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I think I'm gay and I don't see the point in living anymore, because if I become gay, what's the point in going through life getting weird looks and having people hate you, and being different from the average person? Look at all the nasty people on here. I can't even ask a question about how to figure out my sexuality without being told I'm a sinner or god will send me to hell, or stuff like that. I'm only 15 so I haven't really decided on my sexuality yet, but I do know that I have a strong attraction to men, aswell as women.

If I choose to be straight and marry a woman I will always have a secret desire for a man. If I choose to be gay, I will always feel wrong about myself and I will always wonder what it would have been like to be "normal".

Either way, my life is messed from now on. I will never be happy no matter what I choose. So ... what's the point in living?

2007-01-15 06:43:39 · 26 answers · asked by danhh 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

26 answers

You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Think of it this way, I'm going to be 30 this year. I was married for 7 years and have 2 kids, and I finally came out this year. Who do you think got a frostier reception? There will always be haters no matter what you do. You don't HAVE to be a parade riding, leather chap wearing, Cher loving flamer, but if you are, who gives a crap? Those who love you will love you no matter what, and I gotta say, it's a great way to weed out the people who aren't your true friends. Good luck.

2007-01-15 06:54:52 · answer #1 · answered by Rachelle 4 · 5 1

Just ignore all the jerks that will come on here and try to tell you how you're a sinner. The irony is they themselves are sinning by judging you and having hate in their heart (the sin of wrath). I don't know if homosexuality is a sin or not as the bible was written by man, not penned by the almighty one himself. It's not like there are 8 deadly sins, rather than 7, and the last one is "do not covet thy owner of same reproductive parts you have." Seriously. People have decided it's a sin. Did you know it says in the bible you aren't supposed to eat shellfish? How many people break that one? It's just that people are unwilling or unable to accept something they don't completely understand, and are quick to condemn others while ignoring their own faults. Just ignore them. Maybe you will be gay, maybe straight, don't worry yourself too much over it. We've all been there. Someday you'll meet someone (male or female) and you'll fall in love and you'll realize it was worth living for. Good luck, and seriously, ignore the people out there who try to spread their hate. The hypocrisy they show is stunning.

2007-01-15 20:54:40 · answer #2 · answered by T 4 · 0 0

Hey your life is NOT messed up! Don't think that way, you're so young and may be worrying about nothing at the moment. You are afraid of how people will react which is understandable, but people react in negative ways about everyone in society, like obese people, black people and religious people and yes it is sickening. You can't change the world but you can learn to deal with it. You'll soon get to know who your friends are and you'll be surprised at how many people will love and accept you in whatever life you lead. And as for some of the people on here i think they just come on here to cause upset and sometimes they succeed, but you've had the last laugh if you rise above it. You have so much to look forward to in life hun, don't let people on here break you down, you are worth more than that. you should go with what feels right to you. Instead of feeling depressed about your sexuality try embracing it! You should be looking forward to your love life whether it's with a man or a woman. Follow your heart and don't bow down to n e one hun. Good luck! :)

2007-01-15 07:04:46 · answer #3 · answered by boopie240 2 · 3 0

If you wait and come to terms with whom you are you will learn to love life despite all of it. You see that's what this is all about. If you are a Christian then you should know that there is no sin Jesus won't forgive, and homosexuality is still in debate.

All the queers, me included, here at one point felt like you. Worthless and life was pointless, but one day you will be so happy you won't believe it. Comming out is so hard so becareful if your family isn't gay friendly.

Also don't marry a woman, just think she could be with a man that really loved her, and not someone who pretends and is a chore to go to bed with her.

Give time to yourself.


2007-01-15 12:35:57 · answer #4 · answered by Alim 3 · 0 0

Hi sweetie, learn to love yourself. You do not choose to become straight or gay, if you are gay you are gay from birth. Don't worry what other people are going to say, there might be nasty people but there are also nice people out there. You have still got a lot to live for, everyone has there ups and downs. I have a gay son, 19yrs old and before he was always very quiet but since he told me and I accepted him with my arms open, he is a changed person, he is living life to the fullest. In the future if you really have your mind clear that you are gay, do not be afraid of telling your parents, even if they take it bad in the beginning they will accept you eventually. So whatever the outome is Goodluck, you still have a lot to live for. If you ever need to talk email me when you wish.

2007-01-15 10:07:22 · answer #5 · answered by superstar68 3 · 0 0

Dude. Slow down. Just because you "think" you are gay doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You talk as if you are the only person who has ever gone through something like this before. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start having a positve outlook on things.

For all those people out there who are judging you....I say tell them to go to hell. Who are they to judge in the 1st place. I'm quite sure they don't live perfect lives either and for all you know might be having the same problem as you and living a worse life then you. The one thing no one can esacpe is being judged. Deal with it.

You have plenty to live for if you just stop and think about it. Goals, friends, family, to have fun, to love, to feel alive. Those alone should be enough for you to wanna continue your exsistence.

Normal is overrated and often considered whatever the majority status is. I say be different and live your life the way you want to. You are only 15 so your life has just barely begun. I guarentee things will be different for you when you reach 18 and then when you reach 21. So many possiblities and opportunties are out there so don't limit yourself to what others might think of you and do what you want. No one is gonna live your life for you so give it all you got. You'd be a fool if you thought life was gonna be easy and without consequences. Half the fun in Life comes from figuring things like this out. :-)

Later on in Life you should laugh about this and consider it one of Life's little tests. Hahahahaha. Take care buddy.

2007-01-15 07:11:28 · answer #6 · answered by pheirmeizer001 2 · 6 1

Learn to love and accept yourself, and to hell with what other people say or think about you. There's nothing wrong with you, whether you are gay, straight, bi, transgendered, polyamorous, asexual... you get my drift.

As for the either or thing. That's the same as saying you have to marry the first person you... date. There's no way you will ever know and understand yourself after just one experience. It took me a marriage and a divorce to make peace with myself, because it helped me see that, by trying to be what other people THINK they want you to be, you end up actually hurting them more. If they love you, they love you as you are.

So live your life. You're still young, so enjoy love, date people and experiment. Don't use anybody, but build relationships with as many people as you can. Some will be friendships, some will be encounters, some will be soulmates. Just don't give up on life when you haven't even tasted it yet.

2007-01-15 07:06:37 · answer #7 · answered by dead_elves 3 · 4 1

Do you have any idea of how many men and women out there would kill to have another chance in life? Be grateful you can actually seat in front of a computer and think ,and type. You have feelings, so you are capable of loving and helping others, if you think there is no reason to live anymore you are wrong because you are special, everyone has a job to do in this life, you just have to figure it out. A sexual preference should not cause others to hate you or look at you in some way. If you live in a very conservative environment, SH_IT! Move to Sidney or San Francisco!! You will destroy other peoples lives if you take bad decisions in life like taking you own life.
Remember there will always be someone that cares out there, perhaps someone like you or maybe not someone like you. I'm a straight guy and I care because you are a human being, many more like me will respect you and understand you. So, open your eyes, smile and get out there and figure it out! Good Luck!!!!

2007-01-15 06:59:27 · answer #8 · answered by Kubricksmind 2 · 4 0

There aren't as many hateful people in the real world - even the people on here who like to give you a hard time will most likely ignore you in everyday life when they can't be as anonymous as they can be on Yahoo answers.

Believe me when I say that being gay is a good thing... I didn't think so either at one point, but when I finally decided I wasn't going to hide it from myself or those around me anymore my life changed for the better.

I know how rough it can be, but give it time.

2007-01-15 07:03:11 · answer #9 · answered by Jeffrey 3 · 5 1

I'm really sorry you feel that way... I hope that you realize that it is in fact worth living -- /more/ than worth it -- just as it would be if you were hetero. It doesn't matter what your preference is, and although there will always be biased people about it, you have to know that they and their uneducated opinions (key word: /opinions/) don't matter. Don't let judgmental people like that determine your happiness.

By the way, I'm straight, and I simply adore bi's and gays. Don't be so quick to assume you will never be happy with who you are. You'll always be loved by someone no matter what. To me, that's worth living for.

<3 Peace

2007-01-15 07:11:43 · answer #10 · answered by cali haze 3 · 5 1

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