Ours is so rough that the bouncers search you for weapons on the way in and they give you a knife to defend yourself if you don't have anything.
2007-01-12 08:30:23
answer #1
answered by Daisy the cow 5
not a rough pub
you probably would get out alive if your not snapped up by a lovely lady
no glass fights so far
the barman has a dental problem so not many but the nhs is gonna give him some falsies!!!
2007-01-12 08:27:03
answer #2
answered by PInky without perky!! 4
Yes, you'd get out alive - they had two bar fights last week (a guy broke a bunch of glasses with his cane and threatened to kill the bartender when the manager refused to hire him and the manager threw out the band without paying them because they took pictures in the bar and you're not allowed to do that) but that was an unusually agressive week - usually they have a half dozen fights a year at most - and all of the "barmen" (and all of the "barmaids") have all of their teeth
2007-01-12 08:26:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My pub turned into a night club - & it's loud sometimes. When it was a pub, it was nice, but then the riff-raff invaded the neighbourhood. You might get out alive, & the barman may have his teeth - but I'd watch your wallet.
2007-01-12 08:24:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Tthe barmaid has no teeth! and could howl at the moon!
last year a man was beat up in full view of locals and put in boot of a car (he was later found dead in a river)
few years back a man walked in with a shoot gun and blew away optics!
and if you need a stereo jobs a gooden!
that a pub in my area but i dont drink there! i wonder why, i got half way to the door once was going to have a swift half for a laught with some mates and a pint glass flew our way followed by the words " Piss Off" so we did!
2007-01-12 08:31:21
answer #5
answered by rossminton2002 2
Its rough - its called "The Broken Arms". There is another really small pub just down the road called "The Thalidomide Arms" and a really friendly welcoming pub called "The Open Arms".
2007-01-12 13:31:39
answer #6
answered by Grington 2
So ruff, they use plastic glasses. The barmaid is well able to look after herself and has decked a few troublemakers in her time. Her teeth are still intact. A clue, its off Holloway Road London N7
2007-01-12 08:27:41
answer #7
answered by breedgemh_101 5
Mine is not very rough. In the last 6 years i have only seen one fight. We are pretty easy going people down here in the south
2007-01-12 08:24:02
answer #8
answered by micah z 4
if you were english you wouldnt get in, so thats your first answer,
glass dont fight,
me barman never had any teeth anyway
last week a paramiltary threw into the pub a petrol bomb, one of the regulars drunk it
2007-01-12 08:26:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
lol i live on a bungalow estate I'm 25 so if there is any trouble i think i would cause it. my local is a cottage pub nice get away from town. couldn't go alot though.
the barman is fit. lucky me.lol
2007-01-12 08:27:37
answer #10
answered by bex 3