You need to deal with this, i was also sexually abused as a child, and it caught up with me when i was 17 after being depressed for 4.5 years. But you need to deal with this yourself, go to a counselor, maybe the svhool counselor or talk to a good friend.
I wenth through it alone, but it was something that i had to go through alone. I have come to accept what has happened to me, it is a part of my life, it now makes me who i am, the sexual abuse is no longer a burdeon, extra baggage, it is in me, in my blood. i still havn't told anybody, my parents still don't know, it would break them i f a told them, but one day, when the time is right i will tell them cos they have right to know because of the age at which it happened. You need to tell your parents at some point too.
You can try antidepressants, but when you come of they often make you feel worse.
Please try to deal with this head on, stop, pause and think,
What am i running from? - you need to come to know yourself, you need to know what has afftected you, cos at the moment the slightest thing can affect, the slightest encouter is difficult. It's like being born again and having to start from scratch, except this time your not a baby, your grown up and people arn't so patient.
Go home, sit in silence and think to yourself, What has been difficult today?
How do i deal with this?
Above all force yourself into situations you wouldn't normally find yourself in. Do things you think you wouldn't narmally do. Stop running and tell your boyfriend.
Good luck, i've been clear for 2 years now and still counting, it's amazing at the other end, trust, you wil get there.
2007-01-14 19:17:33
answer #1
answered by ♥ Bekka ♥ 4
You should talk to your parents. Tell them the truth. Tell them that you need help. If they don't understand, tell one of your teachers at school or a school counselor. Everyone gets depressed once in a while. It is nothing to be ashamed about. Sometimes people don't even know why. It could be a chemical imbalance. Sometimes I get really down and I don't know why. I just keep in mind that it will pass. If I start to feel depressed I will do yard work or just go sit in the sun. If I am stressed out about something I get lost in a book. Do you like to read? I have a suggestion for you. Try reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. My daughter is 15. She convinced me to read the book. I was reluctant because it is for teens, but it was really good. There is a sequel called New Moon. It is just as good and you will have to read it if you read the first. If you can't get the books for some reason, email me OK .Reading takes you away to a different place. Hang in there!
2007-01-14 17:28:16
answer #2
answered by uuummk 5
First, you should know that many, many, teens feel depressed; and sometimes that is because the teenage brain is not fully mature. (A PBS special on the brain showed that the pre-frontal cortex is not mature in teenagers, and it was stated that this can lead to a tendency toward depression.)
Most parents will tell you that the very first thing they would hope is that their son or daughter would tell them they feel depressed (and ESPECIALLY that they have had suicidal thoughts, overdosed, and feel worthless).
People your age cannot help you (even if your boyfriend did understand). You need to talk to your parents (or just one of them at least). If you can't do that then talk to a school counselor (who will then be able to talk to your parents for you).
If my daughter told me what you have included in your question I know i would want to know. I think I'd also be very worried and want to do exactly the right thing to help her. I may even be a light scared as well - but I can tell you that there is nothing in this world I'd ever want my child to go through alone and without asking for my help.
There is a chance they won't say just the right thing because they're human and they'll be worried and afraid; but after they get their thoughts together they willl want to figure out with you what to do next. Chances are they will want you to see a professional, and that's when you may start to finally get some help with this thing.
You can't get yourself out of this mood thing, and your friends can't get you out of it either. If you want to get out of it and at least not feel so alone the only choice you have is to talk with your parents. Don't go through this alone. No normal parent would want their child to go through this alone and not ask for help.
There is a chance your parents won't understand what the exact cause of your problem is; but they will certainly understand that they don't want you unhappy and going through this alone. They will also understand that you need some help from someone capable of offering you that help. They will understand more than you think they will.
