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Do you prefer to shave off your pubic hair, just trim it, or leave it as is? Please list any pros, cons, benefits, and warnings. And please don't say: "lol, it's up to you". I know its up to me, I want to know what YOU think.

2007-01-15 08:30:58 · 8 answers · asked by Ish L 1 in Health Men's Health

8 answers

It is all up to you but if you feel the need to shave then by all means shave it all off. Once you start you have to continue on a daily basis. It all becomes different strokes for different folks to what any other person would like. Do what makes YOU happy.

2007-01-15 08:46:52 · answer #1 · answered by willowtatro 6 · 0 1

I prefer to just trim it with a small hair scissor every couple of days in the shower. When its to long u run the risk of getting something caught in those things : ). Plus most women have a specific preference when it comes to pubic hair, some want trimmed, some fully shaved, and some just want u to let it run wild. The latter being very very rare though. It's best to start at the middle ground and go for there, else you could turn off most women at a very crucial part.

2007-01-15 08:45:00 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 2 0

I prefer it shaved off. I shave every 2-3 days in the shower. There is no need for shaving cream or anything like that, just a clean razor and a shower. First wash your pubic hair with soap, lather up soap on your pubic hair and ready the razor. Shave by stroking down first, then to the left, then to the right, and after your skin is used to the razor you can shave upwards. But don't shave upwards more than once a week.

Monday: Shave down, left, right, & up (45 degree angle, not totally upwards)

Tuesday: If needed just shave down.

Wednesday: If needed just shave down.

Thursday: Shave down, left, right & up (45 degree angle, not totally upwards)

Friday: If needed just shave down.

Saturday: Shave down, left, right & up (45 degree angle, not totally upwards)

Sunday: If needed just shave down.

2007-01-15 11:44:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since I had a vasectomy and had my scrotum shaved I've kept it that way and also the base of my penis. I've never had a rash or prickly feeling from shaving. I shave every 2 -3 days. I shave in the shower after washing good using a double blade razor. I then apply some powder and go on my way. My lover loves the smooth feeling.

2007-01-15 08:36:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Since had operation and had to be shaved I have come to trim and shave my pubes. I perfer the clean/trim look makes ones member stand out more.

2007-01-16 07:50:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I leave it as is. It's more manly to have hair. My wife doesn't like little boys.

It also helps the air to circulate and evaporate sweat, so you stay drier, and fungus doesn't grow. A lot of guys who shave really STINK because the damp skin developes smelly infections.

2007-01-15 14:24:51 · answer #6 · answered by Maple 7 · 1 1

let's just say, my wife likes it clean, smooth, and shaved for action to be possible????? consequently, it's a small price to pay.

2007-01-19 07:39:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

like to trim it up feels better and is sexy also

2007-01-15 08:41:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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