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Ataturk yajnked an entire nation out of the Middle Ages and religious servitude and set them on an opposite course from the rest of the Muslim world. He banned the fez and the veil and made citizens take surnames. Thje Islamic calender was replaced with a Western one. they instituted a secular justice and gave women rights. Was he a great man for doing this? Will Turkey be the leader of a great reformation for Muslims?

2007-01-15 12:55:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

3 answers

he is one of those muslims who isa visionary for the religion. without him, islam wld still be in the dark ages. too bad, there are few of him. thats why the islamic world is in the doldrums. it has been overtaken by the clergy who misinterpret the tenets. ataturk was ableto see the brightness and beauty of the revelation and its relevance to the muslim world. he was objective and interpreted the writings correctly n use it for the country. now there are forces within the country to bring it back into the dark ages. the problem is: the clergy is bankrupt of ideas - they dont have a solution to world'sproblem so they thought it wld be best to bring islam back to the 12th century. wear veils - which wasnt so ridiculous then as now; wears a beard, back to the old ways; shun western ideas and lifestyle etc. but ironically, muslims dont migrate to saudi or other muslim nations but they go to the west! If they want to interpret islam in a narrowest sense, they shld practice it in muslim countries which are plentiful. they shldnt go to a western country and try to impose their values on the new society that they have migrated to

2007-01-15 13:21:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think Muhammad was a great man because he gave women the right to inherit and own property, right to divorce, right to get child support after a divorce, and the right to vote and hold office. (just to name a few)
I haven't learned a great deal about Ataturk but I don't like how he doesn't understand that Islam is all about technology. Banning the headscarf as nothing to do with bringing Turkey forward. I do believe though that all countries should be secular because muslim governments do not understand Islam.

2007-01-19 16:24:02 · answer #2 · answered by dreams 3 · 0 2

He was great, and too bad he died in 1938, at the age of 57 I believe.
Turkey may lead the way if the Muslims have a desire to folloe his guidelines. After what G Bush started, it may put the Muslims in a position where theey will not want to change to western ways. Who could blame them?

2007-01-15 21:12:52 · answer #3 · answered by Nort 6 · 0 0

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