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I'd like to know what is the best HDMI system out there and how many products (i.e. DVD home theather system, cable/satelite) can I connect to it.

2007-01-14 16:25:10 · 2 answers · asked by cristobal_99 1 in Consumer Electronics TVs

2 answers

What do you mean by HDMI system? Are you talking about an AV receiver with HDMI switching? Most of them only have 2 HDMI inputs and 1 output, but cost more than $300.

If you want to use more HDMI sources, then you can purchase HDMI switchers I have seen switchers that can connect up to 5 devices. It costs a few hundred dollars.

You should only need two, unless you have a BluRay, Cable and PS3.

2007-01-14 16:42:49 · answer #1 · answered by techman2000 6 · 0 0

you may disagree with me here but the best HDMI product out there is the PS3, people say it is over priced, but they are wrong.

the PS3 is $600
with that you get a Blu-Ray player ($1000)
an HD up-conversion DVD player ($200)
an internet browser,
an amazing game console
the ability to download HD (1080P) trailers and demos for a various amount of software.

its just simply incredibles, as far as sound goes, you can get any home theater sound system with an HDMI input and output, then if you plug an HDMI cable from the PS3 to the sound system (about $200) and another HDMI from the sound system to your TV, you ahve it all set up perfectly, congrats, your home theater plays PS3 games, Blu-Ray discs, browses the internet on your big screen, up converts DVD to near HD quality, and it was all for under $1000.

2007-01-14 16:43:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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