The sexual organs together secondary sexual characters will be the first growing and working during the sexual development at 12-14 y/o and so the first to end at 16-18. Rarely after 18 years penis still will have to grow!
2007-01-15 05:20:29
answer #2
answered by whole_feelings 7
17-19 depends for everyone..
This is in my own writing, it wasn't copy and pasted, enjoy it, it took me a while to write it and hope is beneficial to everyone. Thanks.
Since I have answer to many of these question regarding penis sizes, i recollected most of my answers, read it and you make be satisfy with a correct answer.
The reported statistics vary, but some of the more credible measurements taken from a sample of college men in a large university town revealed that the average erect penis is between 5-6 inches when measured from the base of the penis to the tip along the top side. The vast majority of erect penises (>85% of men) fell between 5-7 inches. The erection of course was the great equalizer since the measurements of flaccid penis lengths varied considerably.
less than 4 inches is way below ! >4.5-5.0 moderate > 5.0- 6.3 (average 65% of any male u encounter are around this size!) > 6.7 (10-20% of popul) more than average > 7.2-9 less than 10% (gifted) > 9+ thats a big ******* story! ahhaah 0.1% of the male population *(Different web site and researches show these stat as the average penis 5.1, 5.7, 5.9, 5.877 from these numbers you can conclude what’s average, since all those are say to be average, I guess they are diff because are taken in different regions, let say if u take the same test in china you would find out that 4.7 is average! and 6 is to big. well other internet survey say to be 6.2 so is funny because it does not match with true measurement, so self measurements adds more than 2 cm. Be proud of what you have, the average vagina is about 3-4 inches so there is no problem filling up that space! and if the woman loves you, there is no problem.. but everyone wants a bigger penis even I and i have 7.3 :) .... **** dont they say smaller pennis stand up longer? enjoy
you don’t worry; I bet money that 80% + those that make fun of other with small organs have less than 6.6 inches! cuz only 10% of the population have over 7 inches!
do stretching it may give u a few cm
will know ur final size when u reach 17... you will gain from .2-1.5 inches from that age up to 17!
The ideal penis would be above average size (if you were given a woman what would you pick the same girl with smaller or bigger breast? yes is possible you pick above average and not to big either, is the same thing for penis..) what would that size be? hmm I would definitely say 7-8 inches x 6 inches of circumference..thats a bit bigger than porn actor though, most porn actors have between 6-7 inches but since their are bellow 6 feet their penis look bigger on them... and so there are porn actor with more than 8 inches...(note that those male actors on the internet with mega penis are mostly the same people...there aren’t many with over 10 inches...) like I said is preference some woman may prefer something smaller then 5 inches... or something bigger than 7 ... but at the end you will love a woman with small tities you usually never dump her for that.... it happens to be the same with women and our penis... Hope this helps..
forget the motion of the ocean.... sorry girls but a 4 inch guy can do what a 7 inch penis do ( if they know what they are doing of course)vaginas are 2-2.5 inches wide therefore a penis with girth of 6 inches will reach and stretch you so all ur nerves are receiving pressure, so is ur G spot everything is done by PRESSURE, NOT THE MOTION OF THE OCEAN learn that....a 5 inch penis can almost do the same thing but give the same person different sizes and u will see the different of course anything over 9 inches can hurt and less pleasure but anything from 7-8.5 inches is the BEST of sizes of course if it has 6-6.5 inches of girth
I had like 6.5 when I was 16 and now I am 18 it is 7.3,.. Don’t feel bad, try doing exercises like stretching! maybe u gain something in 1 month! keep going if u see any gain maybe instead of gaining 1 inch.. u gain 2-3!
penis sizes!
less than 4 inches is way below ! >5.2 moderate > 5.5- 6.3 (average 60 % of any male u encounter are around this size!) > 6.7 (10-20% of population) more than average > 7.2-9 less than 5% (gifted) > 9+ that’s a big ******* story! ahhaah 0.1% of the male population
yo, u have 4 in so what? u can satisfy any woman, plus u are oriental so u may be with Orientals so u are in the normal size for Orientals.. even a person with 3.5 in penis could satisfy an oriental woman! try doing penis massages, i dont know if they work. I do them sometimes but have seen no gains but after all i dont need it, i am like 7.3 inches. :) ur orientals women have seen shorter penis than that i bet!
first measurement is soft(unerect, second is erect penis size in inches. Hope it gives you an idea.
United States 3.4/5.0
Germany - na/5.6
Spain - na/5.3
France 4.7/6.2
Japan 3.1/5.1
Brazil - na/4.8
Italy 3.9/5.9
Venezuela 3.7/5.0
Mexico - na/5.9
Greece - na/4.8
India - na/4.0
Saudi Arabia - na/4.9
Chile - na/5.5
Colombia 3.5 5.4
Korea 2.7 3.7
My words are truly and not made to hurt anyone's feelings, I am just answering, I don't know you and probably don't know me either, so I don't win anything from lying.
let the truth be told.
I found this site.... pretty good put ur size where it says ([pick your erection length) hehe see where you stand.. (the graph shown tell us an average of about 6 inches… which isn’t true, if u read what I wrote above averages range from 5.0-5.7 so, let say if u happen to have 5.25 inches and the graph gives u are bigger than only 10% isn’t quiet true, you can be bigger than 20-30% and like if u have 6 inches u may be in the 60 -70% not in the 50% where the graph says…. I just add this graph because I found it cool.)
2007-01-15 15:49:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous