorites spew at them. The "extreme" right doesn't care about the deficit, the elderly, or the planet. They can't look beyond today nor beyond money and power.
2007-01-15 14:31:18
answer #11
answered by Chi Guy 5