As a Conservative, I can't say that I disagree with your observation, but I would like to point out a few things.
For one thing, Bill O'Reilly is a news analyst, which is not where you get your news, it's where people talk about the news. I think very highly of Mr. O'Reilly and his investigations into the culture war, but Bill isn't always right.
I am as partisan as they come, but at the age of 13, I would like to see you avoid the rhetoric that destroyed political debate in the United States. Terms like "Libs" and "Neocons" become like epithets depending on how they're spoken. Besides, it gives you away as partisan. As soon as someone of the Liberal persuasion knows what side of the isle you're from, they will cease to listen to you, and start into their own rhetoric. Always take the high road, and show debate opponents that you are smart enough to avoid name-calling.
I am impressed that you are so interested in political discussion, and I am happy to know that America is still producing young Conservatives! I know you will take good care of America's future.
Edit: Please note the obnoxious rhetoric above, and that it doesn't sound very smart. You will always want to sound more reasonable.
2007-01-15 11:26:04
answer #1
answered by Meri 2
Why don't you listen to your father then? The media in the US is controlled by the government. They only tell us what the gov't wants us to know. The NY Times will pretty much ignore something if it's not in their interests, albeit corporate interests. There is no left wing bias in the media, they are only allowing us to see what they want us to see. It doesn't look like a liberal agenda to me.
Don't lump liberals in with a bunch of morons from Hollywood. You are also generalizing when you assume that all cons listen to O'Reilly and Rush Windbag.
Listen to your father, he knows what he is talking about...maybe he should take your computer away from you.
EDIT: "[I] never saw a foreign intervention that the [New York] Times did not support, never saw a fare increase or a rent increase or a utility rate increase that it did not endorse, never saw it take the side of labor in a strike or lockout, or advocate a raise for underpaid workers. And don't let me get started on universal health care and Social Security. So why do people think the Times is liberal?"
New York Times reporter John Hess
2007-01-15 11:38:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
while Murdoch undermines all decency in many areas of the international, we are to have confidence that his empire cares approximately WE the human beings? money is the evil and lies are his foundation for paying for further and extra. properly, # 15 has been arrested interior the hacking and extra to return. Democracy is a foreign places word to Murdoch and the Koch Brothers. protection of Capitalism even on the fee of the destruction of any united states is all that counts with those human beings. Tea Partiers you have been had. i know you had sturdy intentions yet have been railroaded enormous time. some Dictators have entered your terrain and are destroying you besides.
2016-10-07 05:21:30
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Son if you're really 13, as you say, and I find very hard to believe, this country for the most part is made up of people who like to think of themselves as free thinkers. It's what our fore-fathers wanted us to have. Some of us listen to all sides, and make up our minds as to who we think is right, and who is wrong. While I believe in a strong military, and believe that we should earn our way, and am pro-life, I also believe that our military (which I spent 9yrs., 9mo., and 5 days in) is being used in a way that most of our great military minds don't agree with. I also believe that MANY people in THIS country can use the billions of dollars that are being use elsewhere (New Orleans comes to mind), and I believe that a woman, even though I don't agree with abortion, has the GOD given right to choose what she wants to do when she doesn't want to continue with her pregnancy.
If this country stop listening to "dumb libs" as you so well state, and started listening to just Conservatives, then as a country we become less...
2007-01-15 11:22:58
answer #4
answered by Ricardo C 4
Well -- As hypocritical as you question is I'll answer it anyway. You see, it might seem liberal now because the democrats just stole the house of representatives and the senate from the republicans so it just happened to be the biggest thing to happen in 2006. You want extreme right-wing TV show hosts like O'Reily on the air to balance the media? That's what sounds hypocritical. My question, really is what exactly does "Merry Christmas" have to do with being a republican? You clearly just made a generalization about republicans yourself. Now, you're thirteen so I won't hold your ignorance against you but next time you ask a question, try not to be biased yourself. Your question is manipulative just like the media.
2007-01-15 11:16:11
answer #5
answered by ♥ariel♥ish♥ness♥ 3
I forgot equal rights and government accountability are dumb liberal views.
Saying Happy Holidays makes you a liberal? Well then move over Air America(wait they're bankrupt... lol..), Fox News is taking your place, They plastered "Happy Holidays" on their commercial bumpers far more than any "liberal" news outlet. O'Reilly's store on his website sold items which bore the phrase "Happy Holidays".
Well, at least you're interested in politics, which is a good start. Hell, with your pointless rantings you could grow up to be a drug-addicted, hypocritical, draft-dodging, radio talk-show host just like Rush Limbaugh!
2007-01-15 11:22:42
answer #6
answered by Liberals love America! 6
hello, and thanks for taking the time to post your question!it's nice to know that there are still younger folks out there who are thinking and sounding off about more than just britney, as to the 'left-wing' media...apparently you do not own a radio, or maybe your parents don't let you listen, but radio is totally dominated by the conservatives...don't believe everything o'reilly tells you-he's just another hack with an opinion for sale, just like rush, coulter, hannaty, savage, glen beck...the list goes on and on-try reading the op-ed pages...most of the columnists you see will be conservatives-and the thing they have in common with their brethren on the airwaves and on cable is that they all make out like they're some lonely conservative voice crying out the truth in a liberal wasteland...tell me, if the only voices you hear are all singing off the same musical score, in harmony, doesn't it make you wonder if it's not actually a HUGE choir trying to drown out any dissenting viewpoint? as for celebrities, there are plenty of conservative celebrities willing to open their yaps and talk about THEIR dumb political views...try charlton heston, ben stein, tom selleck, the late sonny bono, ted nugent, charlie daniels, the 'governator', and let's not forget the great "b" movie actor who got into politics by informing on his fellow actors during the red scare and ended up getting to play the president for an 8 year run despite having absolutely no idea what he was doing or even who half of his cabinet members were...
see, the good thing about this country of ours is that people are free to listen to anyone they want, or no one at all...we can say 'merry christmas' or 'happy holidays' or 'kiss my foot this december''s called 'freedom of speech' and a lot of us served in uniform to ensure that, among other things, speech remains free...and some of my brothers and sisters in uniform gave their lives...democracy is a wonderful thing ONLY as long as it REMAINS democratic...everyone has a right to their opinion, and everyone has a right to express it...not just the folks with whom we agree...God bless america
2007-01-15 11:37:35
answer #7
answered by spike missing debra m 7
Try looking up the word, 'Liberal' in the dictionary. Liberals are Christians. Not bigots. Conservatives belong to the Ku Klux Klan.
2007-01-15 11:40:57
answer #8
answered by Constitution 4
You are only 13...or so you say...and you haven't lived yet!!! You are obviously getting your information and beliefs from your right wing parents, and your family is no doubt very well off. I hope for your own sake that you never have to find out THE HARD WAY...what liberal values are truly all about!!!! Thank you Ricardo...I don't agree with all your values, but the basic premise of your answer is sooo right on!!!
2007-01-15 11:25:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No what this country needs is leadership and we aren't getting it...
For the past 100 years we have not added ONE new seat to the House of Representatives, in spite of the fact our population has tripled....
So what??? Thomas Jefferson who wrote the constitution asked for 1 rep for 30,000 citizens. It is now 1 rep for 750,000 citizens. The House illegally froze their numbers at 435.
So what we really have is not a group that represents all of us, we the people, but a very select group of millionaires that run the show.
If Jefferson and company believe in us enough to give us a voice in oujr government, by crackey we ought to get that voice. And we aren't and until we DEMAND representation we won't
2007-01-15 11:15:58
answer #10
answered by imask8r 4