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70% of people in the United States are against the war and yet the war supporters keep putting our troops in danger by sending more in harms way. How do war supporters sleep at night?

2007-01-14 19:13:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

The joke is on the American electorate!
Bush got into the White House by the skin of his teeth, manipulated largely by his younger brother. In other words, if 70% of Americans are against the war, he has no right to carry on in Iraq which he invaded based on very spurious grounds.
However, Bush is not a thinking President. His thoughts, if any at all, and words orginate from his cabinet officers and advisers who in turn represent vested interests. He is just the mouthpiece but then is de facto the Commander in Chief, opposition be damned!
If America expects to win by sending in another 20 plus thousand troops, the country better be prepared first for more body bags and another round of conscription as replacements for war deaths and wounded.
Although defeat is a very scary word and not in the lexicon of Bush (and his cohorts), neither is outright victory. America cannot win, not when it is fighting as an occupying force against enemies whose cause is to defeat the invaders and to force them out of their land.
Everyone can see that the cause of the Iraqi insurgents is by far a greater force of will than America's professional and conscripted soldiers who really have no wish to be on Iraqi soil in the first place if they had a choice.
This is likely a long war of attrition which will see America admitting defeat just like Vietnam when body count of US deaths mounts and the Democrat-controlled congress refuses additional fundings,
The Amemrican people must ask loudly why their country should spend so much money to remain in Iraq, besides paying with American lives.
All this is in fact done to serve the interests of big businesses, especially those in arms manufacture and even more so in the oil business.
One can recall that the first action of the American 'governor' following the 'successful' invasion of Iraq was to carve up the oil interest in Iraq and distribute these to American companies. The same fate befell other major economic sector businesses.
Question is how long does one think the Iraqis would condone this economic rape and looting of their land.
The Iraqis are waking up to realaise that they have been 'liberated' from a brutal tyrant only to become economic slaves in their own land to the do-gooders.
However, the even bigger question is whether the Shiites would really cooperate with the Sunnis or for that matter America to see an end to sectarian strifes for a more stabilised Iraq. Perhaps Al-Maliki would prefer the current statu quo which better serves the Shiite interest and will therefore certainly do whatever is necessary to keep America mired in Iraq so that he and his sect can stay in power, again to further their own end.
Bush wants to be remembered in history as a can-do President. He desperately wishes to withdraw and he would if he could. For quite a long while to come, this can only remain on his 'dearest wish' list. Reality is that America through the incompetent leadership of a poor Presidient, must be ready for the long grind before the country can extricate its troops home.
Changing the war 'managers' and sending more troops is really the best joke of them all but for the fact that one cannot laugh over the dead bodies of Americans and Iraqis.

2007-01-14 21:50:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is not a joke you fool. So what if people are against the War. I bet they are not against the troops. We are doing a job, nothing more. Get your facts straight before trying to be all political. Have some respect for our dead troops and there families who have to go on through life.

I can gaurantee to ask 100 people if they support the war and find more than 30 supporters

2007-01-14 21:06:24 · answer #2 · answered by rgrahamh2o 3 · 1 1

Pretty sad that you find this amusing. Pretty pathetic, too.

Your figure of 70% against the war comes from where -- the mass media. Who do you think they interview to get their stats?

Yeah, more left-leaning, anti-war, hate-America pinkos.

Why don't you try asking some of the Soldiers who have been to Iraq, and are volunteering to go BACK for their thrid or fourth tours? Maybe they could give you some insight on what's REALLY happening over there, to replace the crap you've been spoonfed by the TV and newspapers.

2007-01-15 02:13:56 · answer #3 · answered by Dave_Stark 7 · 0 1

War supporters may sleep well tonight but wait until the next election. We ( Liberals ) won't let them sleep. And for a good reason.

2007-01-15 13:56:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Since birth we are all under the manipulation of mass consciousness through major media, schools, churches, etc. Our parents are well versed in the do’s and don’ts of culture, and they indoctrinate us early in our life into these same thinking and behavior patterns. Most of us don’t even know that we are born into this conditioning and continue throughout our lives to be the manipulated pawns of our society, never questioning our thought or behavior patterns.

Mass consciousness is the name of the game. We are herded into accepting the norm that is placed before us, and we don’t give it another thought. We proceed to follow the preconceived agendas of those that want to keep us imprisoned in our herd instincts. We are well indoctrinated subjects. Those who don’t go along with the mass agenda are pressured into conforming. And if we don’t conform we are harassed into acceptance. And if this doesn’t work then we are temporarily or even permanently removed and thus effectively isolated from family and friends in order not to infect others with our rebellious nature (in the name of protecting ourselves and our families). Those running the show want to make sure that free-thinking is not contagious.

2007-01-14 20:07:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I too support the war and sleep like a baby... I also don't mind sending in reinforcements/ammo/weapons something that non supporters do.....

2007-01-14 20:47:24 · answer #6 · answered by AlienJack J 3 · 2 1

I support the war and I sleep just fine. I dont know how, I just know I do.

2007-01-14 20:35:48 · answer #7 · answered by shaqle2001 2 · 2 1

Not the best joke in town.
Try and read Luke.
The greatest joke expose by our creator on living human kind making a monkey out of themselves in planet of apes.
Living human kind were at loss and blurr on being play out by our creator in planet of apes.
Try and understand it then will know who get kick on the butts for making a monkey out of themselves in planet of apes.

2007-01-14 20:05:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

good question. i suppose they lull themselves to sleep
convincing themselves that there is a point to this
war right after they finish praying before their
alter of bush. ickk. he disgusts me.
they have fallen victims of
damned society like the weak souls they are.
worst thing is unless bush gets impeached
we have to deal with his sorry a.s.s for 2 more

2007-01-14 19:39:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The logic doesn't follow. You should ask, how to war protesters sleep at night?

2007-01-14 19:45:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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