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i have a dachshund he is 1yr. 6 mnths. I been feeding him his food but eveytime we eat i give him little pieces of what ii eat.

today i give him about 8 small cuts of beef sauteed with soy sauce and garlic. and he seems fine we were even playing but then just 15 mins. ago he started throwing up about 4 times and he is shivering. i give him 1/2 teasoon of pepto bismol. i don't know what else to do.

last year he had diarrhea and throwing up and hewas poo-ing with loose stool every 3 mins. i took him to the vet and vet said he was dehydrated,and give him meds. he got it from me giving him sausage links.
i know it's my fault for feeding him greasy food,can you please tell me what home remedy i can do,can't afford the vet.
and please no bland rice and chicken .

2007-01-12 15:57:53 · 17 answers · asked by binibining pilipina 5 in Pets Dogs

thank for all your answer. my dog is current with all his vaccinations.

is chicken broth really ok to mix with his water? how many times do i have to give him pepto?

2007-01-12 16:19:40 · update #1

thank you northergirl.
my dog only weight 13 lbs. so i should stop giving him pepto?i only give him once.
he didn't throw up anymore but he is shivering /shaking and he just want to lay down.

2007-01-12 16:43:38 · update #2

17 answers

If it's really from greasy table scraps, then resting his digestive tract is probably your best bet. I know you said you didn't want to hear it, but boiled rice and chicken are actually really easy for dogs to digest, so it's a good idea. I would probably not give him any solid food for about 12 hours or so. Also, make sure he's getting lots of fluid. You can try flavouring his water with beef or chicken broth or offering him Gatorade or Pedialyte from the pharmacy. Pepto isn't the worst thing, but it may not do anything for him, depending on the cause of his illness... I'd say if he doesn't at least get a bit better within 8-12 hours, he NEEDS to be seen by a vet. Best of luck to you and your pooch!

Yes, it's okay to give broth with water on a short term basis. Use a low-sodium brand and don't make a habit of it, but it's better than letting the poor guy get dehydrated. As for the Pepto, I'd lay off it for now. These sorts of drugs should be dosed to the weight of the dog. Not knowing that, I'm not comfortable giving an amount that would be safe.

One more thing.... although there are a lot of people harping on you for feeding people food to your dog, you are NOT the only person out there who does this! I typically say that most vegetables are safe to give *in small amounts* as table scraps. The four big ones to stay FAR away from are as follows:
1. grapes/raisins - have been known to cause kidney failure in large quantities
2. onions - toxic to red blood cells
3. dairy - once through puppy-hood, most dogs are effectively lactose intolerant
4. chocolate - everybody knows this one
Best of luck to you!

2007-01-12 16:07:49 · answer #1 · answered by NorthernGirl 2 · 1 1

If he has worms, you can go to a pet store and buy stuff that works. But, yeah it seems like it is the greasy food. Some things may be too rich for the stomach while other things are just fine. If any dog or cat has loose poo, don't try Pepto with an animal. Do kaopectate ( I hope that i spelled that right). Both work medicine and kao together shouldn't be any more then 10 to 15. And that is a lot cheaper then a vet bill. I hope i helped you out some and I hope he gets better.

2007-01-13 00:09:32 · answer #2 · answered by nemochik1 2 · 0 1

Quit feeding him people food..not everything we eat is good for dogs..just like everything dogs would eat isnt good for us. Garlic is a no no..it cause anemia..low iron level in the blood. Whether you think it sounds good or not,your dog will still like rice and chicken and it will be a lot better for him until his stomach settles down. Get the dog wormed and quit feeding him junk food..you will end up killing him if you dont start feeding him properly. Has he had all of his vaccinations?? Look at his gums and see if they are pinkish red..if they look pale or greyish,he is anemic which would make him cold and shiver also.
Fatty table scraps
Chicken, Rib and other bones that could splinter
Refined flour
Raisons & grapes
Potato skins & green potatoes
Coffee & coffee grounds
Macadamia nuts-can cause muscle weakness and tremors in skeletal muscles
Chocolate-the smallest amount can make your dog seriously ill
Moldy or spoiled foods
Yeast or dough
Onions & garlic-can be toxic and cause hemolytic anemia (red blood cells burst in body while they circulate). Signs include vomiting, blood in urine and breathlessness. Contact your vet.
Quality dog foods are balanced to have the required nutrition that dogs need so buy a good dog food for him and keep the people food in small proportions for special treats only. Your dog isnt a person so stop feeding him like one before you make him seriously ill. Im not saying this to be mean but when you take on the responsibility of having an animal,you also have to make sure that when it is sick that it gets the medical treatment it needs or it is actually neglect.

2007-01-13 00:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a dachshund too, and he has problems keeping down certain foods, and loves eating whatever he can outside.

Your issue for today was the garlic. Most dogs are alergic to garlic, and mine had a bad reaction to it when a friend fed him something with garlic. The shivering and vomiting is a key sign to a food alergy and your best bet is to give him some Pepto and let him rest. It will take about 2 days for him to be running around again.

In the future, just be careful what you feed him. Dogs are alergic to many of the foods we eat.

2007-01-13 00:46:45 · answer #4 · answered by Angela F 2 · 0 0

Shame on you!
Remember to avoid the garlic, as well as onions, grapes, raisins, and of course chocolate. They can all be deadly.
If you absolutely insist on giving 'people' food, at least stick with blander foods like plain chicken. A better option is to keep dog treats on hand like small biscuits or snausages or something that shouldn't upset his stomach.

I wouldn't worry about giving him anything to eat or drink right away. Let his stomach rest for a while. Keep him warm. After a while, at least a couple of hours or when he stops vomiting, offer small amounts of water. If he doesn't drink right away, don't worry. Give him a few more hours or even wait until tomorrow (unless he continues to vomit profusely or develops diarrhea, he most likely won't get dehydrated that quickly). But if he won't drink anything by tomorrow, try adding sugar or corn syrup to the water. Some prefer room temperature water. You can also give him Pedialyte. If he keeps that down, great.
Don't give him anything else to eat tonight, then offer small amounts of his regular food tomorrow. If he seems fine, then back to normal. If he vomits his regular food, you may have to try a bland diet, sorry. Our doctor recommends cottage cheese and rice.
If he continues to vomit, develops diarrhea, or refuses to drink, you will need to take him back to the vet for treatment, probably IV or subQ fluids because he will get dehydrated again.
Good luck!

2007-01-13 00:36:55 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

PLEASE do not give him pepto OR Kapectate and do not mess with his water either. You are getting some terrible advice here.
When a dog is vomiting you give them nothing. NOTHING. let them get an empty stomach. Give it a half day, then give your doxie 4 - 8 ounces of water in bowl. next day give one serving of dry dog food for small breed dog like purina or iams. Dogs do not eat people food. Doxies have notoriously goofy tummies. Watch her tomorrow when she has a stool to see if it is firm or chalky- she may have the runs. Please consider going to a website that has specific info for dogs not here. Your doggie doesnt have worms, has just been eating the wrong stuff. And your doggie needs dry food to help those puppy teeth along.

2007-01-13 00:31:50 · answer #6 · answered by funschooling m 4 · 1 0

You absolutely have to stop feeding him those things. Apparently he has a sensitive stomach. There is dog food made for dogs with sensitive stomach and you should propbably be feeding him that and nothing else.
The bland chicken and rice is a good remedy for upset stomach and your dog will like it whther you do or not.
The pepto is a good idea too and usually works.

2007-01-13 00:20:16 · answer #7 · answered by empresspekes 3 · 0 0

Simply stop giving thepoor thing people food. MOst of the food we eat has too many spices and seasonings for an animal to handle. Also, be aware of onions. They are toxic to a numer of dogs. Do not give it human medicine either. without meaning to, you can actually hurt your pet. Just don't give in and give it "treats from the table" not matter how hard they beg. I know it's hard, but they have to learn that we run things, not them.

2007-01-13 00:10:58 · answer #8 · answered by shawn a 1 · 0 0

it could be worms, or it could be the spices on the food you gave him the spices might have irratated hi stomach or it might be parvo he needs atleast 1 parvo shot a year after he turns a year old if he continues to thow up and you get worried that he is getting dehydrated give him clear pediealite like you would give a baby pepto is good too if he develops direaha give him ammodium i hope this helps id be really careful about giving him human food with spices on it i know you want to spoil your pooch but you should try spoiling him with dog treats good luck

2007-01-13 00:13:44 · answer #9 · answered by sassy 3 · 0 0

The worst thing you can do is give him human food. I know for a fact, that garlic is toxic to dogs, so please stop giving him anything that has garlic in it. Type in {Foods to avoid for dogs"}, in your search bar, and it will give you a list of what you are not supposed to feed your dog. That could be one of the reasons why he's so sick. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take him to the vet and have him checked out.

2007-01-13 00:07:41 · answer #10 · answered by Chihuahua Lover 5 · 0 0

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