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When someone asks an abortion question, the anti-abortion answers come primarily from men.

Most anti-abortion groups are headed by men, and the clinic bombings and shootings (terrorism?) are always done by men.

Do these men have a hatred of women and their sexuality? If you talk to them long enough they will always say "If a woman wants to choose, she should choose to not spread their legs."

2007-01-15 06:49:26 · 15 answers · asked by bettysdad 5 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

That is true. There are pro-life women also but the overall majority are men. I think is because they viewed it as some form of losing control over the woman.

2007-01-15 12:56:17 · answer #1 · answered by cynical 6 · 2 1

The answer is much simpler than you suppose. Men don't have to deal with the emotional consequences of keeping an unwanted child alive inside their own bodies for 9 months. Even after that,, there is a strong social stigma towards adopting a child out. They don't have to deal with the shame of everyone they meet knowing "what you were doing". They miss out of all the pain of childbirth. Thus, they do not have the motivation to truly examine their beliefs about abortion like women do.

I have known quite a few women who have had abortions. It was a difficult decision for each of them. All felt guilt after. But only one expressed, in my hearing, that they would do it any differently if they had the choice to make all over again.

And the same is true of most who decide not to abort & either give up the baby for adoption or keep it. I have also seen a lot of kids growing up who are obviously not welcome in their own family , maybe as a partial result of such a decision. Let's face it, All too often, men make that decision for "their" women. Just like the guy answering a ways above me who spoke for his wife rather than take care of the kids long enough for her to voice her own opinion on here. HER words would mean much more than his ever will, in my book.

2007-01-15 07:06:12 · answer #2 · answered by bob h 5 · 6 0

well, I'm not sure that there are more pro life men than women, but maybe they are just more vocal. Women understand the need for safe and accessible healthcare, and the more men decide to put us ladies in danger, the more important our health becomes. As far as the violence, well men have ALWAYS been the ones responsible for committing most of the crimes, the ones responsible for abandoning their pregnant women and not paying child support, the ones raping, the ones least likely to use birth control. And women have always been the ones to have to make decisions around that, since men make most of the laws (property laws that include wives, letting child moleters and rapists out of prison or failing to prosecute well enough, etc...) that is what we will continue to have to do. It is easier to point the finger of blame at women, than to take responsibility for your own consequences to your own behaviors. If I had a dime for everythime a 'welfare mom' was blamed with no mention of the man who put them there, I would be on vacation for another week...

2007-01-15 06:57:50 · answer #3 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 5 0

I'm not sure that a larger proportion of men are against abortion. I think that there are simply more men than women who are outspoken about it.
On the surface, the question might appear to draw a line between genders, but there are many on both sides (of both genders) who have differing opions upon this topic.

2007-01-15 07:02:36 · answer #4 · answered by Francisco D 2 · 5 0

I don't really associate with rabid anti-abortionists, especially the men. I am very pro-choice, to a point.

I'm not trying to be a total ***** here, but have you considered how YOU would have felt if Betty's mom would have had an abortion? Just something you should think about.

I think deadbeat dads should have a giant tattoo on their foreheads, so every woman who comes into contact with the loser knows what she's in for.

2007-01-15 07:09:34 · answer #5 · answered by Jadis 6 · 5 2

"If I had a dime for every time a 'welfare mom' was blamed with no mention of the man who put them there..."

"Gonna be interesting when the wives start signing the husbands up for vasectomies..."

If it was the MEN who had to suffer menstruation, you'd see a helluva lot more absenteeism at work.

And WHY oh WHY do those who cry so loudly about the immorality of abortion seem to avoid/oppose making contraception available to teens?

Hello? Is this mic on?????

Some of you ladies just ROCK!

2007-01-15 07:16:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Gonna be interesting when the wives start signing the husbands up for vasectomies,because they don't want to be burdened with the birth control in the marriage any longer, I wonder if the husbands will consider that to be "everyone's" business as well

2007-01-15 07:02:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Well, my wife would come on here and post her opinion (which is the same as mine), but she's busy with our kids.

Personally, I oppose bombing abortion clinics, and would prefer any public funding they receive be eliminated.

I don't hate women. I love my wife and my children.

I'm pro-baby rather than being about hate and control. It's about personal responsibility, not just for women, but for men AND women.

2007-01-15 07:01:05 · answer #8 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 4 2

Perhaps, it is not a question men should be asked. I wonder if anyone ever thought of that. It is like asking a woman about my prostate; it's part of me, not her.

2007-01-15 06:54:42 · answer #9 · answered by Jackson Leslie 5 · 5 1

If it was strictly a political issue you would have a good point... "it's my body you are a man and don't understand." But since it is also an issue of morality everyone has the right (and some would say obligation) to speak up and be heard.

2007-01-15 06:57:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

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