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I have chosen not to waste my time looking for employment in my hometown, why? I will not look for a job here because i know I won't get the kind of job I want, making the money I want. I am sick of living with my folks, waking up, eating breakfast, going to a deadbeat, deadend job. A job with no opportunities for advancement. I feel that I did not go to school for nothing. I feel if I keep going after those low paying gigs, I will never prosper and be productive, I have to stop that. It ends now, I won't settle for these jobs here in my hometown, because I am not growing, I am not happy here. I do not like it at all.

2007-01-15 11:07:24 · 2 answers · asked by Nikki C 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

I admire your determination. The first thing to do is determine the area that you would like to go. Then register at free job and career boards. From there you can browse what they have available in the areas that you would like to live. The following site has a bunch of fre job boards. I hope this helps

2007-01-15 11:19:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Be very careful. in the beginning, because of the fact the above man or woman reported, Bristol isn't in London. London is the capital city of england, and Bristol is yet another city in England, approximately a hundred (170km) miles west. additionally, i'm an English instructor, and after interpreting that digital mail, i'm able to assist you to recognize very almost truly that that's not written by a close-by English speaker. if certainty be told, each and every thing approximately this digital mail seems incorrect, even the call 'Tony Richmond' sounds like a faux call. inspect the e-mail handle! E VISA workplace. What?? PLEASE do not deliver this man or woman your passport, or maybe copies, or settle for any can provide till you recognize extra coaching. Ask this guy for his British homestead huge variety. notwithstanding if that's in Bristol that's going to initiate 0117. call him. Ask him which district of Bristol he lives in. Ask to communicate to his spouse. i'm truly in contact for you. there are various memories of foreign places females being delivered to the united kingdom on fake can provide to paintings as slaves or porstitutes. Please be careful!

2016-10-07 05:21:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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