2007-01-14 17:24:36
answer #3
answered by WhiteLilac1 6
I'm not a parent but we were or will be a teenager in our time.firstly, you need to talk to someone you can absolutely trust about the earlier problems. second, you need to do something to boost your confidence and make you feel good. a nice hobby or something.
i was abused as a child. i was beat , never allowed to go to school and had punishments put in front of me that is beyond thinking. but for all those that hurt they can now lower their heads in shame because i am the successful one with a good job and i don't take backwards are still very young and have taken the first major step by asking for help on here, now take the next and speak to your mum. let me know on here after a couple of weeks how you are getting on. i'm sure everyone is hoping for you. good luck. Bob
2007-01-14 19:56:01
answer #4
answered by hantonbob 3
I felt the same way as you when I was a Teen and I had no one. You need help and the best way is to see you doctor. Tell him/her what is on your mind and that you are scared you could do something stupid. The doc will be there for you and will help you with the next steps without you parents knowing. You cannot continue like that, you need someone to talk.
All the best, keep strong. It is a long way but you can do it.
2007-01-14 17:21:21
answer #5
answered by sand 3
Seeing your local GP is probably the best idea. They will most probably start you on antidepressants. They do not usually prescribe them until after you are 18 as alot of the time it can be because of hormone imbalances when you are in your teens. If you do feel suicidal then you need to maybe see a psychologist/councillor because it is very serious. Look up depression on the internet and it will tell you who to call and give you ideas on how to deal. Good luck and I hope everything gets better for you.
2007-01-14 17:19:24
answer #6
answered by compassionate_girl 1
I'm a mom with a teenage daughter, and if she felt that way I would certainly hope she would tell me so I could get her some help. Your parents may have already noticed you aren't yourself, but they may think 'it's just being a teenager' and not want to pry. Try to talk to your mom or dad, and if you can't do that, talk to a school counselor or other adult you feel like you can trust. I've been dealing with depression since I was a teenager myself, and with therapy and medication I feel great. There are people who love you out there and want to help if you let them know. Whatever you do, please get help! I'll be thinking of you!
2007-01-14 17:15:44
answer #7
answered by Bandmom 2
Hey. Been there. =)
It is perfectly normal to feel depressed when you feel things aren't going your way. But the thing you have to realize is you have to elevate your mood *before* things begin going your way. But I understand-- you are a teen, and eager to have the time of your life! You have to give more thought to what that looks like. Give more thought to how you want things to be, rather than observing where you are and not liking it. ;)
Your emotions are your inner guidance, and they are just telling you whether you are going in the direction of what you want, or in the direction of what you do not want. That's big.
So when you are feeling depressed, it is strong guidance letting you know that you are thinking something in a way that is bringing you in a direction that you don't want to go! It feels so bad, because its probably something you are thinking over and over.
So a good starting point is to say, "i want to feel good about all things important to me". And make a serious effort to think thoughts that bring relief. The first one is hard to find, and they get progressively easier. Just follow your boyfriends lead, and don't try to make him understand your depressed perspective. Meet him at his happy perspective, and let him know how beautiful it is. =)
Good question. =)
2007-01-14 17:22:47
answer #8
answered by ninjamasterdave 1
Parent here. Several years ago our younger son was quite depressed and we were very concerned. You are the baby they brought into this world... they love you and want the best for you.
You are going to get a lot of suggestions to get to a doctor right away and get a prescription for antidepressants. I'm going to suggest something rather radical. I have found that the energy psychology called "Emotional Freedom Techniques" has helped a lot of people come out of depression without drugs... or in partnership with meds. Teens are able to learn this procedure ("get it") and use it to deal with any number of negative emotions in their lives. You can download the free manual by going to
God bless!
2007-01-14 17:17:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm a parent, both my daughter and I suffer from depression. We don't always tell each other how we are feeling because we want to protect each other. I do wish she would tell me more because I'm her mam, but at the same I'm reluctant to burden her with my problems. My daughter has certainly benefited enormously from counselling.
Your GP should be able to make a referral for you but if you don't want to go that route, if you are in the UK you should have a Connexions advisor, ask them for information on counselling services for young people in your area. The other organisation who would have this information are Social Services; you can get their number from the phone book.
Good Luck and remember things do get better.
2007-01-14 17:51:51
answer #10
answered by leekier 4