Because The UK has a socialist economy. Taxation is how the programs are paid for. The USA has a capitalist economy and has fewer programs to pay for.
2007-01-12 08:08:41
answer #1
answered by maxinebootie 6
1 UK gallon = 1.201 US gallons
1 UK gallon cost now about £4 down the road here.
Clever dick stuff :-
(£)4 /1.201 = UK £ 3.30 for a US gallon
(£)3.3 x $1.84 = US $ 6.07 a US gallon
my brain hurts.
US $6 per US GALLON is what we in the UK are paying.
!!! U S $ 6 (S I X) !!!
IT IS US$1.93 per gallon in Michigan USA
and 73% of what ?
and 23% of what ?
Sure that don't add up to 3 times the price !!!
Smells like profit.
Price-Ring-Cartel-RIPPOFF Britain. Why not? It must be easy.
2007-01-14 09:55:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because each country's government sets the tax on a gallon/liter of gasoline. The cost of a barrel of oil is the same country to country. This goes for cigarettes and other things as well.
2007-01-12 08:06:54
answer #3
answered by Jonnie K 1
Because President Bliar and his cronies want to milk every penny possible from the motorist, they dont give a flying fart about the environment, all they are interested in is taking money from us. He also has the backing of the enviro mentals, all he has to do is make the ludicrous claim that high petrol tax and the proposed road charging is to try and save the planet and the mentals start foaming at the mouth and proclaiming his as the new messiah almost. He uses them to gain support, they use him to further their aims to make everyone do what they want - its a symbiotic relationship based on control, lies and bullshit.
2007-01-12 08:15:44
answer #4
answered by thecoldvoiceofreason 6
Because the tax was put on an increase "escalator" by the last government to mitigate environmental effects. This escalator was taken off about five years ago by the current government.
2007-01-12 08:15:28
answer #5
answered by cheekbones3 3
Tony Blair Gordon Brown and a little bit of greed
All ingredients for high tax. It's having their cake and eating it. Fatcats
2007-01-13 10:37:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Price of petrol at the pump in west central michigan today.$1.93
Bearing in mind tourist exchange rate is around $1.84 to the 1£.
$1.93 per GALLON
2007-01-12 08:10:41
answer #7
answered by knowitall 4
For Gordon Browns pension fund of course
2007-01-12 10:51:33
answer #8
answered by Toria 3
Because the UK government is more socialist than the united states. This means that they are taxed more and the government provides more services than ours.
2007-01-12 08:09:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The U.S. is in debt, billions of $'s in debt...the U.K. is not....hmmmm wonder why? U.S. is at war over what????...oil???? the U.K. is not....hmmmmm wonder why. At least the gov in the U.K. has got a reality check on whats important....the U.S. doesn't....hmmm wonder why? I love my country but the gov't really needs to get a grip.
2007-01-15 11:00:05
answer #10
answered by Ms Toy 3