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I'm always wound up. Always. I can't stand being inside the house and forget going to bed without being exhausted. I always feel the need to be cleaning or working. i suddenly can't stand tardiness or incompetence. I'm always striving after satisfaction, but finding all satisfaction fleeting. I'm 18(and a female) and until very recently, I've always been laid back. I did drink a lot of caffeine, but I dropped it and it didn't help. I don't want to get rid of it because it's the first surge of inner motivation that's stuck around, but it's going to wind up making me sick. I tried yoga, herbal teas, and breathing exercises. They frustrated me more than anything. I'm really trying to avoid happy medicine, so if anyone has any other methods that help them, please suggest. Oh, and weed is not an option, lol.

2007-01-14 17:00:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

8 answers

I'm the same way. I've tried everything to and here I am at 29 still the same way. Honestly the only thing that ever helped was being on zoloft (didn't make me feel weird or act weird) But unfortunately for me I also have a heart problem and it aggravated that. Good luck and I really hope you have better luck than me because I know that this turns into a kind of hell after a while.

2007-01-14 17:13:30 · answer #1 · answered by . 6 · 0 1

Well it kind of sounds like to me that you may have a really good case of OCD going there, since you have to keep busy cleaning and that all of the time, so i think maybe you should call the crisis line just to take a break from the cleaning. I know they use to have me do that too, and sometimes that was the only break i got when i was on a real cleaning spree. So when the hoilday is over i would make an appointment to see someone that could tell you what is going on with you , and if you might have OCD. Cause it sure sounds like it to me, i can even remember doing what you are doing now, and thinking i will not ever learn to relax, but you will , it will take some time, and practice, but you will, so til you can get in to see someone, go to a doctor, or hospital, er, call the crisis line and talk with them, and they can get a therapist to call you back. But do something so that you don't burn yourself out, and then just keep on going anyway. Get some help now, it is well worth it, and see someone for it.

2007-01-15 01:11:52 · answer #2 · answered by Ladyofathousandfaces 4 · 0 0

Meditation Yoga

Read a Book

Listen to Blues and Relaxing music

Spa Sauna Jacuzzi

2007-01-15 01:06:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lavender (soaps, candles, incense, shampoo, cleaning products)
chamomile tea
warm, relaxing baths
Valerian supplements or tea
Melatonin supplements (though may put you to sleep)
getting lots of fresh air and exercise during the daytime
walking, running, etc. (also in the daytime)
reading (sometimes helps) try self-help books or a great story

2007-01-15 02:28:29 · answer #4 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 0 0

You want to know how to relax?
Just chill.
You need exercise. I want to hear you complain that you can't relax after you've started a serious workout plan. Oh, you'll relax.
Try getting massage, too. But that won't replace working out.

2007-01-15 01:06:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you have to leave off caffiene completely. do it when you have a weekend that you can afford to crash, because crash you will, the withdrawl will probably feel like the flu but once your body is cleaned out...you will feel so much better and not so anxious. Its worth it to do this!

2007-01-15 01:06:37 · answer #6 · answered by jabbergirl 4 · 1 0

Don't get too excited, it's probably just a phase that you will pass and be back to slacking as before.

2007-01-15 01:22:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

just listen to piano music.

2007-01-15 01:07:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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