Here's the rules:
All numbers 1 - infinity are always counted.
If a zero is BETWEEN two real numbers, it is counted. For example, 206 has 3 and 2006 has 4.
If a zero comes after real numbers and there is NO decimal point, and NO bar above the zero, it is not counted. For example, 2600 only has 2 and 4,000,000 only has 1.
If the number contains a decimal point ALL zeros are counted.
If there are no real numbers before a decimal point, and there are zeros following the decimal point, but before the real numbers, they are not counted. In this situation, however, if there are zeros following the real numbers, they ARE counted. For example, 0.0004560 has 4 and 0.003 has 1.
This means, in your number, 20600.0, since here is a decimal, all zeros are counted. That means there are 6 sig. figs.
2007-01-15 07:55:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Due to the .0 at the end you are indicating accuracy to the 0.1. This makes all the digits significant.
2007-01-15 15:37:58
answer #2
answered by DT 4
DT has it right. Six digits. The ".0" means you count them all, where no ".0" would leave it as three.
2007-01-15 15:45:06
answer #4
answered by roynburton 5