Americans don't hate immigrants, we despise ILLEGAL immigrants (aliens). M'kay?
2007-01-14 09:01:11
answer #1
answered by ? 4
For your information, yes, a few people might hate immigrants, legal or not, but for themost part and higher percentage, they do no thate legal immigrants, nor for the most part hate illegal immigrants, they are "tired" of the illegals, and the abuse the illegals do in taking advantage of the system and benefits, that are "suppose" to be for legal people in need. So don't try and shove this hate issue, its not that, its being fed up with the system that is suppose to work for legal citizens, not for the illegals. Again, yes, many people do hate, but its on a small percentage. And the number one group that does hate and they let everyone know they hate is the KKK, other than white people they hate the rest of the people, and do not even hate the illegal whites that are here.
2007-01-14 17:35:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Maybe you can tell us why the 'immigrants' seem to hate us so much. Why do they call us stupid, lazy, racist, etc., then have the nerve to say we couldn't make it without them? They take our jobs and enjoy many fine benefits all the while, yet that isn't enough to keep them from demanding rights just because they feel like having them. Why? Just because some of their ancestors once owned part of this land for about five minutes? The land would be no good to them if they got it back in the same condition that we received it. And just in case you didn't know it (right!) we don't hate immigrants. Many of us don't even hate the illegal alien invaders. I sometimes think hate and racism are the only words that people like you know, and that's just to get your way even when you don't have a legal or moral leg to stand on.
2007-01-14 17:11:06
answer #3
answered by DJ 6
There is only a problem with the illegal kind. We have good reasons for limiting immigration of poor people who are too poor to pay the $10,000 in local property tax per child per year needed for education in our schools, much less for other services poor people use. Our schools and services are failing our own people, and all funds found through eliminating programs our own children used to have are used to bring up the bottom ESL test scores. We pay for the schools and either still need to use them or run from them because they have been so run down.
We pay billions in health care for 'free' birth services for those born here and billions more for aid to family with dependant children and food stamps for those kids they couldn't afford in the first place. Not all illegals are like that, I am sure, but a lot must be given the cost numbers.
They shouldn't be here.
2007-01-14 19:11:14
answer #4
answered by DAR 7
I would add my own reasons the the very fine answers that you already have here but I get the impression that you do not really want to hear an answer. You just like to ask the question.
Not sure how that helps you.
But if you really want to know the TRUTH. It is not about hate or race. It is about population and resources. The answer to why we think it is a problem is in this video. I DARE you to watch it.
2007-01-14 20:26:29
answer #5
answered by Crabby Patty 5
I don't hate immigrants. I hate it when people come here illegally from any country and then take hand-outs from my government which illustrates to me that they do not want a better life, but free money.
By the way, the same laws were not in place when most people's ancestors arrived here. My ancestors were not illegal aliens, and they didn't take welfare.
2007-01-14 17:05:25
answer #6
answered by Jamie R 4
First off, hate is a strong word, I prefer the term dislike. Secondly, I do not dislike immigrants, I dislike illegal immigrants. There is a huge difference.
2007-01-14 17:08:18
answer #7
answered by Kikyo 5
Perhaps you are asking the wrong question. People, generally, don't hate people who come here legally. Most don't even hate those who come illegally. They just want them to go home!
2007-01-14 17:26:18
answer #8
answered by geegee 6
You should be asking why do illegal aliens feel it's them who get to decide how immigration laws should work and not people who reside here
2007-01-14 17:05:41
answer #9
answered by MinuteWoman 2
Immigrants - LOVE them! They add wonderful variety to our culture. They bring their strengths and blend those with ours. They teach us about their culture while respecting ours.
But illegals - I have an issue. I will address this about Mexico because that's what's going on here. I have NO idea if this applies to other immigrants, but I can tell you what ticks me off:
1) It affects our job market. Americans WILL take the jobs that some say only illegals will take. Americans WILL take the jobs, but cannot work for $3/hour.
