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I have been battling lice in my daughters hair for the last 3 weeks, spending an hour or two every night getting the nits out. But today she was sent home and the nurse said her head was "filled" with tons of nits. I have been sectioning her hair into about 20 sections and have light shining through her hair when I do it.

Any suggestions on how to make it easy to spot them or how to easily remove them? The nurse suggested just plucking the hairs out themselves. I had her soak her hair in vinegar last night for an hour.

I'm starting to more worry about the harshness of the products on her scalp.....

Thanks for any help!!!!!!!

2007-01-12 03:33:11 · 5 answers · asked by espsmommy 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

5 answers

lice nits are very close to the scalp and sort of resemble dandruff so buy lice shampoo and apply it and take a very fine tooth comb and comb through and then nrinse and repeat if needed

2007-01-12 03:39:47 · answer #1 · answered by naughtyornice696 1 · 1 0

The Rid Lice Combs artwork noticeably nicely. you would attempt those. except that, attempt smaller sections, i recognize 20 sections sounds like a lot, yet nits are fairly puzzling to locate. attempt putting your daughter's hair up using a clip and pulling very few strands down at a time. noticeably pay interest to in the back of the ears and the bottom of the neck. in case you want any more suitable help, don't be afraid to ask.

2016-10-30 22:13:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

At camp, they use a very bright light and a magnifying glass. It does work! They stick right out. I know someone that cut their daughter's strands of hair where they found a nit. You do know there is a difference between nits and eggs, right? Nits are hatched eggs and are 1/4" from the scalp. Eggs are close to the scalp where the buggies are... I gotta go wash my hair. It's itching now.

2007-01-12 04:33:23 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa A 4 · 0 0

Maybe at this point, a dermatologist, or regular general practioner could help.

It is much cheaper to go to a dermatologist if you can get a referal from a regular General Practitioner. Cause that shows you really do have a need.

You could possibly try www.webmd.com I hear they are very good.

If her scalp is reacting that badly to over the counter products, than that might be the best method, and maybe the only one to resort to.

I know how a sore scalp feels. I had one from over processing my hair. And that can hurt so bad the thought of putting anything more on it can hurt.

You have my understanding, and I wish you the best of luck for getting you're daughter cured of this problem. Hope all goes well for you.

2007-01-12 04:03:55 · answer #4 · answered by smoothsoullady 4 · 0 0

In these sorts of cases, the only thing that does work is the so-called "harsh" stuff. Just make sure there aren't any allergic reactions while you do it. It boggles my mind why on earth so many people are afraid of the stuff that actually works.

2007-01-12 03:41:15 · answer #5 · answered by Danagasta 6 · 0 0

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