I loved the poem!
I don't think Bush cares what anyone, in or out of the United States, thinks about him now that he's been reelected.
It's fun to laugh at the things he says. But the things he DOES are serious, horrific, most likely illegal, definitely NOT laughed at by the world, and cause any thinking person to worry.
2007-01-15 05:54:32
answer #1
answered by Don P 5
No. Yogi Berra became famous for his Yogiisms. What's the difference?
What does it matter? Bill Clinton was a great speaker, but was a spineless boy who benefitted from a private sector that paved the road to record government spending. Hell, the taxes receipts came in so fast iand furious that Congress could not keep up with them (hence, the balanced budget). Unfortunately, when the music stopped following Y2K, Congress forgot to turn off the spigot. They never understood the saying that one should always save for a rainy day. They have control of the Taxpayer credit card (Treasuries) so they don't really care anyway.
Bush's speech and the opinion of the rest of the world (as misguided and sad as they are) are the least of our problems.
One needs to have credibility if their opinion is to matter.
2007-01-15 07:33:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well his comments aside I believe that when a man is so convinced that the direction he wants to go is right it is almost imposable to tell him it is not. Just before he became President for the first time there was a rumor floated about him that he was a weak man and had difficulty making decisions.
I believe he heard that and once President he vowed he would make his policy and never deviate regardless of criticism. This then would prove he is a strong President.
This is what we want in a President but more importantly we want one that makes the right decisions based upon the most information he has at the time. I fear this was lost to the "War President" ambition of this President.
He now has admitted to mistakes and takes responsibility. However rather than making better decisions he continues with the same policy. Add more troops and hang in there.
2007-01-15 06:04:36
answer #3
answered by John B 5
this style of number of international conflicts are religious. The conflict in Iraq, as an celebration, began as a conflict of lies and lack of archives by using Bush. because the conflict has escalated the large push in the back of this conflict from the american aspect is the Christian excellent. What used to call themselves, very arrogantly, the moral Majority. In Iraq the conflict is conflicts between extremist factions of religious adjustments. Israel. This conflict with the Palestinians is a religious conflict. The scuffling with interior of Irael are faith depending; one sect hostile to a unique. Hitler's conflict were given its large impetus from religious hatred. Viet Nam grow to be kept going by using the moral Majority. Patriotism is yet another large reason behind conflict. to love one's united states is tremendous, to some extent. to assert "my united states excellent or incorrect" is immoral to assert the least. international locations that are too in contact with themselves are always the most deadly.
2016-10-31 04:25:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately this is one thing he does well, making people laugh at his always putting his foot in his mouth, It's a shame that people are only now seeing what the man was all about. and no one wants to admit to it. Maybe Fahrenheit 911 was all made up.hmmm .......I don't think so.
2007-01-15 05:56:32
answer #5
answered by mags4556 1
How big a loser are you that this is all you have. Waaaahhh BUSH, thats all we have heard from you liberal halfwits since the first time he won election. Why don't all you buttclowns buy a new country and do it better than the USA. You could call it, helloworldletmekissyourassjustlikeme
2007-01-15 06:09:17
answer #6
answered by zombiefighter1988 3
He doesn't have the luxury of sitting in here with spell check and edit.
I imagine that if he spoke perfect English, and never made a verbal faux-pas, that all the libs would call him a snake oil salesman and a silver tongued devil.
2007-01-15 05:56:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You have way too much free time on your hands.
And I don't think Bush gives a second thought to the world's opinion of him.
2007-01-15 05:58:51
answer #8
answered by MoltarRocks 7
"I will not withdraw, even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." --George W. Bush, talking to key Republicans about Iraq, July 2006.
2007-01-15 06:01:17
answer #9
answered by Kwan Kong 5
Have you "utubed "it yet, I think it may become a best seller, nice content, but then again,I like pimples and athletes feet,.. so don't "misunderestimate me",I'm not nearly as smart as you try to make me
2007-01-15 05:53:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous