Created in 1998 by Jared Leto (vocals and guitar) and his brother, Shannon (drums), 30 Seconds to Mars began as a small family project. Things began to speed up quickly, however, and Matt Wachter later joined the band as bassist and also playing keyboards. After a small revolving door of guitarists (as the band's first two guitarists, Kevin Drake and Solon Bixler, left the band due to issues primarily related to touring), the three auditioned Tomo Milicevic to round out the band's roster.
2007-01-15 10:19:36
answer #1
answered by blevins2147 5
Created in 1998 by Jared Leto (vocals and guitar) and his brother, Shannon (drums), 30 Seconds to Mars began as a small family project. Things began to speed up quickly, however, and Matt Wachter later joined the band as bassist and also playing keyboards. After a small revolving door of guitarists (as the band's first two guitarists, Kevin Drake and Solon Bixler, left the band due to issues primarily related to touring), the three auditioned Tomo Milicevic to round out the band's roster.
2007-01-15 10:19:09
answer #2
answered by Mommy To Be in April 7
I totally understand your concern. But the truth is, Those bands are EPIC. I'm 12 and I My Chemical Romance is one of my favorite bands. I love them and Panic! at the Disco is also an awesome band. Most other bands I know well. For example, Paramore, Fall out boy, blink-182 and a tons of others. My mom lets me listen to them but still makes sure that I dress appropriately and gets good grades at school. As for the makeup and such, well I mean this is how they dress on stage. I would defifntly not count on this being how they always dress. But in the end it's your choice. If you truly think that she should not be listening to this music then as your choice as a mother then that's your choice. However one thing to take into consideration is that, this is from the perpective of a 12 year old. If your child is 16 then you might want to think about this from her point of view. This could very much be that she is hitting period that time that she wants her independence and music can very much help her get through this time. And trust me I should know having a 18 year old sister who also went through this stage. Anyway... I hope that this helps.
2016-05-24 17:49:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
jared leto, shannon leto, matt wachter, & tomo milicevic
2007-01-15 10:18:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous