Because if NAACP won't help black people nobody will, certainly not the whites.
And besides there is segregation still going on this so called intelligent country. NAACP is not racist, if they will just leave it to white racist black people won't be given equal opportunities.
2007-01-15 06:14:55
answer #1
answered by binibining pilipina 5
Being a racist is hallmarked by a feeling of superiority over someone because of the color of their skin. I don't believe having an association that supports a historically enslaved and oppressed group of people is racist at all. I just don't see at all how it is segregation.
The argument about afirmative action is a delicate one. But, I will say that we ALL WISH it (racism) would just be erased, just go away. But it won't. You can't erase what history did to the black race. Had blacks never been enslaved, murdered, oppressed and completely disenfranchised (for the VAST majority of the time they have been here, and still, on some levels, it is true) by a society that viewed them as less than human and if all people had always simply been viewed as equals, we would have what many people would call a "level playing field". We obviously all know this is far from the truth of our history. The myth that all races have the same opportunities NOW is simply not possible without erasing and changing history. Blacks were enslaved longer than they have been "free". They only gained the right to TRY to have the same education a short time ago, and the right to vote. Never mind how long lynching was simply accepted in certain parts of the country. To level that field and truly TRY to give them back what they were denied, to truly try to eventually assure that they DO have the same opportunities, some people feel affirmative action is helpful to that end. I do not think it is a bad idea either, but I am open to other suggestions.
2007-01-15 06:27:58
answer #2
answered by woodthi32 2
People would go mental if a group came out and only gave scholarships to white people! But then again I bet you money you are going to get some one on here saying "well white people get everything NO the NAACP is not racist." But personally I think that it is! The Latino Stars, The Black Panthers, The Million Man March, The NAACP, all the organizations associated with keeping the races segregated! It's insane! Yes there still is the KKK and HELL NO I don't agree with what they do but everyone sits here and B#$@*% about making everything EQUAL... WELL THEN LETS TRUELY DO THAT! Eliminate all the racial BS!!!
2007-01-15 06:13:33
answer #3
answered by Love Tha Skins! 3
"Don't get me wrong, i am not racist, I would just like to see race eliminated from applications of any sort and judge people on the person they are and the qualifications they have."
There you go. I like that suggestion right there! That would be a great solution actually to everything. If someone is applying for something and the administrators or employers went by application ALONE then everyone would know they're getting a fair chance. However, it never fails there's the "check which race applies" section.
2007-01-15 06:10:05
answer #4
answered by mycountryfamily 4
1. NAACP is for COLORED people. so it inherently can't be racist, as it serves too many groups to be so (in short, it's not just for blacks)
2. there are white only scholarships. some there was a slight uproar that died down, other places slid thru unnoticed. (this includes there being white only scholarships at historically black colleges. and the NAACP only gives out money to attend historically black colleges. so it evens out actually)
3. i don't agree with "special treatment". it's not in the true nature of affirmative action, and groups that do this should be criticized and no longer allowed to do so.
4. i would like to get rid of race from applications, etc as well
edit: no i don't like the NAACP for many reasons. also, if we take race from the application, we also have to do phone interviews
2007-01-15 06:13:44
answer #5
answered by smm 6
Don't worry, the words "racism" and "hate" in todays popular culture are reserved for anyone who wins an arguement with a liberal.
When their debate is lost, they hurl "racism" in a last ditch effort to discredit. The fact is minorities harbor much more racism than does the majority.
It isn't just white kids that score high on SATs, recent black immigrants score better than the liberal blacks in America who have been here for three generations.
Minorities know that playing the race card PAYS. This is why even though Republicans have elevated blacks to the highest positions their race has ever held, liberal blacks still vote for Democrats because they dole out the welfare checks and social programs.
Data on recent black immigrants from Africa easily suggest that the liberal culture of blacks in America is far more determining than their skin color in regards to success..
New black immigrants find American schools tolorant, jobs easy to find and become part of society instead of living off of it.
You are right, the white majority needs to stick together much more. We are the majority. We created and founded this country.
DNA testing proved once and for all that "native" Americans are not native to the Americas at all. They are actually Asians. In fact the oldest remains ever found in our hemisphere were found along the banks of the Columbia River, it (Kennewick Man) has the skull of a white man not the Mongolian shull of the Indians.
White people can and should be AT LEAST as proud of their race as any other minority is of their race.
It is not anymore racist for us to be proud of our race than it is for the congressional black caucus to be proud of theirs.
WE SHOULD STICK TOGETHER! Join the Nationalist Movement. The Nationalist Movement is our counterpart to the Congressional Black Caucus, ***** College Fund and the NAACP put together.
Just don't listen to LIBERALS of any color. They only want to destroy America and they know the easiest way is to destroy the very people who founded it: White Males
The term "political-correctness" is also a liberal term, it really should always be understood as "liberal political-correctness" as it is always a fad that only benefits liberals and minorities.
The new push my friend is MAJORITY RIGHTS. We are the majority and we should be proud.
Join the Nationalist Movement at:
Now just watch all the people that respond after me. -Even though I said NOTHING at all negative about blacks, they will hurl the race card time and time again or they will say that I am full of "hate." God forbid being white AND proud. To them the only good white is a liberal one who panders to them.
2007-01-18 22:46:29
answer #6
answered by patriot333 4
If things were equal there would not be a need for an organization such as The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It was because of the unlevel playing field that existed in our country that the group was formed. Unlike white supremest groups, that promote hatred and separatism, the mission and goal is to make sure that there are opportunities for people of color that are not as readily available to them as they are to whites.
Do you really want to understand, or just whine? You'll get a lot of racist people on this forum to support your uninformed views. If that is what you want, then you have your reward. However, if you really want to see a world where race is unimportant, join the NAACP. They accept whites, always have. Or just go to a couple of meetings. You'll be welcome and you might learn that things are not as simplified as you'd like them to be.
2007-01-15 06:10:50
answer #7
answered by amazingly intelligent 7
The NAACP has worked for decades less than that kind. I comprehend your element, yet to be honest i do not discover it offensive to be called someone of color. if fact study that at the same time as my skin looks white, i'm 1/2 black, and that makes me someone of color. at the same time as definite both "colored human being" and "*****" are old words, that doesn't lead them to any a lot less precise. i'm a supporter of both the NAACP and the UNCF, United ***** college Fund, and that i believe that neither one ought to replace their names. they don't look racist, basically previous college. they favor the emblem skill that contains the names that they have got been prepared less than for decades.
2016-12-02 07:53:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Groups , no matter what type ALWAYS gravitate to familiarity.......
Every one has to test for College admission.....
There have been scholarships for whites as for nearly 50 years or more.....
The Black Race is strong and evidenced in many ways....Intelligence is not peculiar to a single group of anyone .......
Sir, you state you are not a it's safe to assume that you agree that this race of people has undergone an inordinate amount of abuse from the whites in this country.
i would also like to point out something else , and I will use your tone, and the reasoning you have presented here......
Ok, I am not sure of your age but I can remember watching Groups of people play sports on TV......
Those people were white.....All white....Now ,where was the Black man? I'll tell you , he was prohibited from playing the game .because of his race......
Now, are you cheering on your fave team for football playoffs ? Watching Basketball? Bseball ? Oh yes, Lets not forget TIGER WOODS who has pretty much re-defined Golf. I could go on and on....But hear me out ..The black men who play these sports now are re-defining, and lifting the bar to a higher standard by their excellent athletic abilities........
The history of the USA is full of examples of Black people merging, rising and conquoring prejudice and ignorance directed toward them.........
But as you say, you aren't racist , So I know you understand......
2007-01-15 06:30:11
answer #9
answered by cesare214 6
Yes they're racist and media hungry as well! Any chance they can get to steal the spotlight and make it seem like blacks are being so repressed!
It's called affirmative action; and it's bullsh*t! It's things like this that keep racism alive and thriving!
Hell yeah there would be. I'd also like to see White Entertaniment Television (WET) and The United Caucasion College Fund.
2007-01-15 06:15:05
answer #10
answered by Bunz 5