An emotional affair is still an affair. Would it tear your heart out if you knew that your husband had "feelings" for another woman? To know that he could not decide if his feelings for her were ok to have?
It comes down to your own priorities and ethics. Cheerful flirting and yearning for someone sexually are totally different. Can YOU live with yourself and these emotions? Could your husband?
Imangine your life without your husband, and imagine your life without your doctor. Which is worse?
Some say it's healthy to have feelings and click with other people, but what is healthier is NOT acting on them. Commitment is a won derful thing.
Give your husband ALL of you. Don't give your doctor part of you. It's all or nothing in marriage.
Good Luck beautiful!
2007-01-15 11:00:43
answer #1
answered by Boodie 5
People are realy judgemental huh? I have seen a few of the comments you have answering to this question and I find such stupidity in most of the answers. Most answers of negativity at this subject are because people have never walked a day in your shoes. You cant control falling in love with someone which seems to me is some depth or another of what you have done. To still love your husband is natural of course,but this doctor seems very important to you even more so that eventualy you and your husband will divorce and the doc and his wife will divorce...and only because of the two of you refuse to end contact with each other. That alone says it all right there. Seeing him in a professional atmosphere or not..does not stop the feelings you 2 apparently have for each other,so that depends on if its wrong or not. Maybe you need to find out if there could be a future with the 2 of you,and if you both feel the same way..then it looks like you are going to have to break some hearts and both of you end the marriages you are already in..if you want to continue being as you are with each other. That is not just a friendship with you and the Doctor..its much more. Hopefully though, your feelings are mutual for each other on the same level or you will lose your husband for nothing.
2007-01-15 04:30:54
answer #2
answered by breeze279755 2
You need to find another doctor! You are both married and should end all contact with one another. This is very wrong and you're putting yourself and him in a bad situation. It sounds like it's a tempting situation and you need to avoid this at all costs. It's a recipe for disaster. There's no need to continue contact with him if it could be hurting both of your marriages. You say that you want to continue seeing him in a professional atmosphere but it's not professional to be having feelings like this about one another. How would you feel if your husband was seeing a woman doctor and he was attracted and very "close" to her. Take a look at it from a different perspective. It's just plain wrong. Good luck! Hopefully you change doctors for your husband and his wife's sake. It's not worth it.
2007-01-15 04:24:06
answer #3
answered by Jennifer W 2
This is playing with a huge time bomb. First of all it's totally unprofessional and unethical to date your doctor. So find another one for those services. And if you CAN'T (not won't) end this relationship then there has to be a reason. And it's got to be a big one if both of your spouses seem to know something is going on.
I was in this situation. I was married and worked with a man i had fallen for. My husband asked me to end all contact with him but i felt i couldn't. I look back now and realize it was a huge mistake. I should have cut it off, worked on my married and if then it ended i could have been free to see my new man. But instead i kept seeing my work man, my husband left and the new man turned out to be NOT WORTH IT AT ALL. So i lost my husband over it and the biggest regret is that i didn't try at all.
Stop seeing the doctor and work on your marriage. If you can't fix it i or you are still wanting to see your dr friend then end your marriage. Make him do the same. Cause i know it sounds harmless but if you'd rather hurt your husband and see someone he's uncomfortable with you seeing then there is definitely something more than just a friendship going on here.
2007-01-15 04:19:04
answer #4
answered by blhenne 3
Here's what you need to do: First, re-evaluate your marriage. Second, if all is well there, you need to seek out another doctor's services. Staying in contact with this present doctor is going to lead to adultery, for sure. One of you is going to make a move sooner or later and so many lives can be destroyed during the aftermath! Be honest and fair to your feelings. If you honestly still love your husband and don't want to leave him, then you need to sever all ties with this doctor. If you're having trouble in your marriage for whatever reasons, then you should try to work them out, rather than flirting with another guy. If your problems can't be worked out, then you need to end your marriage before you persue ANY other guy.
2007-01-15 05:26:41
answer #5
answered by erik814u2 2
This is wrong on SO many levels! You are married and so is he. The answer is apparent unless you really want to end this man's marriage as well as yours and unless you want to ruin the lives of his other family members. . You also run the risk of damaging his medical practice and his professional reputation. Do you want this on your conscience for the rest of your life? He will only resent you in the end if this continues. You must end this flirtation NOW.
2007-01-15 04:38:28
answer #6
answered by arkiemom 6
Yes. Aside from you both being married, it is completely unethical for him to be flirting with a patient...that is completely unethical. That just opens doors that I am ,frankly, surprised that he's willing to go through.
If you want to both cheat on your spouses and date, that's fine. But do not see him in a professional manner. Another client may see your flirtation, and use it as an invitation to sue him for sexual harrassment or inpropriety. He can't deny it because he's already broken several professional ethics and flirted with you, and could lose his license.
2007-01-15 04:20:13
answer #7
answered by ValentineP 4
No it's not. It's an integrity violation on his part. I, in fact am in the middle of a case right now where my Dr wanted to date me and we had a date; but I found out much later; he's dated several patients and lost his practice over it. Stay with your husband and ef switch doctors =) that's the safest thing to do!
2007-01-15 04:41:31
answer #8
answered by suzlaa1971 5
Sure there are already lines crossed and Climaxes achived. BUT if you S-t-o-p now then nither of you will have to feel guilty as if Coitus were involved.New Lady dr. and a week of renewing old plesantries with your legal spouse might do the trick. Speaking of tricks? are you charged for each VISIT to Dr Feeler Frisky? and what do you do in return for Him.
the word Pro-fessional--- it is hard not to Judge harshly those in Trusted with your Body and that of others.
2007-01-15 04:30:30
answer #9
answered by henry 2
There is SO nothing professional about this relationship!!! It is entirely unethical for him to even continue to keep you as a patient!
He is the epitome of UNprofessional, and you need to get a new doctor!
2007-01-15 05:09:55
answer #10
answered by queenie 2