Sex is a pretty natural activity. It's really quite simple. If you're with someone who knows what he's doing, it's easy.
First put a condom on the guy then he will insert his penis into your vagina, and move in pumps or circles.. whatever is comfotable.
2007-01-14 16:49:19
answer #1
answered by WORLD FAMOUS 3
It's genetically coded in your DNA, no one doesn't know how, that's ridiculous. It's an instinct that every living creature has.
You're probably just insecure, afraid you won't be able to satisfy or something, remember practise makes perfect. And don't be afraid, no one is a god in bed their first time, you'll probably only last a few pumps, but that's okay, it's expected. After doing it a couple times that will all change. Trust me I know.
2007-01-14 22:58:08
answer #2
answered by Robert 3
Well why don't you just go and talk with a doctor or a nurse, and they can explan all of this too you. Your parents should of had a talk with you a long time ago on this subject, and since they did not i would suggest that you go and talk to someone that can explain it to you in a really nice, but serious matter. Like a doctor or a nurse.
2007-01-14 16:39:17
answer #3
answered by Ladyofathousandfaces 4
Sex is natural. When time is write it will happen.
Just be gentle to your partner..and mabe tell her before that your not sure. If shes a nice girl she will understand.
Sex is an amazing thing...just takes time to learn kills.
chat to ya mates! im sure they know! The might rip on ya but oh well!
2007-01-14 16:37:38
answer #4
answered by bladetroubles 2
well you either get a erection or find someone that does put it in the
hole of your chioce.but do it because you want to not because you think thats what you should do.from my past experince its
better if you both are willing to want to please each other.other wise its not gonna be much fun.and always use a condom,
2007-01-14 20:47:02
answer #5
answered by mentalzan2 2
it just comes naturally, but if you want the step by step i suggest you buy a book on the subject.
2007-01-14 16:23:45
answer #6
answered by Queenie Peavey 7
find a girl...get to know her to the point were she wants to know you more then she will be yours..its really easy if you think about it
2007-01-14 16:36:07
answer #7
answered by subhuman 2
suck the others privite parts
2007-01-15 01:26:51
answer #8
answered by hot mama 1
i don't think you'll ever really need to know.
2007-01-14 16:22:14
answer #9
answered by pandora078 6