In addition, many jobs require even the most highly educated people speak Spanish, excluding those who do not. That translates into fewer jobs for Americans.
It's not only "cheap labor" types of jobs being sacrificed - it's jobs for teachers, nurses, physicians, psychologists, attorneys, sales people, etc. It's across the board.
People are being disqualified from jobs that they are otherwise qualified for because many illegals won't get off their butts to learn the language.
2) It affects our educational system. Classrooms would be much more efficient if the ratio was 1 teacher to 17 kids and the kids all spoke English. However, when you add 17 MORE kids - who do NOT speak English and have ABSOLUTELY no desire to learn the language, who cannot do the basic academics required for that age level, the whole class pays BIG TIME.
3) It negatively impacts our economy. When people come to America to work and then send their money out of the country, that's a problem. There are other things as well, but this is one of the biggies.
4) It raises our crime rates. Look at the border and tell me that's not true. And criminals do things here and then flee back to Mexico. Stealing and drugs are bad enough, but it's violent crimes and crimes against children as well.
5) It raises our incidence of disease. Again, look at the border. We live in the SouthWest and were told SPECIFICALLY that due to illegals NOT getting immunized, we should get additional shots for our kids. IN ADDITION, we were told we needed a series of Hep. A shots for all of us (at $40/pop) because a lot of illegals work in the food industry and carry Hep. A - which by the way is caused when a carrier does not wash his/her hands after using the bathroom. Ew! (needless to say we don't eat out much anymore which, by the way, affects the ECONOMY!)
6) SOME illegals expect us to learn their language and have a strong sense of entitlement. SOME want to make America into a suburb of Mexico. There is an expectation that we will learn their language, support their children, provide free medical and dental care, etc.
Legal immigrants tend to come to America because they want to BECOME Americans. They retain some of their culture and customs but learn the language and are respectful of the country.
7) It raises our taxes. With the high incidence of anchor babies, who are then "legal US citizens" Americans wind up supporting entire families of Mexicans.
8) Our medical costs go up. Illegals go to the ER for routine illnesses as well as more serious problems. This clogs up the ER and, because the illegal isn't paying a penny, that cost gets passed on to Americans who ARE paying.
9) Illegals protest about not getting enough. Here's my problem: you're here ILLEGALLY! Try going to any other country ILLEGALLY and demand something and they would LAUGH IN YOUR FACE.
There's a complaint that if you send the parents back and the kids are legal US citizens you're separating families. PLEASE! Here's the choice: you can all go back or you can leave your kids. Pick. Why? Because when MY ancestors came here LEGALLY only two from a very close family were healthy and strong enough to make it. Only two were allowed! So, they came here and built a life. Ask ANYONE who came here legally and ask them their story. You'll hear the same thing OVER AND OVER - only a few were allowed to come.
BY THE WAY, if I break a law in this country, I too can expect to be separated from my family. When you cross into America illegally, you are BREAKING THE LAW!
10) They cause a problem for people who come here here legally. My friends who are American with a Mexican heritage - who came here legally or whose great grandparents were BORN here are having to put up with hatred and discrimination against them. That's not right.
I don't "hate immigrants" but I have HUGE issues with illegals.
Bottom line: A lot of illegals are exploiting our welfare, education, medical and other systems to their full advantage at great cost to U.S. Citizens. Add to that a sense of entitlement (protests that that U.S. isn't doing enough for illegals), bad-mouthing the country and people who are supporting them financially and you have the reason in a nutshell.
2007-01-14 18:27:17
answer #10
answered by Shrieking Panda 6
I do not hate anyone. But, I do not approve of illegal immigrants who come here wanting free rent, free medical care, free child care, free education, and a free lunch. We spend billions on them. That's billions that could go for improved road systems, more hospitals, new and improved schools, work programs.... and I could go on and on and on. My question for you. Why do you want to support, as a taxpayer, people who are not willing to help themselves.
2007-01-14 17:04:43
answer #11
answered by Anonymous