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Today,there are 5 million of our older Americans who have not signed up for their Medicare Part D drug plan. They are old and confused. We are not going to grant them an extension. There are,however 12 million illegal aliens in our country and we are going to allow them to stay,protest,procreate,receive support monies,attend schools,avoid paying income taxes,have our teachers take 300 hours ( English As A Second language) training at our expense,etc. And by the way , please don't forget to pay your taxes. 12 million illegal aliens are depending on you. ( Only in America)

2007-01-12 03:33:44 · 29 answers · asked by MinuteWoman 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

29 answers

glw, (and others who see his perspective) In time, you will wake up one morning as a senior citizen. Maybe then, you'll have empathy for their plight and not be so snippet about things that concern them. Since you're young enough to not understand the elderly's hardships (many are not eating to pay for their meds or vice versa), maybe you'll be around when the social system will be drained, leaving you (who will then be a senior citizen) with nothing but destitution to face.
You're clueless, absolutely clueless.
011207 10:43

2007-01-12 03:43:03 · answer #1 · answered by YRofTexas 6 · 3 1

That is disgusting. Another proof that illegals are going to be the ruination of this country. They do not deserve to be here.

A lot of you peoples answers make me sick. How can you neglect the seniors or say that they no longer put into the economy or they are leaches. Only the sickest of the human race will think that way. They have worked hard and paid there dues so to speak. And remember you will be getting old too. What idiots!

If the Illegals are not thrown out of this country like they need to be, they are going to ruin it.

Why did they leave there country to come here? Because they already ruined there own country and it is not worth a crud anymore.

2007-01-12 07:05:30 · answer #2 · answered by bigt_212 2 · 0 0

Some of the answers sicken me....I am a senior but much luckier than some...I started working in the early 60's before the days of exorbiant salaries but I always "paid out" on SS before the end of the year..some were not so lucky... while I was working many were being forced to Vietnam to fight for our country, when my mother started working it was because most men were fighting WWII for our country.....it is dispicable that our country & some Americans think we should just lay down & die....what kind of country do they think we would be if we hadn't "done our part"...fortunately some Americans value our contribution, unfortunately our government does not! Some of these answerers must have on blinders not to be able to see the negative effects the illegals are having on our country & future generations...fortunately for the USA many seniors are still "doing our part" contacting congress trying to perserve our country, our constitution & way of life..if we fail tell me about your life in 10 years living in a country that has been turned into a third world , spanish speaking cesspool!

Many of us seniors still pay taxes, get $0 free health care, no food stamps, no free food, no free housing and flood your schools with an anchor baby EVERY 9 months & 1 day...we left you with a THE major world power..what will your legacy be??

2007-01-12 03:56:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

www.fairus.org is a good site to look at information on Illegal aliens. Also the Democrates want to pass Immigration Reform which would grant citizenship to the 12 million illegals already in America. Amnesty is not the answer if you ask me. The US needs to get rid of free health care for illegals and rewrite the 14th amendment. Throw those two things in with the employment verification system and illegals would stay in their own country.

2007-01-12 03:53:19 · answer #4 · answered by Josh 4 · 4 0

Most of those 12 millions do pay taxes too, they just can't claim it back because they cash their checks and thats it. Their money is int he budget wheel as much as yours and mine but none of it helps them.
Also most of those aliens work in jobs that nobody else cares to take because of pride or miserable pay. I haven't seen many americans willing to clean a malls bathroom days in day out. They would rather live of the state's weekly assitance. Most illigals though work their *** off over 80 hours a week and live by the dozen in a room to just believe in the american dream.
Their contribution to the economy is worth BILLIONS. Those billions are included in the states budgets that are used for the Seniors.
Unfortunately I wouldn't blame the seniors situation on illigals but on their own families for not caring for them anymore. Their brought you up, clothed you and educated you until you were fit to live by yourself, roughly 18-20 years correct? the average senior retires at 65, add 20 years it's close to the time they die. Can't you give back those 20 years they gave you to them ? or are you too selfish and prefer to put them in luxury baracks instead and see them only once a month.
What part does the government has in it also? Don't forget that the budget distributions are not decided by the illigals but by the LEGAL citizens, through votes and politics. The government has the big vault with the money in it right? Why don't they taxe the 7 figure salaries approprietly. Why cut the rich people's taxes when they are the ones who can actually afford to pay more taxes. Corporations are the biggest source of budget fundings. Though for the sake of "employment encouragement" by the government they get taxes breaks, but I do not see them employing more or paying anyone else but their executive accordingly.

Seniors worked hard during their lives, they contributed with their lives in wars and in all the taxes they paid and still pay also. They vote just like everyone else. How could you even talk about them in such demeaning ways.

You got it wrong on both sides. It's neither the illigals nor the seniors fault.
Thank the government and the selfish citizens !

2007-01-12 03:44:25 · answer #5 · answered by GuyNextDoor 4 · 0 3

regrettably definite! what proportion cases has an unlawful caught Mr and Mrs US Taxpayer with their wellbeing middle bill??? what proportion hospitals have close down via fact illegals do no longer pay??? regrettably those numbers are actual severe! in short an unlawful can get wellbeing care without paying a dime at the same time as US voters, which incorporates Vets can no longer!

2016-12-12 09:55:08 · answer #6 · answered by hergenroeder 4 · 0 0

It is a great country, unfortunately it does not place its own citizens first. Government leaders and judges need to interpret the Constitution in the spirit that it was intended. Our Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves at what has become of their original intent. How sad that political correctness has hijacked this country and replaced any semblance of common sense.

2007-01-12 03:57:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Maybe because the ones who cry the loudest get heard,In my generation,Im 39,we have been spoiled,we do not know what depression is like or what hardships are,we havent had to fight for what is ours it was our seniors who fought for this country so we can live the good life.We have been tought to love everyone and respect others and not be racist.It has gone to far when they (illegals)dont respect us,treat others like you want to be treated,illegals take and take,and its time we Americans take back what our seniors fought for,the freedoms of our country.And i want to add this,Kim and Kysteel are true Americans,they havent forgotten what it is to be a true American,We need to respect our seniors,someday we will be seniors,and we will want our kids to be as proud of us as we are of the ones who fought for our freedoms.

2007-01-12 04:57:45 · answer #8 · answered by horses_america 2 · 1 0

Illegal aliens are trested better anyways...they get no taxes, discounts, special privaliages, yeah all that good stuff that no other american gets...yeah it isnt right but I guess that is the way that the ball rolls

2007-01-12 03:37:40 · answer #9 · answered by c_duvall 1 · 2 0

Why are murderers on death row treated better than most middle class Americans without health care?

Why are prison inmates fed better than the children in our school systems?

Why is the shrinking middle class slipping closer to the poverty line, while those making 6 figures get more and more breaks?

There are many questions like that.

2007-01-12 03:37:46 · answer #10 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 5 1

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