Speak to the wife before she accuses her husband of something. She's a woman so she'll understand.
2007-01-15 13:34:29
answer #1
answered by NYGirl 3
You need to tell them about it!!!! That little piece of clothes left around can cause a lot of problems if found by the wrong person. It's not embarrassing, just about everyone wears underwear. Yours has a little less material than most. Tell the wife you left your panties there. And go get them.
2007-01-16 01:47:49
answer #2
answered by donniel608 2
I agree with NY Girl on this one...you really need to tell the wife that you can't find your "favorite pair of underwear" and ask her if they found them
It could potentially break up their marriage or cause a lot of problems if she finds them and doesn't remember right away that you could have left them.
And don't be embarassed...most people wear underwear and don't think anything about it.
2007-01-15 13:38:21
answer #3
answered by Chick-A- Deedle 6
you purely all started lifeless lifting, what do you anticipate? lifeless lifting makes use of distinct muscle mass than you've been operating, and the muscle mass you've been operating, in a distinct way. decrease the load, and proceed operating at it. you'll construct your skill. And drop the ego element dude. no human being cares how a lot you could lifeless strengthen, I promise. everybody else on the wellbeing club is focusing on their health, so do not problem, you're literally not a humiliation.
2016-12-02 08:29:40
answer #4
answered by ? 4
That does sound embaressing! Ask the wife because that would be alot less humilliating than asking the husband since she is a girl too
2007-01-15 13:44:15
answer #5
answered by panicatthediscorocks001 2
If it is that embarrassing, forget about it. Act like it isn't yours. Otherwise, just be real with those people and tell them you were doing laundry or something and left your underwear there.
2007-01-15 13:36:37
answer #6
answered by tribal811 2
one of my sister's dogs loved to eat panties. if that's not a possibility and these thongs are that important to you, i would simply call and ask. personally, i would just chalk it up and be glad i didn't lose anything of real value.
2007-01-15 13:37:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
tell the wife in private, not in front of the husband!
2007-01-15 13:37:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
be right up front with the lady of the house......tell her you might have left it.....you'd like it back if anyone finds it...no big deal....it's underpants!!!!!
2007-01-15 13:41:44
answer #9
answered by kittymom 6
You should get it....... no matter how embarassing it is..
unless,of corse you want them to look at it...because they don't want to pick it up.....
2007-01-15 13:34:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous