I found out and I NEVER regretted finding out and the next time I get pregnant I will find out again... it is nice to find out because you can buy the clothes for the right sex and call the baby by it's name it makes things alot easier
2007-01-15 05:34:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Is it not going to be a surprise in 4 weeks? It is just as much a surprise now and five months from now, but you get the fun of picking out names and shopping with direction. I really enjoyed knowing, I felt like I could know the baby a little better because he already had a name. I felt like I could bond by using his name and sew and buy all sorts of little things with his name on them. I was really glad we knew with the second because it helped us prepare our older son for his little brother. "The New Baby" had an identity. I definitely will find out if my third baby (due in July) will show us.
Once you make the decision, don't get to worked up, many a couple has left the Ultrasound room with numerous shots of a spine and no knowledge of the gender.
2007-01-15 13:38:46
answer #2
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
I'm 8 weeks pregnant and have thought the same thing. My hubby would like to find out - I don't. After talking with a friend, she made a good point...when you find out the sex, chances are you're going to tell others. Then, when you have a baby shower you're going to get blue or pink stuff instead of the bigger items you might need. (car seat, high chair, etc) So, that made my mind up that I definately don't want to know. Plus, I want to pick out a boy's name and girl's name and have the surprise when I deliver.
Good luck!
2007-01-15 14:02:21
answer #3
answered by bluez 6
Loved the surprise! For our first we figured that it didn't matter whether it was a boy or a girl and decided not to find out. we got a lot of yellow things for the baby that were just fine. There is cute gender nursery things and then you can go buy outfits later. For our next baby i will probably find out though because we already have a girl i'd like to see if it's a boy or not.
2007-01-15 13:48:10
answer #4
answered by Phil J 1
you should both decide together but sometimes the hospital can get it wrong i know a girl who was told she was having a girl she bought a lot of dresses a pink pram and done the nursery pink then she gave birth to a boy so its up to urself i personally found the surprise better buy a few beige or cream outfits if ur gonna wait then have a big shopping spree afterwards its a great chance to show off the baby
2007-01-15 13:49:57
answer #5
answered by vic b 2
I couldnt WAIT to find out the sex of my kids! With my oldest son it was curiousity, plus..I dont really like gender neutral clothes. I wanted to have everything ready and perfect for him.
I never regretted finding out because no matter what, nothing will ever prepare you for seeing that baby for the first time. I knew I was having a boy, but nothing prepared me for the way I felt when I saw him!
With my second and third sons I just wanted to know. I really wanted a girl and I thought if I was going to be at ALL disappointed Id better get over it when I had the Ultrasound done. I pouted for 2 seconds after I found out each of them were a boy, but, I very very quickly got over it and I adore them to pieces :)
With our 4th child I just really really wanted to know. I felt unlike I had felt with any of the boys' pregnancies. I was miserable and sick and extra irritable...Not at all like I had been when I was pregnant with the boys...and I cried like a baby when she told me she thought the baby was a girl.
When Miranda was actually born, I dont think it was any less of a surprise than it would have been if I didnt have the results of the ultrasound. I still didnt quite think she was a girl until I saw her :)
2007-01-15 13:41:56
answer #6
answered by jmnixon1981 2
My husband and I tossed that argument back and forth for a few weeks before our 20 week appointment too. He really wanted to know. I didn't. We decided to let him look but not tell me and when they tried to look the baby wasn't cooperative and they couldn't tell for sure, so I got my way and no one knew :-)!
I ended up going 2 weeks late and was very glad to have the surprise to look forward to. I think I would have been going nuts by then if I had known.
It's really up to you but I would suggest letting yourself be surprised. It was really wonderful for us. Unless you Really have your heart set on girl or boy (and being your first there's no real reason to other then person preference and you can't change it any by knowing) you will be happy either way.
2007-01-15 13:58:15
answer #7
answered by abbersmomma 2
I found out and it was really exciting because I can bond with my little girl. I am more of a planner so for my hubby and I we really wanted to know. It is funny though, we both knew it was a girl before the scan. There are pros and cons to finding out and not finding out. It is a personal choice but exciting either way..... :)
2007-01-15 14:05:45
answer #8
answered by ShanaJ 4
I found out the sex of my baby and happy I did. I'm still as excited as I was before I found out and now I get to buy all the pink stuff I want... That's right I'm having a girl! She is going to have the pinkest nursery you ever saw. Everything is going to be pink pink pink!!!!
2007-01-15 13:59:44
answer #9
answered by Pren 3
I would definitely find out the sex of the baby, it makes it so much more fun to shop for the baby. You really won't feel like going shopping right after you give birth. And then it will be easier to name the baby and you can call the baby by his/her name before they are born. I feel like God gave us this wonderful gift of being able to find out what the sex is before. So we should use it.
Congratulations on whatever you decide!
Good Luck!
2007-01-15 13:37:36
answer #10
answered by pre-k teacher 2