Dear Confident
For me I learned early on to ride the razor edge and accept challenge as a tool to success. This is were I found my confidence.
Even when I failed, and I failed many times with people all along telling me "I told you so", but I new where I was going.. You need to see yourself as the leader, success or what ever it is you are trying to achieve and go there with confidence.
Confidence becomes easier with age. Visualize yourself doing and being what you want. See yourself in charge and confident. Experience is critical but in order to follow through you need to believe in yourself and be willing to take the challenge.
And remember failure is your friend and guide. It will tell you if you are close to success.. This is were you find your confidence.
2007-01-14 08:41:55
answer #1
answered by YeS 2
The first step to building confidence, in my opinion, is finding out what you truly want. Over the next week, whenever you feel down, depressed, insecure, or frustrated, start making a list of all the things you want. They can be little things, like, "I want a glass of water" or big things, like "I want to ride around the entire world in a hot air baloon." Just write down everything and don't censor yourself. Then after a week, and even throughout the week, look at the list and decide which of those things you can do something about. Then start doing it! Some of the things might require little steps first, but if you really want it, then you can do it. As you start seeing that you can do things that make you happy, your confidence will grow!
2007-01-14 16:43:48
answer #2
answered by ~Love~ 4
I believe the best way to boost your self confidence is to find something that you are good at and do it. It may take you a while, but experiment and it will come. And remember that you are just as good as anyone else.
2007-01-14 16:53:23
answer #3
answered by meteor 4
by working on your self esteem, it must be really down, so you really need to work on your self esteem, you need to let yourself know that you are a good as anyone else and that you like yourself and even love yourself. Now if you can not do this on your own then you can go to a professional and they will help you work on your self esteem. It is really improtant that you have good self esteem.
2007-01-14 16:39:34
answer #4
answered by Ladyofathousandfaces 4
By being yourself, and not being afraid of what other people think. Also, what helped me is to not think about it too much - Get involved with something, meet new people, etc. All in all, don't get sidetracked - Just be your own, true, and awesome self. :)
2007-01-14 16:27:18
answer #5
answered by Harsh Noise Wall 4
Have a goal, and achieve that goal, the feeling of accomplishment gives you a lot of confidence, and fulfillment.
2007-01-14 16:52:56
answer #6
answered by ILSE 5
Well i gained my self confiedenss by listining to my boyfriend tell me i was beautiful everyday.
2007-01-14 16:28:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Every morning when you wake up look in the mirrow and say you like your self.
When people are talking bad about you stick up for youself
LOVE youself!
2007-01-14 17:00:49
answer #8
answered by Lexi 1
Two suggestions ... One is to try something you have always thought about doing but might be outside of your usual "comfort zone". Two is to learn to be happy with yourself, instead of trying to be someone you aren't.
2007-01-14 16:51:01
answer #9
answered by days_o_work 4
well all you have to do is tell your self that you great and you can do anything if you want to.
2007-01-14 16:27:34
answer #10
answered by Ashley 1