As long as you attend an actual four year college/university, where you go has very little bearing on your chances for making the bureau. It's what you study that's important.
The FBI typically deals with "white collar crime". So accounting and finance backgrounds are very imprtant to them. As are linguistics abilities. Not just one language mind you, but several.
A crystal clear criminal record is paramount. Ever gotten a DUI or possesion conviction? You're out.
The FBI has its pick of the top canditates in the country. From lawyers to CPAs and computer experts. The selection process is very difficult and can take a year or more.
2007-01-15 08:20:23
answer #1
answered by ADMAN_LJ 3
The FBI hires individuals with all sorts of backgrounds; you might want to first take a look at their careers page at to learn about job possibilities. Many colleges and universities offer solid criminal justice programs, but the FBI is also interested in linguists, scientists, etc. You can find more about criminal justice programs at Peterson's College Guides,
2007-01-15 16:17:40
answer #2
answered by Tony 5
Georgetown-The Walsh School. Its Amazing. obviously anything in New York, DC, and other cities that have amazing governmental resources.
2007-01-15 16:13:54
answer #3
answered by ana 2
the one that teaches you how to spell college.
but no, really.
2007-01-15 16:12:50
answer #4
answered by Nikki 4